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10th December 2024, 08:08 PM
Toy Review - BOMBSHELL & RAMHORN (Retro reissues)
Series - Retro
Sub-line - The Transformers The Movie
New/remould/redeco - Reissue of original G1 Bombshell & Ramhorn
Wave - 6
Released here - Yes (John Barbuto High Fidelity exclusive)
Approximate Retail Price - $70
Approximate Size - 12cm (Bombshell); 4.5cm (Ramhorn)
Allegiance - Decepticon (Bombshell); Autobot (Ramhorn)
Sub-Group - Insecticon (Bombshell)
Alt-mode - robotic rhinoceros beetle (Bombshell); cassette tape (Ramhorn)
Main Features/Gimmicks - cartoon-inspired deco
Main Colours - all the colours of the Sunbow
Main Accessories - x1 twin-ion impulse rifle, left and right missile batteries, x6 Energon cubes
These toys are reissues. In case you've been living under a Rock Lord for the past forty years, here are links to dirge's reviews on the original Bombshell and Ramhorn toys:
In box

Insecticon mode

Complete set

With G1 Bombshell (TFC reissue)

With Ramhorn

Robot mode

Comparison w/ TFC Bombshell

Comparing backs; as silly as having a yellow back is, I must say that combined with the silver decoes, this really does bring out the back sculpt detail well.

Complete set in robot mode (sorry for the terrible focus)

Comes with all you see here.
12th December 2024, 08:18 AM
I understand they're different releases, It's interesting that Bombshell doesn't have the purple highlights like the other two insecticons recently released. I picked up the other two for my son, but think I'll hold out for Bombshell in the same deco. I know he'll be asking why Bombshell doesn't match the others, lol
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