Series - Retro
Sub-line - The Transformers The Movie
New/remould/redeco - Reissue of original G1 Bombshell & Ramhorn
Wave - 6
Released here - Yes (John Barbuto's High Fidelity exclusive)
Approximate Retail Price - $105
Approximate Size - 16cm
Allegiance - Autobot
Alt-mode - Freightliner FL86 semi trailer truck
Main Features/Gimmicks - cartoon-inspired deco
Main Colours - all the colours of the Sunbow
Main Accessories - x1 laser blaster rifle, left and right fists, Combat Deck/trailer, Roller (wheels already attached), x4 missiles, hose/nozzle/pump (pre-assembled)
These toys are reissues. In case you've been living under a Rock Lord for the past forty years, here is a link to dirge's reviews on the original Optimus Prime toy:
Special thanks to Bladestorm for letting me photograph and review her toy.
This review includes comparisons with:
+ 15th Anniversary Convoy reissue (2000); nearly identical to the original Optimus Prime toy w/ silver Roller
+ New Year Special Convoy reissue (2002); blue windows, blue eyes, blue Roller
Box front
Box back
Top and bottom of the box
Truck mode. Features the rounded full-length smokestacks previously seen in the cab/robot only Kmart reissue.
Truck mode comparison.
L-R: 2000 reissue, New Year Special, Retro
Truck cab front comparison.
L-R: 2000 reissue, New Year Special, Retro
Robot mode
Robot comparison.
L-R: 2000 reissue, New Year Special, Retro
Robot mode with Combat Deck and Roller
Really glad to see the missiles returned to their original size instead of the ridiculous looking long missiles from previous 21st Century Hasbro reissues. The launching mechanism has been completely removed, which I think is the better choice given the adult collector core demographic for G1 reissues. The Retro reissue missiles are dark grey instead of black.
Full set comparison. L-R: 2000 reissue, New Year Special, Retro
Roller. L-R: 2000 reissue, Retro, New Year Special
Notice that Retro Roller (centre) has no headlight decos and has dark grey tyres instead of black