Series - Generations
Sub-line - Studio Series
Hypo-line - Rise of the Beasts
Size/class - Leader
New/remould/redeco - Retool & repaint of Studio Series Optimus Primal
Wave - 17
Released here - January 2025
Approximate Retail Price - $95
Approximate Size - 17cm
Allegiance - Maximal
Alt-mode - cybernetic gorilla
Main Features/Gimmicks - N/A
Main Colours - grey, silver
Main Accessories - x2 swords, x2 chain pieces, TransWarp Key

NOTE: This toy is a redeco of Studio Series Optimus Primal. Refer to the SS Optimus Primal review thread for comments and images of the original mould. This review thread will focus on changes made.



Overall it's a nice enough retool and repaint of Optimus Primal. The robot mode is a carry over from Primal as Apelinq never transformed in the movie. The robot head features a more screen-accurate sculpt of Optimus Primal's head, and Hasbro designer Evan Brooks has said that it's intended to be interchangeable with Optimus Primal's robot head (which is presumably based on an earlier design that never made it to the final cut of the movie).

This toy doesn't really do more than what the original Optimus Primal toy already does, and Apelinq was a disposable one-scene-wonder whose primary purpose in the movie was to show the audience how tough Scourge was. Recommended if you're looking to complete the Rise of the Beasts movie cast, otherwise just stick with Optimus Primal.