Series - Generations
Sub-line - Legacy
Size/class - Leader
New/remould/redeco - Repaint/retool of Legacy Blitzwing
Wave - IV
Released here - January 2025
Approximate Retail Prize - $95
Approximate Size - 17cm
Allegiance - Decepticon
Sub-Group - Triple Changer
Alt-mode - Mitsubishi Mk LXXIV main battle tank, Mikoyan-Gurevich XXV supersonic interceptor & reconnaissance aircraft
Main Features/Gimmicks - Triple Changer
Main Colours - green and silver
Main Accessories - x1 Null gladius, x2 Heat rifles, x2 Energon gauntlets
Note: This toy is a repaint & retool of Legacy Blitzwing. See reviews on Legacy Blitzwing for comments about the original mould. This review thread will focus on changes made.
Robot mode
Heat rifles.
With Energon gauntlets (still lame)
With heat rifle and null gladius.
Tfwiki calls his sword the "Null gladius sword," but "gladius" is just the Latin word for 'sword' (and "null" is Latin for 'nothing'), so tfwiki's just saying, "Nothing sword sword."
With e-Hobby Overcharge in robot mode
Note that the off-white parts have been replaced with silver on the Legacy toy.
With Legacy Blitzwing
Note that Overcharge's Null gladius is a straight up repaint of Blitzwing's Electron scimitar. This is different from the G1/e-Hobby toys where Blitzwing has a rounded blade tip (modified for child safety), whereas e-Hobby Overcharge retains the same pointy sword from the original Diaclone toy. Blitzwing's scimitar has a pointy tip in the Sunbow Transformers cartoon, so I guess it made sense for Hasbro to just give Blitzwing the pointy sword in the first place (and these swords are made of a relatively softer plastic than the Diaclone/G1 swords).
Legacy Blitzwing and Overcharge head comparison
Overcharge has a new head which is more accurate to the original Diaclone/Transformer toy, whereas Blitzwing features a cartoon-based head sculpt.
Jet mode
Jet mode with Energon gauntlets in booster mode. Looks so awesome
Jet mode comparison w/ e-Hobby Overcharge
I must confess that the greyish silver jet parts does look more like the grey fuselage on a real life MiG 25 fighter. It compliments the closer to real life green tank parts. Although tanks do also come in desert beige like on Blitzwing, AFAIK the Mitsubishi Type 74 MBT was only ever painted green.
Tank mode
Tank mode with Energon gauntlets in missile pod mode. Yeah, these gauntlets are going straight into accessory storage.
Tank mode comparison w/ e-Hobby Overcharge
P.S.: Unlike how Legacy Detritus has both an Autobot and Decepticon logo tampographed onto the toy (representing his wavering allegiances as a mercenary), Legacy Overcharge only features tampographed Decepticon insignia. The original Overcharge comes with several different faction stickers to let you decide which side they're on (mine is a minion of Unicron). For those who may not know, Overcharge isn't an individual 'bot, they're mass produced soldiers. They fight for whoever owns them. This is why I only applied Unicron faction stickers on my e-Hobby Overcharge; you have to choose one (unless you pre-ordered half a dozen Overcharges to have one in each faction!).