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Thread: Alternate name for Predacons+Predaking

  1. #1
    Join Date
    20th Apr 2017

    Default Alternate name for Predacons+Predaking

    The names "Predacon" and "Predaking" are awesome, no doubt. But those names get reused a lot for unrelated factions.
    * The G1 Predacons included two animals that were not predators!
    * BeastWars basically renames all Decepticons into Predacons.
    * TFPrime made Predaking the leader of a Predacon subspecies.
    * In comics, Starscream has his own mini-army of randoms called the Predacons.

    I was wondering if there was an alternate name for the G1 Predacons... maybe even a 3rd-party name that could be a useful substitute?
    What would make a better name for their gestalt Predaking?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    They were based on a group called the Anibots, later faction-changed to Anicons, in the early script for Transformers: the Movie. The closest 3rd party set is called the Feralcons and Feral Rex.

    Most G1 gestalt names are basically variations on standard words, e.g. Bruticus = Brute + suffix 'icus', 'Menasor' = Menace + 'or', Abominus = 'Abominable' - 'able' + 'us'. The names are usually reflective of their character or traits, e.g. Defensor is defensively focused, Computron 'computes'/is smart. So if you wanted an original name for him, take something animalistic and scary-sounding and base it on that, e.g. 'hunt', 'savage', 'wild', etc.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by mikeyc7m View Post
    The names "Predacon" and "Predaking" are awesome, no doubt. But those names get reused a lot for unrelated factions.
    Quote Originally Posted by mikeyc7m View Post
    * The G1 Predacons included two animals that were not predators!
    There are LOT of misnomers in Transformers. Just one example: Swoop the Dinobot does NOT transform into a robotic dinosaur.

    I would leave the G1 Predacon names untouched. They had their names first, let them have it. So I'd rather change the names of any other Transformers who've come later and reused the G1 Predacon names.
    BW Predacons = Predatoricons
    Aligned Predacons = Jaegers
    Aligned Predaking = Draco Kaiser

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