Quote Originally Posted by Tiby View Post
With the recent shameless repaints and "versions" of characters (same character in different size classes) I have found it hard to get excited.... <snip>... I really miss the old days where Bumblebee was a Minibot and no other size, Optimus Prime was a larger toy and not remolded in every other size, and there was only one toy for each character.
Tiby, I'm totally with you there.

Those were simpler times, but were also times I enjoyed immensely more. I experience a feeling bordering on disgust when I see this present shameless deluge of repaints and sub-par crass that Hasbro is trying to cramp down our throats. I'm at the point where I really can't be bothered to go out there and get the 'new' toys anymore. Like you, I just can't get myself excited about the new (re)releases.

Seeing that I'm more or less 'there' already for G1, I guess what I'm saying now is, enough is enough and really, no more buying for the sake of buying.