I got the first issue a few days ago. It's interesting, despite the fact that I'm not particularly familiar with the IDW G1 universe.
I really liked the designs for the Dinobots' beast modes.
Also, is it just me, or is Grimlock like Wolverine?
I got the first issue a few days ago. It's interesting, despite the fact that I'm not particularly familiar with the IDW G1 universe.
I really liked the designs for the Dinobots' beast modes.
Also, is it just me, or is Grimlock like Wolverine?
How is Grimlock like Wolverine? If you mean in terms of being an anti-hero then it's nothing new - Grimlock's always been an anti-hero since G1, especially in the Marvel Comics.
And in G2...
And Beast Wars...
...basically, Grimlock's always been like that.
Wolverine always acted as if he prefered to be a loner or work alone. Grimlock on the other hand is not a loner type character as he prefers the Dinobots as company and is very loyal to them.
He is a Team player (even if just his own team) while Wolverine likes to pretend he is a loner (even though most of the time he is not).
I should have made myself clearer.
In my mind, this Grimlock's being like Wolverine in that...oh wait, never mind. I was going to say "he's a badass who gets whole comic series devoted to himself" but that's, like, all Grimlocks.
I read somewhere once that Wolverine has appeared on more comic book and magazine covers than any other X-Men character - so he seems to be a big favourite amongst authors and fans. Grimlock would definitely be a fan favourite and Simon Furman himself has openly admitted that he is his favourite Transformer and that he does enjoy writing about Grimlock.
Does anybody want to buy a bunch of Sunstreakers to repaint as Machination Headmasters?
http://www.tfwiki.net, the Transformers Wiki - Serious intellectual discussion about transforming space robots.
So good to get a continuation of something I have read for the past 3 years.
And nice to get something that is easy to read, and has a decent script as opposed to the AHM stuff.
There has obviously been a little time jump post Revelations, but unlike AHM, it doesn't really matter, it's just a natural pick up of where we left off from Spotlight Grimlock and Devastation.
Roche's art is different from what he has given us thus far, but it's still good, his work on Hunter is not great, but who cares about the squishies right? However his Dynobots/Thunder Lizards are fantastic and the colours are perfect for the series thus far.
Bring on #2, which from the 5 page preview looks to be a good blend of story and violence!
Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)
Yeah I am liking Maximum Dinobots so far. For me, the first issue alone is superior to the first 3 issues of AHM!
I am also glad that its place in continuity with the previous stories is solid unlike AHM.
Maybe if I found a loose lot for cheap... they'd probably be junkers though.Originally Posted by FFN