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Thread: Maximum Dinobots

  1. #21
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
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    Quote Originally Posted by Paulbot View Post
    Oh, no I meant that I thought the body Hunter combined with was the original Sunstreaker body, but it could have been a "streaker". I don't recall exactly what happened in those final issues of Devastation.
    I think Hunter combined with the original Sunstreaker body too, but I am also unsure if that was the case or not. I don't think the machination would have harmed Sunstreaker too much in their capture of him, can't damage the merchandise.

    Didn't Hunter find the disembodied Sunstreaker head though, so why didnt they try and take it then???
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  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by FFN
    I assume it's because the Machination Sunstreakers are like Transtectors - sparkless bodies.
    Less than Transtectors - Transtectors are still living Transformers, but their consciousnesses are not online.

    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks
    But the clones technically are not Autobots...
    I think if we call the Sunstreaker clones "the Streakers" it would benefit us all, if we dare call them "the Clones" we may get the ire of the Star Wars fans!
    Henceforth we shall call them: DI-A-CLONNNNNNNEs!

  3. #23
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Less than Transtectors - Transtectors are still living Transformers, but their consciousnesses are not online.
    That depends on the continuity or time period of said continuity.

    For example, in Headmasters the transtector was completely lifeless as they were 'driven' by the heads which were the true consciousness. The Transtectors basically served a purpose similar to big mech suits as the populace from the Master planet were micromaster in size.

    When we reach Masterforce, that's when the 'dormant consciousness' thing in transtectors begins to apply.

  4. #24
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    Yeah true, I was thinking of Masterforce.

  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    I think Hunter combined with the original Sunstreaker body too, but I am also unsure if that was the case or not. I don't think the machination would have harmed Sunstreaker too much in their capture of him, can't damage the merchandise.

    Didn't Hunter find the disembodied Sunstreaker head though, so why didnt they try and take it then???
    We definitetly saw Sunstreaker's head ("Kill me")... We need to reread those comics

  6. #26
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    Sunstreaker's original body is not seen again after Escalation issue 1. In Devastation 2, Hunter encountered his real head, who begged the human to put him out of his misery lest he bring more harm to the Autobots.

    Hunter asked to become a Headmaster, Sunstreaker warned him the process would hurt. Afterwards, Sunstreaker's real head was slack-jawed and non-responsive. At roughly the same time, the Sunstreaker clones fighting Hot Rod suddenly lose control and are easily defeated.

    (My interpretation is Sunstreaker put nearly all of his conciousness into Hunter so he could get the hell out of there.)

    Sunstreaker's reflexes take over when they are discovered, and they steal one of the many fabricated Sunstreaker bodies to make their escape. It should be noted that when Hunter transforms, he turns into Sunstreaker's normal head, not the more mechanical-looking red-eyed Machination head. Obviously this was done so you could easily tell who was the real Sunstreaker., the Transformers Wiki - Serious intellectual discussion about transforming space robots.

  7. #27
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    Not as good as I’d hoped but still very serviceable by issue #2’s end.

    The biggest flaw in my mind about Maximum Dinobots that is really hurting my enjoyment of it comes from the art side. I cannot stand the new designs for the Dinobots or if you’d prefer “Dynobots”. It’s just plain fugly with the exception of Grimlock’s robot mode. All of the alt modes of the Dinobots and the robot modes are just such a major departure from G1. If you look at the other Autobots/Decepticons, most of them are modernised versions of their G1 selves. Their key features are preserved such as their chests, arms and armour. These Dinobots lose way too much of that in alt mode and robot mode for me to even identify them. Swoop has massive beady eyes and the others are just not even close. I’m all for new but this reinterpretation steers just too far from their original look for me to get completely into the book.

    That issue aside, the rest of the first two issues are very decent. #1 is the mixed bag. It doesn’t get off the ground running but catches us up to speed with where Furman left off. Even though I read both issues consecutively, #1 still reads particularly slow.

    On the art side of things, Nick Roche is an artist that is strange to me. I like him at times whereas others I just want to cry. This time, he’s going for a less sketchy style and more solid buff version and I really don’t mind his art. His art though did get extremely messy in that fight between Grimlock and the Dinobots in #2. I could barely follow the fight.

    On the writing side of things, I can’t help but feel that Furman’s been helped by having only one basket to play in. When he had multiple limited series and the spotlights, he tried to hard and left things all over the place, making it way too hard to follow even to the committed. But he’s nicely settled into this and I really prefer it over his last Revelations and Devastation arcs for that reason. Everything that needs to happen, happens inside this comic. I liked how he’s given us that affection that Grimlock has for the Dinobots. It made the confrontation more dramatic yet gave Scorponok an opportunity to up the ante by actually letting the Dinobots stand off with their commander without having to orchestrate it all

    I particularly love the way Grimlock talks about their past. It gives us a sense of history to the Dinobots which we really haven’t had before, about their bonds and so on. The way Grimlock uses it to undermine Slag though shows how torn he is as on one hand he is holding onto those memories yet on the other side he’s maintaining a steely exterior. All the while, in the background, there’s the tension of just when Scorponok will flick the switch again and turn the Dinobots into his mindless beasts again.

    Meanwhile the Hunter/Sunstreaker duo are okay but what I found to be really annoying was Sunstreaker apologising to Hunter for making how much he didn’t like sharing a body with Hunter. Sunstreaker has always struck me as pretty obnoxious and stern. It just didn’t feel right to me especially given his earlier appearance in the Infiltration series.

    Who are the guys on the ship? I suspect it’s the Predacons which makes me quite expectant. This would be a tussle of the titans for sure.

    Some of my beef with the plot though is there is no fight between Hot Rod and Scorponok. Scorponok goes from the end of #1 to the start of #2 to just kicking Hot Rod’s butt. Its way too jarring a transition to me and I can’t help but feel that a writer as longstanding as Furman could drop the ball like that.

    The Decepticons are still on Earth. This irks me b/c its just on the edge of my mind but #1 brings that back to the fore. I can’t help but question then how and when will this plot get resolved? I suspect we might not even see them given that AHM is in progress. And that to me makes it hard to enjoy as I feel with AHM, we’ve moved passed that and forgotten about a convoluted past but now its still there and unresolved. With AHM its quite easy to ignore b/c I can feel its standalone but here this is where it really hurts b/c it is Furman’s story and I just can’t see Megatron seeing Grimlock and turning a blind eye. I think this might be resolved after AHM is concluded in Furman’s next mini but this might continue to hurt my enjoyment if its constantly in the background.

    I thought that apart from Grimlock, none of the other characters have had much spotlight. Maybe Scorponok but the others to this date haven’t had that much of an impact or chance to shine. To me, it could almost be written as “Grimlock: the limited series”. That's particularly poor for a writer whose supposed to have had so much experience. Scorponok hardly built on any of his previous appearances while Hot Rod seemed to regress backwards and could've really been Autobot01 for all anybody cares. Pathetically poor use of characters to date. Hopefully we’ll get more as the purple one makes his return, the Predacons might even show up and so on.

    Great Moments
    - Is that the Predacons?
    - The opening sequence of the Dinobots on Cybertron – the Dinobots as they should look
    - Grimlock rising from the ice to effortlessly crush the Hunstreakers.
    - The Hunstreaker Armadas - it almost makes me want to go out there and grab a few of them to form another Armada!
    - Grimlock and the Dinobots mouth off against one another

    Cringe Moments
    - Hunter/Sunstreaker conversations - can they be anymore lame?
    - The introduction of the other 4 Dinobots in #1, just fugly. It was supposed to be impressive but the messy art and the fugly Dinobots = hate material
    - Hot Rod gets beaten to pulp. This fight never even started... poorly written. It reeked of "Oh look, I am Scorponok and I'm so great so I can effortlessly slap u around". No tension built up around it, just happened.
    - The US military guys are pretty darned incompetent. In AHM at least, they show some backbone.

    Of the two covers, I could only stomach Nick Roche’s one for #1. Loved the way the viciousness and anger of Grimlock comes to the fore. For #2, I went the other way and preferred the other artists cover. The close up looks quite full of energy and life.

    In all, it’s a decent start and could score higher. #1 I’d give 6/10 b/c its just too slow before it even starts to motor along. I’m constantly bugged in #2 by the fugly alt and robot modes of the rest of the Dinobots and that to me is huge downer on a series that rests on the G1 Dinobots being fan favourites so that’s why I’d give #2 a 6.5/10. Both would be higher perhaps if it wasn’t for the designs which is immensely disappointing as I really wanted to like this a lot more but keep finding myself too often, too easily being pulled out of the story by the fugliness of those reinterpretations.
    Last edited by STL; 20th January 2009 at 01:21 AM.
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  8. #28
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    I've read a suggestion it's not the Predacons (like I thought too) but actually spoiler! the Monsterbots! ... I didn't go back to look at the comic again yet though but it makes sense.

  9. #29
    Join Date
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    can i ask what maximum dynobots is ment to be about?

  10. #30
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    It continues from the events of Revelations and Spotlight: Shockwave but seems to be before AHM.

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