Just picked this guy up the other day and I am impressed.

I was a major Swoop fan back in the day and used to own the incredibly fragile G1 figure ( who is no longer with us) so to pick this guy up I was excited.

Swoop looks pretty good in Alt mode though his legs are a bit too long compared to how they should be or how he looks in the cartoon, just a minor niggle but overall this is a pretty cool looking mode.

Transforming him to robot mode is a piece of cake and once done the robot mode looks sweet!!! Pretty much a perfect representation of how he looks on the screen. He has a ball and chain for a weapon which is really cool though I think it would have been even better if it had a real chain like on the proto pics on the back of the packet instead of the plastic links you actually get.

My only gripe with this figure is what appears to be a production fault. Kind of hard to explain but Swoops wings are hinged on his back which allows for his transformation. One wing has a cover over the screw which is in the hinge and the other does not, when viewed from the under side this problem is still present put the sides reversed so it seems to me that during production part of swoops wing was manufactored incorrectly. I have seen about 8 other figures in the shops and they all have this fault and all the package pictures on the net show the same fault too. It is not a major problem but does visually detract from what would otherwise be a perfect figure.

I am pretty much in love with this one, aswell as the other dino's and I give it a 8/10