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Thread: R.I.D Rollbar review

  1. #21
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    People will always be making critical comments - and I don't mind them as long as they're valid and trying to be helpful as opposed to silly irrelevant comments. For that reason I also have all my video comments set on approval - because quite frankly a lot of people post stupid crap (often from people who want to insult you because you collect toys - despite the fact that they've intentionally taken the time to watch your toy review video and then post an insulting comment about it) (-_-)

    I would recommend setting your video comments to approval basis too for that same reason.

    And lighting's an easy mistake to make at first - I certainly did the same with my early videos, and lighting will always be an issue (just ask any professional cameraperson or photographer). That's why directors typically say "lights, camera, action!" (i.e.: lighting is of primary importance)

    But lighting's an easy mistake to make when you start out because you're not necessarily aware of how bad cameras are at capturing light. Often you sit there in a well-lit room, and as far as your eyes can perceive, it's quite bright. But to the camera it's very dark.

    I attended a wedding recently and during the reception dinner at moments when the photographers wanted to capture important/special moments, they used these really BRIGHT lights that just flooded the entire room (a reception hall) full of light. A lady at my table was facing front-on to one of these lights and it was so bright, she put her sunglasses on (remember that this was at night indoors)!!

    Any time you see professional camera operators in action you can see them very carefully measuring and working with lighting.

    Now I'm not suggesting that you need to set up some professional studio for making your YouTube toy reviews, but yeah - be aware that lighting is important and try your best within reason to make the room as well lit as possible: open windows, turn on all indoor lights and if possible/necessary use a lamp. That's all I do.

    I try to shoot my videos during daylight hours whenever possible, but it's not always possible because obviously I'm at work during most daylight hours.

    There are still people who give me crap despite my best efforts... these are the messages which I delete rather than approve. You can only do your best.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Batemans Bay


    nice work, cant believe that you managed to talk about him for 5 min though

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