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Thread: All Hail Megatron Issues 7 to 12

  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic

    Default All Hail Megatron Issues 7 to 12

    Comments on the first six issues here

    All Hail Megatron #7 comes out today, marking the start of the second half of the series. We all know that the first six issues have very mixed and heated reviews, lets see what we think of the second half of the story.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    That was AWESOME!

    Slightly spoilerrific now

    but yeah!Talk about tying in to what Furman's done!
    Having EJ Su come in to do the bits in the 'past' was great as it was consistent with what came before and ties the two series' even closer in my opinion! Didn't expect any of that! While no explanation was given - they acknowledge the difference in altmodes! I like!
    Last edited by lcz128; 5th February 2009 at 09:08 PM. Reason: ssspoooiiilerrrsss

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    1st Jan 2008


    ---- Drag over space below to reveal spoilers and thoughts ----

    Do you guys think Mirage was the traitor? Personally I think it's too obvious so the traitor is probably someone else and Mirage just got beat up for no good reason.

    Or maybe that's what the writer wants us to think - a kind "reverse psychology" thing.


  4. #4
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    29th Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by lcz128 View Post
    That was AWESOME!

    Slightly spoilerrific now

    but yeah!Talk about tying in to what Furman's done!
    Having EJ Su come in to do the bits in the 'past' was great as it was consistent with what came before and ties the two series' even closer in my opinion! Didn't expect any of that! While no explanation was given - they acknowledge the difference in altmodes! I like!
    I maintain that this issue is damage control over the negative reaction the series has received from some quarters of the fandom over continuity issues and the change in direction, especially as it's 7 issues into the series., the Transformers Wiki - Serious intellectual discussion about transforming space robots.

  5. #5
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    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    As noted above this is the first issue of the second "book" and as such the spoiler long awaited catch up of how they ended up in this situation end spoiler is appreciated.

    I would have much preferred if the first issue spoiler had been the Autobots with new reinforcements preparing for a decisive victory, being betrayed, and ending with Optimus Prime seemingly killed in the spacebridge (I liked the reinvention of that) and Megatron holding the Matrix and threatening to conquer Earth.... After that issue 2 could have been what we saw in issue 1 and so on. The main theme of the story (what happens after you've won/lost) could still have been played out in the remaining 10 issues but it would have a much stronger opening IMHO.end spoiler
    Last edited by Paulbot; 5th February 2009 at 08:18 PM.

  6. #6
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    I don't think it's damage control and rather it's how they planned it- cause really - these things are done months in advanced... Of course it could be my optimism blinding me

    Paulbot: I like how they've done it. They're using a now-commonly-used technique where you start smack bang in the middle and then they elaborate on how they got there. I think the elaboration may have come a tad late - issue 4/5would've been a nice spot - but I still think it works

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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by lcz128 View Post
    I don't think it's damage control and rather it's how they planned it- cause really - these things are done months in advanced... Of course it could be my optimism blinding me

    Paulbot: I like how they've done it. They're using a now-commonly-used technique where you start smack bang in the middle and then they elaborate on how they got there. I think the elaboration may have come a tad late - issue 4/5would've been a nice spot - but I still think it works
    Yeah, I'm exceptionally cynical about this series. I will never believe their claims this series was originally written with Furman's stories in mind., the Transformers Wiki - Serious intellectual discussion about transforming space robots.

  8. #8
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    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by FFN View Post
    Yeah, I'm exceptionally cynical about this series. I will never believe their claims this series was originally written with Furman's stories in mind.
    I agree, I am personally convinced that AHM was meant to be in its own continuity until someone decided to clamp it to the Furman continuity very late in its development for possibly marketing reasons.

    The above has kind of made me loose some respect for IDW as I feel that their official stance on AHM is dishonest and underestimates the intelligence of the readers because it doesn't take a genius to see that AHM doesn't have any coherence with what came before.

    The deceptive style the the series was marketed also gave me a sour taste.

    If they had just come clean from the start, I would be feeling better about IDW. That "we always had Furman's stories in mind" bit from IDW feel more like one of Super Star Funana's type claims.

  9. #9
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    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Issue #7 was good.


    I think Paulbot's right - the flashbacks might have made a much better first issue, but they may also make a good first chapter for the second TPB. I'm glad they got rid of the *tion Decepticon designs - they annoy me - unless a comic has an outstanding reason to abandon toy designs (e.g. The War Within) all Transformers who actually have toys should be based on toys. Is there a reason why Devastator doesn't have his chestplate? Also on the subject of problems I have with the IDW designs... SIRSIB! (Spectro Is Red, Spyglass Is Blue!) Who's the blue Decepticon who looks like he Transforms into a Formula 1 car? Should I recognise him? He's not another Drift is he?

    JAZZ: Any sign of Drift or Blurr?

    Just made me think of:

    HOMER SIMPSON: Whenever Poochie's not onscreen, all the other characters should be asking "Where's Poochie?"

    Ironhide beating up Mirage was probably the most horrific thing I've ever seen in a Transformers comic - extremely well done by McCarthy and Guidi. And it's also good because now we know Mirage isn't the traitor - it's someone else (hurrah!) Overall a great issue - seventeen times better than issue #1, so hopefully the second trade paperback will continue that tradition. And best of all - no humans! (Except cameos from Hunter O'Nion and that-guy-who's-not-Lord-Zarak.)
    Last edited by Sky Shadow; 7th February 2009 at 07:38 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    Quote Originally Posted by Sky Shadow View Post
    Who's the blue Decepticon who looks like he Transforms into a Formula 1 car? Should I recognise him? He's not another Drift is he?
    Yeah I wondered that too because it's clearly not any 1984/84/86 Decepticon. To me the body shape looked liked Swindle (Armada Starscream's Minicon) but the colours were wrong

    The TFwiki names him as Deluge from G2!!! which made me happy to see an existing obscure character used instead of a generic one.

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