Quote Originally Posted by MayzaPrime View Post
My 4 yr old son had a dress up day at his child care. We have a lot of costumes - TMNT, Super Heroes, and TFs. When I asked him what did he want to go as he ran and got an Optimus Prime costume, when I asked him to clean his teeth the then comes out wearing a Ratchet costume. My 2 yr old daughter (who doesnt have a dress up day for her child care) ran and got a Bumblebee costume. What could I say she was so excited and so cute how could I refuse. After dropping my older 2 boys at school I took the younger 2 to their child care center. My daughter walked into her room and yelled "Im Bumblebee" it was just adorable, I couldnt help but laugh.
Very cool

Did anyone elses toddler go through a stage where they seemed to need hardly any sleep? Up until a few months ago Orion would have a daytime name for 1 1/2 to 3 hours, be in bed by 8pm and then get up around half seven in the morning.

Now if he has even a short daytime nap he's up half the night! And it seems no matter what time we put him to bed he is up 10 hours later at maximum. So if he goes to bed at 9pm he's up by 7am. Last night he was asleep by 8.30pm but then was up this morning at 5.45am!

Shouldn't toddlers sleep more than this? He's still only 2 1/2. But he doesn't even seem tired with this drastic reduction in sleep.