Did anyone else not think that this comic book was awesomesauce?

Some brief thoughts (*SPOILERS!*):

+ Great to see Su back at the artistic helm.

+ The story is relatively self-contained. It seems that you could read it on its own without ever having read AHM or other series. I think the story provides enough exposition for it to be enjoyed as a stand alone story (i.e.: you know that the Autobots are in dire straits and deprived of morale - how or why doesn't effect the story).

+ I loved the way that Jazz is portrayed. He's like the Autobot equivalent of Captain America but with the humility of a warrior monk (like Yoda ). His use of tactics in out-maneouvring the Predacons was well played.

+ Jazz kicks BUTT! Some of the best fight choreography I've seen in a TF comic since Geoff Senior.

+ The Predacons were also very cool - and set up in a nice way. I like how they build up this fearsome reputation, making them bad-bottoms long before the fight begins by the virtue that Jazz and Tracks are the sole survivors from two squads of Autobot warriors. There may have been even more squads, but there were no survivors. I also like how Razorclaw is portrayed with a warrior's code of honour -- similar to that held by other Decepticons like Carnivac and Bludgeon, and of course, the Predacon-cum-Maximal Dinobot!

Good read.