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Thread: Revenge of the Fallen Toys comments/discussion

  1. #181
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    That's why you should buy the replacement first. Otherwise, you're always trading the devil you know for the one that you don't.

  2. #182
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Stompy View Post
    I picked up Demolishor after much aprehension and I must say... I take back the negatives I had. This is a nice figure. Great sculpt. Nice looking alt mode and a bot mode that is definately a challenge for those of us who are so used to humanoid shapedbots. The conversion is the real winner for me. Well engineered. Solid in both modes. Can't wait to get Long Haul.
    I knew you'd come good in the end, haha.

  3. #183
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    Well, I'm definitely drinking the Demolisher Cool Aid too, but unfortunately not the Ransack Cool Aid.

    I got Rollbar today which is the only Wave 1 scout I intend on getting after having a play with all of STL's. I really dig his the way his chest rotates through in the transformation. It's almost like an Activator without a spring. Everything clicks in to place nice and firmly as well.

  4. #184
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I refunded my Knock Out and got another one. Same problem as the last one. I really don't want to go through the whole Animated Blitzwing incident again where I'm forever exchanging the toy and not finding any that's not defective in some way. (T_T)
    Time to start opening them at the returns counter methinks!

  5. #185
    Join Date
    3rd Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Stompy View Post
    I picked up Demolishor after much aprehension and I must say... I take back the negatives I had. This is a nice figure. Great sculpt. Nice looking alt mode and a bot mode that is definately a challenge for those of us who are so used to humanoid shapedbots. The conversion is the real winner for me. Well engineered. Solid in both modes. Can't wait to get Long Haul.
    see for some reason when i got demolisher i liked him because his unusual to the others and his ugly i mean in a good way as a decepticon. what about mix do you like mixmaster?

  6. #186
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    I have Mixmaster now, also Green Megs bought em both real cheap but haven't opened them yet so no opinion on them yet. Give, I can't decide with Demolishor should I get him or not? I might grab him tommorow If I can score him cheaply.

    I bought Deadend and Dirtboss. There both pretty good, I don't like them as much as thier larger comrades but still fun. Deadends hands seem to fall of a bit during transformation which is annoying. For some reason though he is my favourte of the two, I assumed from the early pictures I'd prefer Dirtboss but I actualy Like Deadend better, cause he's just more unusual looking and interesting. I do like Dirtboss alt mode a lot though.

    So my personal score so far is 7 ROTF toys I've enjoyed and no duds, so far.....

  7. #187
    Join Date
    4th May 2008


    I'll chime in on the Ransack love. Did everyone know Ransack secretly desires to be a Vehicon.

    What are peeps opinion on Voyager(Green) Megs? Him and HA Bumblebee are the only figures so far I haven't picked up.
    Last edited by Firecracker; 19th June 2009 at 06:52 PM.

  8. #188
    Join Date
    4th Jul 2008


    Deceptic_Optics: I too adore the creepy bot modes of the constructicons. Demolishor just had those gaps that made him look so incomplete, but in person he is a lot better than I imagined.

    I love Mixmaster. He's a bit of a shellformer, which to me is the only negative with this figure. The alt mode is pretty darn good with great detail right down to the little slide tube for the cement to pour out to. The bot mode is just gorgeous with numerous amounts of articulation soy ou can pose him in very creepy ways. Although the arm kibble is annoying and gets in the way. The biggest annoyance with Mixmaster is the assembly error. They put one of the articulated joints on the wrong way and, in turn, makes him look like he has a nappy. I've tried to punch out the pin with a nail and hammer but I got nowhere. Certainly a great figure.

    Firecracker: Green Megs or Crabitron is not too bad at all and is worth considering. His alt mode is very crab like and is just passable. Conversion is relatively simple and he's pretty much a shellformer. His bot mode is the real winner though with a great sculpt, a geared snap out pincer thing on his right arm and a head mould worthy of the great decepticon leader. The articulation on the arms, ball jointed head and swivelling hips allow for some great poses. Although his legs could have done with a few more articulation. The shell back pack actually adds a nice menacing spiked back look or if you fold down the top fins, almost mimics his original movie wings. The green scheme is an odd choice although he does have some silver paint to highlight his jointed areas. His mechalive gimmick are some spinning gears inside his torso (seen thru his armor cracks) when swivelled around.
    Click the link below for a more thorough look at him in both modes.

    I like him. Much more appealing than the leader version.
    Last edited by Stompy; 19th June 2009 at 09:53 PM.

  9. #189
    Join Date
    4th May 2008


    Thanks dude. I'm a bit hesitant to pick him up as he'd be the 4th Megatron I'd own. However he's probably the best out of all of them! Damn my completist mentaltiy!

  10. #190
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008


    I dunno about Crabitron. First of all, the colour, as with the Fallen, is an instant fail for me. Second, let's face it - he looks like a crushed alien crab attempting to bring back 1920's cigarette holders. Third, exactly what is a tank doing at the bottom of the ocean? Harpooning whales so they can harvest enough fat to start a Decepticon soap company? Fourth, I've had far too much to drink tonight..Goodnight

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