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Thread: Revenge of the Fallen Toys comments/discussion

  1. #41
    Join Date
    7th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Stompy View Post
    Legends Optimus Prime - This is perhaps the best Legends class Optimus Prime I've ever laid my hands on. The bot mode is well proportioned with the only real kibble being the large forearms (which resembles the FAB arms actually) but it just makes him look buff more than anything. Conversion is the biggest winner here, with an amazingly engineered transformation that is best left to experiencefor yourself. At this size it's just well engineered. The alt mode itself is also well proportioned and looks highly accurate. With the only real visible kibble being the hand/fists. Otherwise very accurate. I'm well impressed.

    There was no official instructions or pictures alluding to having a combined mode for OP and Jetfire. From what I could tell you just peg the two together. Jetfire in alt mode and OP in bot mode. Looks great if just a backpack.
    The transformation of Legends OP is simply amazing. He's like a mini version of the Leader Class toy from the first movie. Brilliant.

    Pics and comparisons of the combined mode:

  2. #42
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    Sideswipe First Thoughts

    He has a puzzle-former look in alt mode, although no where near as obvious as Universe Ironhide. His paint job is very similar to Premium Jazz, so he looks nice and shiny, but there's plenty of room for smudges, chips, blobs and other blemishes. I think it's a pretty impressive alt mode. Very nice.

    It's been so long since I played with new Movie toys, I've forgotten how fiddly they are . Nothing popped off, but both of the toys I've played with require the plastic's flexibility to get certain parts around other parts, and it does have a light and thin feel to it.

    The transformation reminded me a bit of Animated Blurr as I pulled this shard out this way, and another out that way. There's a lot of kibble in robot mode (basically all the planks of the Corvette minus the boot where his head pops out), but it's folded up as a backpack and I don't think it hinders his aesthetic too bad.

    His bot mode has great proportions. The flip out blades are automorphed so that if you move one half, the other half flips around perfectly in sync. There are three hydraulic looking connectors from his thigh to his shin, one in the back and two in front. The two in front are soft rubber plastic and give the bot mode and his movements a very realistic feel, but you have to be considerate of them as you move his thighs around as they can get caught in a crack and get snapped. Unfortunately, his face seems to just be the light, plain gray they covered up so well nearly everywhere else with metallic paint.

    Lastly, I've only transformed him to bot and back once, but while he was in bot, I simply could not stand him up. Not due to balancing issues, but this is another bot with wheels for feet, a la Bonecrusher. The only difference being he doesn't seem to have that stabilizing peg that Bonecrusher did.

    Leader Prime First Thoughts

    Leader Prime is pretty amazing. The first transformation was painful. I used the instructions and it still took me around least 20-30 minutes. By the I returned it back to robot mode, I was much more comfortable and already in awe of some of the subtleties. There is a peg and a slot for everything (w/one slight exception).

    The robot is considerably more posable than 2007. However, there's a slight annoyance in that you can't have his arms straight at his side (or even close) with the blades retracted. They really conflict with the back of his shoulders. His neck is not on a ball joint, but the plank it sits on has its own articulation therefore giving you pretty much any position that a ball joint would.

    Fear of Premium Series: The red and the blue are more reminiscent of the 2007 Premium Series than the regular series. Unfortunately, there's still an abundance of "Hasbro Gray". The two shoulder points are painted metal, but that's about it. I hope there is a Premium Series, or even better a Takara Premium Series, because some painted metal and a touch of chrome would give this thing utter perfection.

    Interestingly enough, it's approximately the same height as MP Grimlock and Starscream and looks surprisingly well next to them. I recently re-boxed up my MP-4 because it didn't blend well with MP-3/8. This new Prime will hang with them in the meantime.

  3. #43
    Join Date
    4th Jul 2008


    I concur witht he impressive engineering feat that is RotF Leader Optimus Prime. When I finally got the bot in my hands I just couldn't fathom how that thin lanky bot would convert into a truck.

    The robot mode is relatively kibble free except for the biggest downfall of the figure... the damn shoulder kibble and forearm kibble plus the blades completely bash against each other overlapping and just cannot sit right. It affects arm movement and I was severely dissapointed with that. The legs were great with hip joints, knee joints and a ball jointed feet. The mech alive gimmick is not all that good and the effect makes it look like OP is about to combust.

    However the real winner here is the conversion. Like jay said. Initial transformation took me a good 30 minutes as Hasbro's instructions were of no help and there was even a few errors. Just be careful at:
    - step 4 (requires precise alignment and pegging them properly in the right spots)
    - step 7 (the chest piece that looks attached inside his chest grille is meant to be popped out of it's groove)
    - step 10 (requires a fold down of the shoulder pin joint while swivelling the shoulder joint back wards)
    - step 16 (the diagram is actually helpful here, just pay attention as you need to wedge it into the wedges in the arms)
    - step 18 (requires the canisters to be up and not in the spot shown in the diagram, as you will never get the panels to fold over the canisters).

    Of note in the conversion is the amazing way the full smokestack converts together and how the chest turns into the actual truck cab and still retain the mech alive gears gimmick.

    The truck mode is beautiful with nary any seams or any obvious visible bot kibble on the underside. Absolutely seamless and you feel rewarded for such a puzzling conversion at just how it all fits together. If I was to point out something - the gap near the utility box and gas tanks are a little annoying but nothing major. You may wonder where the button for the truck mode sound effects is, it's just on the back of the cab on the grey panel, the small square on the left with the little triangle. Thanks to jay for pointing that out to me as there was nothing hinting it in the instructions and only a vague useless pointer in the back of box.

    Quite simply an engineering marvel. This is why I love Transformers.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    A little to the left... a little bit more...


    Leader Class Optimus Prime is a work of art!!!

    Honestly, the figure is so impressive in so many ways I cannot even begin to describe them all. It's very movie accurate (well, in relation to the 1st movie anyway) and both modes are exceptional!

    I will agree with others though and say that the first transformation is very painful. I got frustrated on many occasions - the instructions are useless at some steps! But once you get your head around what's actually supposed to be happening, it flows easily. The second and third transformations are a breeze - just push through that first one!

    I was very impressed by the look of Leader Megatron too - I haven't got him yet but I will in the next day or so.

    Prime has won me over - I'm looking forward to several of the ROTF figures now... I just hope the others can live up to the lofty heights of expectation that this wonderful Optimus Prime has set.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Leader Prime looks hard to transform and the instructions are useless. I might go watch a video review or something before attempting to transform the toy because I'm afraid of breaking something - particularly the chest panels.

    My thoughts on other figures I got...

    Leader Megatron: Much like Leader Megs from the first movie, it transforms from an alien robot into a mashed up alien robot that's meant to be a vehicle. If you didn't like Megatron from the last movie line then you won't like this one any better. In robot mode the left arm is ridiculously small while the right cannon-arm (there's no hand) is ridiculously huge. The electronic block in the torso really hampers engineering, much like in the last Leader Megs toy. I'm glad I got this on sale at Kmart... even then I feel ripped. If you really want a RotF Megatron I'd recommend getting the FAB version over the Leader.

    Demolishor: A clever transformation which achieves a silly robot mode. And the engineering in this toy really doesn't justify it being a Voyager - I think this toy could've easily been done as a Deluxe. As one may imagine, the toy's a bugger to stand.

    Rampage: Like Demolishor, there's a lot of cleverness in the transformation but the end result is disappointing. Hasbro's instructions are also inaccurate with the transformation to robot mode. Boo. Considering that the supposed reason why the Constructicons cannot merge is to make the individual toys better, I am really disappointed. After transforming these Constructicons I thought to myself, "That's it? And you guys don't even merge??!" (o_O) Fail!

    Sideways: Quite fiddly for a Deluxe. Some clever elements in this design include a free-spinning false wheel on the left arm. The red is kinda garish and the tiny-tiny feet make the toy nigh-impossible to balance.

    Sideswipe: My favourite RotF deluxe so far. Surprisingly this toy isn't that hard to make stand. The trick is to position the toy so that it leans forward and the panels on the front of the feet will support the toy in a standing position. I've tried this on both a smooth surface and on carpet and it worked on both surfaces. Win!

    Dead End: A small, simple yet elegantly designed toy.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    30th Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Sideways: Quite fiddly for a Deluxe. Some clever elements in this design include a free-spinning false wheel on the left arm. The red is kinda garish and the tiny-tiny feet make the toy nigh-impossible to balance.
    +a zillion
    his legs are like that of a goat XD

  7. #47
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    I must say I'm tempted by Leader Class Optimus, and I usualy hate Leader Class toys. I wish I could find some Deluxe toys or Scouts, instead of lame FAB's everywhere. Don't Kmart want to sell thier stock???

  8. #48
    Join Date
    9th Apr 2008


    leader OP - unopened so far
    leader megs - unopned so far - am i the only one who has bought him?
    rampage - unopened so far
    knockout rollbar dirt boss well you get the picture

    you all make me want to open them!!! argh

    i have serious issues with the paint ala my thread
    also have issues with the pricing

    apart from that im really looking forward to being broke for the next year or so

  9. #49
    Join Date
    4th Jul 2008


    Holy moly. The new Starscream mould has a mindblowing conversion. It may look like it has the same conversion based on the bot mode looks but it's completely brand new. Nothing of the old mould has been reused at all. This is a must have for conversion/engineering fans.

    The alt mode is definately a gigantic step up from the kibble heavy belly of the original and now looks like an actual jet.The only real complaint is the ridiculous hands/claws visible up back. It totally ruined this alt mode. What makes it worse is that the instructions show a claw with a double joint that allows you to fold the fingers inwards over the palm to hide it in alt mode. I guess manufacturing costs held it back in this already joint heavy delight.

    The bot mode retains the look of movie Starscream but what is amazing is the conversion and what parts of the jet form together to form the robot parts. Quite stunning in its execution especially considering the mech alivwe gimmick works a treat despite its unusual conversion.

    Also got my hands on Double Blade Optimus Prime Fast Action Battler and although it looks the same as the first movie's FAB version, it is a completely new mould. The bot mode is a little rough with no elbow joints and a rather short arm, but the foldout launcher and the double blade gimmick works very well. The conversion is a lot more involved for a FAB which almost makes it deluxe quality. The alt mode is seamless. No real visible robot kibble nor does it look like a shellformer like most other FAB's. It's quite stunning in truck mode. The use of silver paint baffles me considering the size class when compared to the Leader version where it was just Hasbro Grey™. Baffling. For FAB fans this one is definately the best of the range so far followed by Long Haul.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Nabbed me a dirtboss last night and he is a fun little figure.

    Could do with a touch more paint (but all the scouts could) but the transformation is clever without being difficult, and my version was well built, the arms are tight, but not to the point that you fear they will snap off, and the legs are sturdy enough to support his arms and blades.

    I want a second one to play around and paint on, the green suits him, but the grey needs to go.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

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