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Thread: Revenge of the Fallen Toys comments/discussion

  1. #81
    Join Date
    27th Jun 2008


    what the hell am i doing wrong with rampage???

    behind the bulldozer blade, where dowes the bit between the 2 pistons go???

  2. #82
    Join Date
    10th Mar 2008


    Just spent about 20 minutes transforming Leader prime, must say i'm impressed with how everything slots in but as other have mentioned, the instructions really don't help at all.

    What a fine piece! But prefer bot mode

  3. #83
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    I saw the leaders today. Megatron's gimpy arm didn't look as bad as in pics but it is still bad. Leader Prime on the other hand looks awesome but I still think his paint job is somewhat cheap.

    The voyager Prime looked very mediocre to me, almost KO red plastic but Starscream looked pretty decent with a greatly improved Jet mode but the claws sticking from the back really hurt it.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post

    The voyager Prime looked very mediocre to me, almost KO red plastic but Starscream looked pretty decent with a greatly improved Jet mode but the claws sticking from the back really hurt it.
    Oddly enough that's the only ROTF TF's Ive had a chance to look at so far, and overall I must say I'm impressed. I really like the jet mode, the claws at the back are a bit of a pain, but at least there flat black so they don't jump out at you. Overall though I find him to have a very good jet mode for a regular Hasbro toy, certainly the best depiction of a F22 to date. He also has landing gear that's not embarasing, a rarity for a TF these days.

    Robot mode is pretty cool, though it does lose out to the original in some places, mainly that ROTF Starscream has even more distance between shoulders than the original. He's also a bit smaller though I consider this an advantage as he looks better standing next to Blackout, deluxe Brawl etc etc. The mecha alive gimmick is pretty meh, but it does add some nice detail. And as long as were talking detail, I love Starscream's new head sculpt it looks spot on to the movie.

    Overall though aside from the Jet mode the other place ROTF Starscream outcalsses his predecessor is in his transformation. ROTF Starscream is way more interesting.

    So overall my first ROTF toy experience has been a good one, overall ROTF excitment for me has increased by 15%. We'll see if that lasts when I open the next one.

  5. #85
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    ROTF Knock Out is cool. In the Diggerverse he is the little brother of Energon Arcee.
    I like ROTF Dead End as well. Creepy looking little bastard with great hands although at some angles the wrist and elbow articulation is a little loose.

  6. #86
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Krayt View Post
    what the hell am i doing wrong with rampage???

    behind the bulldozer blade, where does the bit between the 2 pistons go???
    I didn't really spend much time with this (as I converted it to bot and haven't changed it back yet) but I know what you're talking about. When turning it into bot those 2 pistons fell down and I was trying to think where they'd go when converting back... From what I could tell at the time there isn't anything to attach them too (like there is in bot mode) - they just kinda float around amongst the other stuff. :/

  7. #87
    Join Date
    7th Jan 2008


    Difference on TakaraTomy Japan release of Leader Class Optimus Prime:

  8. #88
    Join Date
    4th Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Krayt View Post
    what the hell am i doing wrong with rampage???

    behind the bulldozer blade, where dowes the bit between the 2 pistons go???
    If you look at where his two front legs sit in alt mode. You will see the black tips on the end of the legs which should have enough space to sit the piston connection to. Although it isn't too secure. I would have thought it connects to the back of the blade but there's not such connections.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    As cool as the toys may be... the lack of paint makes me sad Will be skippin' most of the movie toys I think...

    Current Wants:
    Shadow Scyther

  10. #90
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus



    Was most annoyed at the amount of paint damage to various sideswipes from twist ties no less. Have had less trouble than I thought getting him to stand up and have actually managed to get some cool poses. The Mech-alive thing is pretty cool, with the "tendon" bits on the thighs and kneecaps.

    Dirtboss is nifty, but when I have him forky mode, the side panels don't sit flatly. Am I doing something wrong? I have the arms pegged to the legs and everything looks as it should, but they just don't fit right.

    Like Knockout, especially the way his head looks like the nose of the bike!

    Leader Prime is lovely jubbly. Nice to have a movie accurate toy this time. I like the lanky look over chunky TF1 version. I will have 1in trck mode and ROTF in robot mode for sweetness. Shame about the blades blocking arm movement, but at least they are there!

    Soundwave. Hmm, cool robot mode as he looks nice and regal, but the vehicle modes dont do it for me. Probably coz they don't look like anything. STill not too shabby.

    I like the look of Starscreams Tats, but I won't be getting one.

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