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Thread: Revenge of the Fallen Toys comments/discussion

  1. #221
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Was it just me, or did others hear Lazerbeaks name mentioned?

    When Sam and Mikaela were hiding in that house when they were trying to get to Optimus, and then that little TF bug came through the hole in the wall and Sam tore its head off.

    Listen out for it if your going to see it.

  2. #222
    Join Date
    26th May 2009
    Wantirna South, Melbourne


    I did love the bit where the constructicons killed one of thier own to bring back megatron.
    "Ding-a-ling, come out and get yo ice cream. Any bad robot out there better get ready for an ass-whoopin" - Skids and Mudflap

  3. #223
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Yeah - so violent and cruel! Ditto the way that Demolishor raped the other Constructicons to form Devastator and the way Jetfire sacrificed himself and the Autobots just cannabilised his body to upgrade Optimus Prime! PHWOAR!!

  4. #224
    Join Date
    4th Jul 2008


    Recently got Cannon Bumblebee, Mudflap and Ravage.

    Canon Bumblebee I like a lot. Prefer it over the original mold now despite it's solid torso panel. They could have engineered to have the headlight portions of the car slide upwards to be more accurate and less blocky as the rest of the torso make Bumblebee a lot more solid and meaty than the thin wiry original. The arms may look a tad small but works for me. The new head sculpt is awesome a massive improvement over the original mold and i think is different to preview mold. The legs are exactly the same right down to the gap and pegs for the original mold weapon to slot into in vehicle mode but with his new hands, he is unable to hold that weapon. All clear plastic posrtions now use soldi plastic painted over with glittery blue paint to simulate a glass look, which works ok. This is my preffered movie Bumblebee now. The cannon is ok but nothing to write home about. Probably more striking in vehicle mode. Worth considering.

    Mudflap's vehicle mode is actually bigger than it seem to appear in package and is probably too large to be in scale with the likes of deluxe Bumblebee, Sideswipe and Sideways although his robot mode is definately in scale being a good deal shorter than any of the other autobot deluxes. His conversion is quite funky with some folds, swivels and flips of panels everywhere and a very nice springloaded gimmick for the chest and a simple but effective "mechalive" arm cannon. Am glad to say that my Mudflap have the correct feet and assembled properly unlike some of the unlucky owners from previous posts. Also no paint app problems here.

    Ravage has a very nice feline figure with highly articulated legs and a great sculpt all around. While the legs are really well articulated with excellent hinges all over the right spots. His tail though while well articulated could have done with a few more to allow for greater poseability. The spikes on his back are a nice look and is made of ruberry plastic. The head is stuck on its one position due to the gimmick which is a lever on his back that you slide forward (not press or flip) to make his head stretch out, jaw open and ears flip back. While a very nice gimmick, its dissapointing that there is no articulation for poses. The "entry" mode is a little forced but isn't as big an after thought as I anticipated as there's a lot more folds and pegging than I expected, although its still not a convincing alternate mode and laughable in the line. Don't get this assuming the entry mode is like TFM Preview Protoform Prime or Screamer's entry mode. Those had more believable comet shapedentry modes. I still love the figure due to my love for Ravage but it's probably a pass to a lot of others.

  5. #225
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Chadstone, Vic


    I've only just learnt that Legends Optimus Prime and Legends Jetfire can combine! That's so neat, it makes me like both figures a lot more!

    (Excuse crappy webcam pics!)

  6. #226
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    i bought Dirtboss today, my first TF2 toy
    hes a forklift

    its a very fun toy, lots of detail for a small toy. Could have had a bit more to make it even more realistic.

    The robot mode is good, but i like the vehicle mode better. the forks tilt

    bought it at pricey Myers, and i couldnt find a competition entry form or any info on the comp.

    Dirtboss is a forklift, he rocks!

  7. #227
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Comparison between TF1 and RotF Voyager Starscream:

    Jet mode:

    TF1 has nicer colours (even disregarding the tattoos which I'm not a fan of as a toy-enthusiast but have come to accept as a fan of the fiction). Overall RotF Starscream has a more realistic looking F22 mode except for the length of the nose - I think it should be longer like TF1 Starscream, but I can easily forgive it because of the nature of the toy's transformation. Also the accuracies in RotF SS outnumber the inaccuracies when compared to TF1 Starscream. The tail fins look more realistic and the missiles under the wings look nicer than the oversized gattling cannons on TF1SS. Mind you, the gattling cannons are more fun to play with (). There's also a certain "G1" coolness to the way that the missiles stow under the wings of RotFSS too.

    Another huge plus with RotFSS is the absence of the gap on TF1SS's canopy. But my biggest dislike of TF1SS's jet mode is the way that the robot head is so poorly concealed. This is not a problem at all with RotFSS whose robot head is completely hidden from view. The main drawback in terms of exposed robot kibble with RotFSS is the hands. The instructions show that the hands can be folded in, but the toy seems incapable of doing this. I suspect that this may be an earlier design feature that was removed for budget/cost reasons.

    The undercarriage:

    Making a jet mode is never easy due to its streamlined design, but here you can see that RotF Starscream does a much better job in concealing the robot parts with a far less chunky undercarriage. It makes the jet mode look not only more like a real F22, but also look like it could actually take off!! (whereas TF1SS looks more like a tank with wings). The only complaint I'd make is that the plane tends to lean down forward.

    Robot mode (front):

    One word: HANDS! The way that the gattling guns have been converted into forearm-mounted missile launchers on RotFSS is also a neat "G1" feature (whether intentional or coincidental). RotFSS's robot mode is also a helluva lot more movie-accurate than TF1SS for those of you who really care about that sort of thing. I don't, so I must say that overall I prefer TF1SS's robot mode. I prefer the head sculpt on TF1SS, the way that TF1SS's chest and cockpit split apart is cool (this doesn't happen at all on RotFSS) and I'm not a fan of how those two panels just stick out on top of RotFSS's shoulders like that. You can fold them down, but the official transformation has them sticking up. For some odd reason, RotFSS's light piping has been negated because the eyes are painted... same with what Hasbro did with toys like Animated Starscream and SlagSnarl. RotFSS's shoulders don't sit as securely as TF1SS's and for no apparent reason, he has more limited elbow articulation. The groin formation on RotFSS is better than TF1SS's though.

    Robot mode (back):

    Here we see RotFSS's greatest flaw - he's a bit of a shellformer. And that backpack doesn't lock in anywhere securely... it just kinda sits there. :/

    Overall I would agree with what others have said about RotFSS being a better toy than TF1SS. Both toys have good and bad points, but RotFSS balances out with far more merits. The jet mode looks more realistic and the robot mode looks more movie-accurate. The gimmicks are more peripheral and far less overwhelming than on TF1SS, thus allowing more for actual engineering of the toy -- TF1 Starscream's main body kinda 'expands' from jet to robot whereas RotF Starscream actually transforms from jet to robot!

    I don't know if this toy is worth a standard Voyager price, but since it's currently on sale at Myer, coupled with a MyerOne discount if you have the card, it allows you to get it for about $6 above the standard price of a Deluxe... at that price I think it's well worth it.

  8. #228
    Join Date
    19th May 2009


    i will most definitely NOT be getting Sideways unless it comes in some sort of pack. Seriously the quality of this figure is just...UGH. Sure it might please some people but not me...jeez, useless excuse for a transformer

  9. #229
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    I prefer ROTF Starscream to his predecessor in both jet and robot mode, the new one is just so much more sleek and mean looking. I guess in the case of the movie toys acuracy is a big draw for me because I realy despise the TF1movie SS's head sculpt.

    ROTF Starscream is probably one of my most favourte Voyagers in the whole movie series 1 and 2.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ironhide63 View Post
    i will most definitely NOT be getting Sideways unless it comes in some sort of pack. Seriously the quality of this figure is just...UGH. Sure it might please some people but not me...jeez, useless excuse for a transformer
    Yep he pleases me, he is also among my favourtes, though I did need to give him a black wash to bring out the sculpts detail.

  10. #230
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    My main gripe with Sideways are his tiny tiny feet which make him a mongrel to stand. Otherwise I'm satisfied with the toy. Far less satisfied with his on-screen appearance!!

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