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Thread: Star Trek Movie - Possible Spoilers

  1. #21
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    Saw it Saturday night.

    Damn it was good, why couldn't Orci and Kurtzman have written Transformers to be that good (I have a feeling Bay doesn't like "smartly written films", he cannot understand them ).
    Orci and Kurtzman were reportedly actual Trek fans. Therefore more love and familiarity = a better movie. Oh and J.J Abrams actually knows how to work with characters.

    In contrast with transformers however, orci and kurtzman involvement with the franchise was basically 'yeh we watched the cartoons as a kid, wouldn't a movie be cool?'.

    Basically I feel that not enough love, respect and understanding went into the transformers film (on a leadership level).

  2. #22
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Originally Posted by Paulbot
    I got bugged when Uhuru ordered a Cardassian drink. Partly because Cardassia and that sector (Bajor, Feringinar) were in the fringes of the Federation 80 years later. Partly because at that time Cardassian's would already have invaded Bajor I believe, so if the Federation did know about them and didn't liberate Bajor for another 80 years... no wonder the Bajorans are always so pd off.
    Maybe they knew about Cardassians but had no diplomatic relations, like the Klingons In Enterprise. Perhaps its to far out of Federation space to do anything about I thought it was cool to refrance a race synonymous with later Trek series.

    But thinking back about that movie 2 days later now and I have to say, yeah it was just plain fun all the way through.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    29th Apr 2008


    Star Trek is a much more venerable, much more respectable fiction that demands kid-gloves careful treatment even though this is the single-biggest shakeup in the history of the franchise.

    Orci and Kurtzman were essentially tasked with the same goal for both = revive both franchises for the big business and make it accessible to everybody else, not just the fans. They succeeded. Transformers was hugely successful and had good word-of-mouth according to market research. Star Trek possibly has less wide appeal due to the stigma of it being Star Trek, but it has extremely positive reviews overall, what is expected to be very good word of mouth, and the opening weekend so far suggests it will do very well.

    But yes, JJ Abrams is a better director and a much more pleasant person than Michael Bay.
    Last edited by FFN; 11th May 2009 at 01:50 PM., the Transformers Wiki - Serious intellectual discussion about transforming space robots.

  4. #24
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    Great movie! Highly recommended!

    Last edited by TheDirtyDigger; 16th May 2009 at 08:07 PM.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Saw it the other day


    Read my review in full or die in Spain!

    I eventually roped someone into seeing it with me, my friend had seen it before but was happy to see it again.

    The trailers before this film are great, TRANSFORMERS 2!!!! Terminator 4 Time for War and something else that was good but i cant remember

    Okay, because im not like the rest of you, ie: I dont like spoilers unlike you, i don't look up the plot and story on the internet prior to seeing the actual film.

    I first got into Star Trek when channel 7 showed the Animated series

    after i saw First Contact i was hooked

    Star trek 11 breaks the old rule that every odd numbered Star trek film is crap (Spaced)

    Definitely better then Star trek 10 Nemesis, man that was a piece of crap!!!
    Not written for hardcore trekker of common man off the street, not even marketed toward testosterone charged teens, it was so bad!!!

    The good thing about Star Trek 11 is that it caters to most people with a functioning brain. And its in continuity with the other films... you have to see it to understand.

    The Romulan ship looked like crap, just like the Romulan ship from Nemesis

    Simon Pegg did a pretty convincing scotch accent
    New spock is great

    The references to other series etc was good, not too many and not too nerdy. Woooo 'Enterprise' got a mention, take that Lord zed!!! DS9s not too hot now is it

    New Kirk is okay, because of the pace of the filum, i didnt feel as though teen kirk received alot of screen time.

    Doctor McCoy, was great! I didn't think the actor looked like a typical male from the Confederate states of America, the voice sounded a bit fake.

    finally, a reason to fantasice about Uhura

    Kinda Spoilers ahead....but then again you all like spoilers!!!

    Lord Zed is correct, thats how they know about the Cardassians

    Also, Spock is now trapped in the alternate universe, i declare that this universe be called the "Sexy Teenagers Cadet appeal to general public" universe or as Kup called it last year "Star trek 91210"

    i shall see it a second time, its that good!

  6. #26
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Im so glad it wasn't written or had anything to do with the idiots Brannon and Braga

    they are the 2 responsible for having good ideas but crap execution.

    Eg: DS9 , Voyager and Enterprise seasons 1-2

    Read this, these guys are full of themselves and their disregard for continuity

    And that woman who writes the original series novels, cant remember her name but you can tell that she is someone who thinks its still the 1960s and computers have giant magnetic reels on them still. honestly, her stories are so woeful and bizarre, almost every book she writes involves a giant organic spaceship or aliens who make the protagonists question their sexuality.

    the new movie is so good i immediately bought some toys after the film, the playmates company has the Star trek brand again. They churned out an impressive number of action figures in the 90s and early 21st century.

    unfortunately the new movie toys are not in scale with the old playmates figures.

    The figure bases double as badges!!!!

    Hooray!!! Pike is in the film, he rocks!!!

    If anyone has any Star trek toys and wanna give them away or sell them, call Roller NOW!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by roller View Post
    Star trek 11 breaks the old rule that every odd numbered Star trek film is crap (Spaced)

    Simon Pegg did a pretty convincing scotch accent
    He had to hold that one in.
    Which brings us to where we are today...

  8. #28
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    SO, watched it at last

    I enjoyed it from start to end, and as a relative noob to the whole Star Trek thing, I had to ask the mate of mine that I went to watch it 'did they mess up continuity'? And pretty much got told that they screwed it up from the very start of the film. Har har XD

    So, like I said, I enjoyed it - but I think as a comic reader that may be slightly jaded at the concept, ALTERNATE REALITIES... they just... feel so ... fanwritten or something :\
    Feels like something out of some crisis or other and I guess LISTENING to characters onscreen discuss the complexities of alternate realities (not that complex, really) had me cringing a bit and wanting to roll my eyes... waaaay too much exposure to that kind of thing in years before I suppose :\

    Didn't stop the enjoyment though - Kirk did however - only seem to have one expression: "I've just been beaten up - OW"


    Current Wants:
    Shadow Scyther

  9. #29
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by roller View Post

    If anyone has any Star trek toys and wanna give them away or sell them, call Roller NOW!
    Not toys as such but I have these beautiful fob watches in leather casing I may be interested in selling...

    1st one.


    2 one.


    Size comparison with Bombshell.

    Of course they are expensive.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    well i charge by the hour

    we can use the watches to check the time

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