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Thread: Star Trek Movie - Possible Spoilers

  1. #11
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Batemans Bay


    seen it last night and thought it was pretty good, liked the heroes dude that played spock.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    3rd Nov 2008


    Oooh, wicked Sylar. Gotta watch this film!
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  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Chadstone, Vic


    I went to see it in IMAX here in the US last night, but it was sold out, so instead I saw it in a regular cinema... but it was fantastic. Most enjoyable movie I've seen all year. It was just amazing and full of geeky Trek fans stuff. Still not sure a non-Trek audience is going to live it as much, but I want to go see it again today. (Star Trek is third on my geek fandom hierachy).

    Oh and it did have a different TF trailer before it to the one that was before Wolverine.

    Spoiler for Star Trek:
    There's a scene in the climax where Kirk is on the ground being choked and it looks like the end for him and it cuts away to what Spock's up to... and I laughed thinking it would be so perfect to came back to "First your father, than Pike and now you, it's a pity you humans die so easily or I might have a sense of satiscation now"

  4. #14
    Join Date
    29th Apr 2008


    I love this film. As I've told Roberto Orci (one of the writers), as much as I am a Transformers fan, I am an even more passionate Star Trek fan, though I tend to keep that to myself. I have never felt so satisfied to have my faith rewarded in a film.

    A scene at the start of the movie I think is beautiful.

    And AHAHAHAHA it proves Orci and Alex Kurtzman CAN write, despite what all critics of the 2007 Transformers movie say! It's currently holding onto 96% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes with 218 reviews in total (209 positive, 9 negative, IIRC). Apparently it's the best-reviewed wide-release film of 2009 so far, and frankly, I don't think any other wide release film this year has a chance of toppling it in terms of critical acclaim.
    Last edited by FFN; 10th May 2009 at 10:56 AM., the Transformers Wiki - Serious intellectual discussion about transforming space robots.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    25th May 2008
    Mount Barker, South Australia


    okay i just say this movie tonight and im a bit of a trekkie myself and grew up with the original series which i think is the best Star Trek ever, and yes i thought it was awesome but they did change previous Star Trek history which i didnt like too much but oh well i will just have to get over it.

    I would have to disagree with you Paulbot i think the general audience will enjoy it more than the Trekkies the geeks will just pick it to death where as the normal cinema goer like the non Star Trek fans that i saw it with will just watch it for what it is and not what it should be like and the freinds that i saw it with thought it was awesome too.

    There were a couple of things that just bugged me like Pikes' age he was too old the Enterprises exterior appearence was changed just a little bit too much oh and the whole Spock and Uhuru thing that was just WRONG! and Chekov shouldnt of even been there either!

    But it was still a great movie too watch, and the guy who played McCoy did a top notch job absolutely spot on.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by loophole View Post
    okay i just say this movie tonight and im a bit of a trekkie myself and grew up with the original series which i think is the best Star Trek ever, and yes i thought it was awesome but they did change previous Star Trek history which i didnt like too much but oh well i will just have to get over it.

    I would have to disagree with you Paulbot i think the general audience will enjoy it more than the Trekkies the geeks will just pick it to death where as the normal cinema goer like the non Star Trek fans that i saw it with will just watch it for what it is and not what it should be like and the freinds that i saw it with thought it was awesome too.

    There were a couple of things that just bugged me like Pikes' age he was too old the Enterprises exterior appearence was changed just a little bit too much oh and the whole Spock and Uhuru thing that was just WRONG! and Chekov shouldnt of even been there either!

    But it was still a great movie too watch, and the guy who played McCoy did a top notch job absolutely spot on.
    Well I saw it yesterday, some background on me and Star Trek. I guess I'm a Trek fan, although I never really got into the Original Series as it was already looking old when I was growing up, only started watching Trek late in Next Gens run. So I really can't nit pick to much when it comes to TOS.

    Having said that I enjoyed it, and thought it was full of awesome fan tidbits and Trek cliches. I almost burst out laughing when that gung ho redshirt showed up. And I thought all the crew were portrayed pretty well. As for all the ways this Trek differs from established canon, well the way I see it most of them can be atributed to the old Buterfly Effect caused by the event in the first scene. Afterall who knows what ripples this could have had on the universe as a whole. the only thing it doesn't explain is Pike's age. Although maybe he got stressed out from losing his friend from the Kelvin and aged prematurely.

    Anyways if thats not enough you could also blame Kirk, Picard, Sisko, Janeway, Archer, or any Federation timeship for screwing with time. That's what happens when you screw with time you get these alterante timelines.

    Nero's ship was pretty sinister looking and tough for a mining ship. Although I guess it was from a time 60 years after the last previous Trek movie. It looked almost Borg like in a few scenes, although that would make perfect sense seeing as how ships in that time would probably have the best tech of most of the known races in the Star Trek universe.

    In any case I thought it was good, and as an origins movie I thought it sure kicked Wolverine's butt.

    EDIT: It just occured to me in retropsect the coincedences required to bring all the old crew together on the Enterprise to save the day are as ilogical and improbable as Anakin building C3-PO. Still it doesn't hamper my enjoyment of the film. I just assume the universe just tries to right itself when these time thingies happen, either that or overzalous temporal guardians made it so.

    I wonder what Nero's ship did for 25 years?
    Last edited by Lord_Zed; 10th May 2009 at 11:56 PM.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    This just pissed all over Star Wars.

    I'm a massive sci-fi fan but have never really known much about Star Trek so I'm a definite outsider but this movie was awesome. I think the characters were compelling and the plot was wonderfully constructed with a high degree of elegance. The way it weaved what I could infer were re-write of continuity issues so smoothly into the plot and yet maintain the forward momentum kept the movie running at full steam ahead.

    One of my questions: Are Uhuru and Spock meant to be together or is it Kirk and Uhuru b/c my original impression was it would be Kirk/Uhuru given the way they met up and the way the plot was going until all of a sudden Uhuru starts tonguiing Spock. It was probably the one thing that bothered me b/c it seemed to happen out of nowhere.

    Anyhows, its going to be very hard to top this movie this year. I loved every moment of it. The fight scenes weren't the greatest but they didn't need to be. It was about how compelling each of the characters were, the plot and the universe that was being built.

    I reckon I'll probably see it again. I wasn't a fan by any stretch of the imaginaton before the movie but I am now. Strongly contemplating watching some episodes and reading some comics but I got to find me some time!


    And any Melbourne fans who haven't seen it and plan to go, let me know! I want to see it a few more times!
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  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by loophole View Post
    There were a couple of things that just bugged me like Pikes' age he was too old the Enterprises exterior appearence was changed just a little bit too much oh and the whole Spock and Uhuru thing that was just WRONG! and Chekov shouldnt of even been there either!
    I got bugged when Uhuru ordered a Cardassian drink. Partly because Cardassia and that sector (Bajor, Feringinar) were in the fringes of the Federation 80 years later. Partly because at that time Cardassian's would already have invaded Bajor I believe, so if the Federation did know about them and didn't liberate Bajor for another 80 years... no wonder the Bajorans are always so pd off.

    As for Spock/Uhuru, I have an essay from the 70s or 80s in a book at home that details all the moments in the original series where Spock and Uhuru shared 'moments'. It makes a very compelling case and supports this movie's idea they were once together at the Academy, although perhaps not after that in the original timeline.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed View Post
    EDIT: It just occured to me in retropsect the coincedences required to bring all the old crew together on the Enterprise to save the day are as ilogical and improbable as Anakin building C3-PO. Still it doesn't hamper my enjoyment of the film. I just assume the universe just tries to right itself when these time thingies happen, either that or overzalous temporal guardians made it so.
    The coincidences is what bothered me from the trailer and the idea of the movie, but watching the actual movie it didn't bother me and made some sense.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    This movie be awesome, go see it now!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Saw it Saturday night.

    Damn it was good, why couldn't Orci and Kurtzman have written Transformers to be that good (I have a feeling Bay doesn't like "smartly written films", he cannot understand them ).

    None of the people I went with know anything about Star Trek (I only know a few names of characters) and we all enjoyed it thoroughly, even though I'm sure about 100 references and nods to older series and movies went right over our heads.

    Computer generated images were much better than the first TF movie, they didnt cover all the cgi up with four layers of motion blur, but they did overuse the solar flare effect (just like in TF).

    This will be the film of the winter*, I cannot see TF2 or GI Joe being as enjoyable and easily accessable as Trek.

    *UP! is not in consideration, as it is not being released locally until the September school Holidays.
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