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Thread: I need to vent!

  1. #301
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Quote Originally Posted by Doubledealer View Post
    Heh, you guys wish you weren't at work, I wish I could go to work. Oh well, been watching some good movies at home at least. Saw 'Let the Right One In' and 'The Mist' today, I thought both were fantastic although don't watch the second one if you want cheering up - it has the bleakest ending I've seen since Spoorloos (original 'The Vanishing').
    I can understand that you want to go to work, but when you have had the last week I have had, you would be glad not to be here.

    I had to take a day off last week due to stress, 4 days back at work and had to take a day off. After today, I need to take the rest of the year off.

    Having the time at work I have had since I came back from holidays, I can fully understand why someone goes postal...

    I try to be positive about it all, but I just can't be positive here. And before anyone says it, I have been looking for other work, and zilcho. Doesn't mean I'm gonna stop though, I need to get outta here before I lose the rest of my sanity.

  2. #302
    Join Date
    14th Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
    I can understand that you want to go to work, but when you have had the last week I have had, you would be glad not to be here.

    I had to take a day off last week due to stress, 4 days back at work and had to take a day off. After today, I need to take the rest of the year off.

    Having the time at work I have had since I came back from holidays, I can fully understand why someone goes postal...

    I try to be positive about it all, but I just can't be positive here. And before anyone says it, I have been looking for other work, and zilcho. Doesn't mean I'm gonna stop though, I need to get outta here before I lose the rest of my sanity.
    Sorry to hear you're having such a bad time of it mate. What aspects of your work are so awful? The people I'm guessing?

  3. #303
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Quote Originally Posted by Doubledealer View Post
    Sorry to hear you're having such a bad time of it mate. What aspects of your work are so awful? The people I'm guessing?
    Nah suprisingly not the people, well in a way yea. My main gripe is the fact that things don't work around here. Computers too slow, keep on asking for an upgrade but the bosses not caring. That and when I am not here, things don't get done which gave me a bigger workload yesterday. That teamed with my portable hard drive not working properly anymore, so no music to keep me company in my solitude at work.

    Sorry for my ranting, but the stress of it all here is really getting to me, and they can't seem to realise it.

  4. #304
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Goki is a sad panda today.

    I went shopping at Parramatta Westfields with my family and as usual we had Softimus Prime tacked onto Optimus Pram (that's the name of my daughter's pram ) - she loves playing with Softimus and Slumblebee. Anyway, some <person born outside of wedlock> snatched Softimus. That's right, some low life stole a toy from a 5 month old baby. (T_T) I noticed the toy was gone when Yukikaze started crying; I suspect that the sudden move from the thief must've startled her, but of course when I looked around I was just surrounded by crowds of people.

    Now I'm sure it shouldn't be too hard to find another Softimus Prime, but as usual thieves never stop to think about the sentimental value of what they're stealing. I had that Softimus with me when my wife went into labour and we rushed to the hospital. That Softimus was with us in the delivery room as our daughter was being born. I held the toy in front of her when she was only minutes old. I was hoping that she could look back on this toy fondly when she gets older, but thanks to some <female genitalia> that can now never be.

    So Yukikaze's lost one of her favourite toys, and my wife is unhappy too as she also personally quite liked Softimus; we both considered him to be our favourite amongst the TF plushies. But yeah, the sentimental value is irreplacable.

    Shortly after being born Yukikaze is greeted by Softimus Prime

    Softimus in Yukikaze's bed at the post natal ward

    I hope Karma catches up with the son of a <female dog> who took our Softimus.

  5. #305
    Join Date
    23rd Mar 2009
    Valley Heights


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Goki is a sad panda today.

    I went shopping at Parramatta Westfields with my family and as usual we had Softimus Prime tacked onto Optimus Pram (that's the name of my daughter's pram ) - she loves playing with Softimus and Slumblebee. Anyway, some <person born outside of wedlock> snatched Softimus. That's right, some low life stole a toy from a 5 month old baby. (T_T) I noticed the toy was gone when Yukikaze started crying; I suspect that the sudden move from the thief must've startled her, but of course when I looked around I was just surrounded by crowds of people.

    Now I'm sure it shouldn't be too hard to find another Softimus Prime, but as usual thieves never stop to think about the sentimental value of what they're stealing. I had that Softimus with me when my wife went into labour and we rushed to the hospital. That Softimus was with us in the delivery room as our daughter was being born. I held the toy in front of her when she was only minutes old. I was hoping that she could look back on this toy fondly when she gets older, but thanks to some <female genitalia> that can now never be.

    So Yukikaze's lost one of her favourite toys, and my wife is unhappy too as she also personally quite liked Softimus; we both considered him to be our favourite amongst the TF plushies. But yeah, the sentimental value is irreplacable.

    Shortly after being born Yukikaze is greeted by Softimus Prime

    I hope Karma catches up with the son of a <female dog> who took our Softimus.
    Damm man that so sux, people are such dicks, yes I hope Karma bites him on the ass

    Speaking of people stealing TF related things earlier this week when my car was parked at Marayong station some person ripped my Autobot car logo off my car, leaving an autobot imprinted black sticky patch, yeah it's cheap to replace but now really annoying because should I bother getting another one just to have it ripped off again. People are such low lives. And to add to that my poor car last night had it's rear right wheel bent as I was driving home from a gig, so now he is sitting waiting to be fixed. Not a good week for him.

  6. #306
    Join Date
    23rd Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Goki is a sad panda today.

    I went shopping at Parramatta Westfields with my family and as usual we had Softimus Prime tacked onto Optimus Pram (that's the name of my daughter's pram ) - she loves playing with Softimus and Slumblebee. Anyway, some <person born outside of wedlock> snatched Softimus. That's right, some low life stole a toy from a 5 month old baby. (T_T) I noticed the toy was gone when Yukikaze started crying; I suspect that the sudden move from the thief must've startled her, but of course when I looked around I was just surrounded by crowds of people.

    Now I'm sure it shouldn't be too hard to find another Softimus Prime, but as usual thieves never stop to think about the sentimental value of what they're stealing. I had that Softimus with me when my wife went into labour and we rushed to the hospital. That Softimus was with us in the delivery room as our daughter was being born. I held the toy in front of her when she was only minutes old. I was hoping that she could look back on this toy fondly when she gets older, but thanks to some <female genitalia> that can now never be.

    So Yukikaze's lost one of her favourite toys, and my wife is unhappy too as she also personally quite liked Softimus; we both considered him to be our favourite amongst the TF plushies. But yeah, the sentimental value is irreplacable.

    I hope Karma catches up with the son of a <female dog> who took our Softimus.
    Dam thats low, how could you steal from a 5 month old! Don't know if it helps but if you cant find another Softimus prime let me know as I have one and Slumblebee, that i bought and have put away both still with tags they are perfect and they are yours free if you want them

  7. #307
    Join Date
    3rd Jun 2009


    Well i got home today, after having a normal usual day. Sat down in front of the computer until i heard my mom screamed "somebody broke in! somebody broke in!" *in filo* and i was like whatever until i actually got out of the garden and realise she was right garden looks ok but our gardens fence got ripped opened due to its small escaped door, probably the offender used an axed or something? Then the worst part was the broken the window! The window of the room where all my tf collections are! just outside the window is bruticus lying on the ground headless! i observed the whole place to see if anything else was missing luckily they didnt manage to get in the house but only manage to grab bruticus out of the window and weirdly the empty box of ultimate bumblebee outside the fence. *sigh* I guess main nothing is nobody got hurt and nothing got stolen just broken glass, alot of it! with my collections . I called the police, made a police report but what else can they do but try to get finger prints. So much for having a piece of mind

  8. #308
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Batemans Bay


    sorry to hear about your bad luck at least nothing was taken

  9. #309
    Join Date
    3rd Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by The_Damned View Post
    sorry to hear about your bad luck at least nothing was taken
    yeah nothing just my peace of mind

  10. #310
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Deceptic_Optics View Post
    yeah nothing just my peace of mind
    Yeah but at least the cops are informed and its unlikely that the person will return since he didn't take anything or got frightened away before he could steal.

    Did he actually take Brutucus' head or did it come off when it was dropped?

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