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Thread: I need to vent!

  1. #351
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Arrrgh! I must once again breath life into this unforutnate thread. yesterday I got a text from the Bank to say my card might have been compromised due to a card skimmer or similar tech, so I rang the bank and hey someone's made four significant withdrawls from my account! I pretty much went through the roof right then.

    I left work early to see the bank and put in a dispute, so people tell my I should get it back but as anyone who's been stolen from knows it's the violation of ones space and property, even if it's not physical that really stings.

    Anyways not suprising this sorta thing happens round Christmas, it's the perfect time for thieves using this tech, but Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!

  2. #352
    Join Date
    23rd Mar 2009
    Valley Heights


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed View Post
    Arrrgh! I must once again breath life into this unforutnate thread. yesterday I got a text from the Bank to say my card might have been compromised due to a card skimmer or similar tech, so I rang the bank and hey someone's made four significant withdrawls from my account! I pretty much went through the roof right then.

    I left work early to see the bank and put in a dispute, so people tell my I should get it back but as anyone who's been stolen from knows it's the violation of ones space and property, even if it's not physical that really stings.

    Anyways not suprising this sorta thing happens round Christmas, it's the perfect time for thieves using this tech, but Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!
    That is more than annoying hope you get your money back dude

  3. #353
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed View Post
    Arrrgh! I must once again breath life into this unforutnate thread. yesterday I got a text from the Bank to say my card might have been compromised due to a card skimmer or similar tech, so I rang the bank and hey someone's made four significant withdrawls from my account! I pretty much went through the roof right then.

    I left work early to see the bank and put in a dispute, so people tell my I should get it back but as anyone who's been stolen from knows it's the violation of ones space and property, even if it's not physical that really stings.

    Anyways not suprising this sorta thing happens round Christmas, it's the perfect time for thieves using this tech, but Grrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!
    Sorry to hear that - Hopefully it will be sorted out soon.

    It is very important that you work out where these transactions took place. Once i had a problem with this and the Commonwealth Bank refused to give me back my money because the unauthorized withdrawals took place on an ATM I frequented in Miranda.

    After that incident, I opened up a new account which cannot be accessed externally and deposited all my savings onto it. I now only keep the absolute minimum in my mainstream account and add to it whenever I need more money through netbanking. If someone skims my card they would only be able to steal a max of $50-$100 as that is mostly what I have on it at any given time.

  4. #354
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2008


    Sorry to hear that as well Zed

    Something similar happened to my sister a couple of months ago.

    Apparently a lot of people near her work also got comprimised, they all seemed to frequent the same ATM at North Sydney. When she bolted to the bank, it was full of many worried/angry customers.

    Some people really are disturbed

  5. #355
    Join Date
    24th Nov 2009


    What a low act to do to anyone at this time, or anytime of the year. I hope it all works out OK for you.

    I heard the same thing happened a couple of weeks ago at certain MacDonalds in WA. Their EFTPOS machines were compromised and money stolen from a lot of people. Not sure if they ended up catching those responsible.
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  6. #356
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Last week someone stole the Autobot badge off the back of my car. I've since replaced but yeah... quite an unpleasant feeling when someone steals something from you. Times like this I miss the good old days when thieves would be placed in stocks where members of the public could come and watch them being flogged or perhaps hurl verbal abuse or vegetables at them. One can dream.

  7. #357
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    One of my significant others caught the bouquet at a wedding last week. The killer catch was caught on camera which then panned over to me while I was facepalming.

  8. #358
    Join Date
    5th Apr 2008


    One of your significant others? You have many?

  9. #359
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by Lint View Post
    One of my significant others caught the bouquet at a wedding last week. The killer catch was caught on camera which then panned over to me while I was facepalming.
    Yeah, I agree with Kurdt - is this a Mormon wedding? Are you sure you mean "significant others"?

  10. #360
    Join Date
    4th Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by MV75 View Post
    Ok then;

    Oh man, how much does target suck? I mean, they have to be the suckiest sucks that ever did suck.

    Bahaha! Right now it's sucking big sweaty hairy balls layby is so goddamn busy and people can be so pathetically stupid grr
    seriously how hard is it!? You got a letter, it says that if you didn't make a payment by such and such day then we would cancel your layby. Well you didn't pay and it's past that date so it's cancelled and no you can't have your stock back or get it at the July toy sale price.

    .... Rant over.

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