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Thread: I need to vent!

  1. #4711
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by BigTransformerTrev View Post
    The old bloke neighbour on the farm across the road from us tried to do something really reprehensible today

    First off we had a grader drive into our driveway, offering to put in some more fire break tracks along where our farm meets a state forest. As I went in to get my ute keys to show him where to work the neighbour zoomed over on his quad bike and essentially nicked him, saying that he had something that desperately needed to get done ASAP on his farm. So to placate him the grader went over there, which meant he had less time to work on our place.

    Then the grader driver came back really annoyed. Apparently the old bloke had a big dead tree on his farm and the emergency was he wanted it pushed not only away from his house, but over his boundary fence into his neighbours property!

    The grader driver naturally refused. He shifted the tree away from their house but refused to put two tons of potential bushfire fuel onto someone else's land. He then went on to do a sterling job on our property putting in a ton of break lines - wont stop tree fires but will really slow grass fires.

    But how bad is that old bloke! When the whole community here is all pulling together, he is willing to f'over his neighbour if it means it makes his property that bit safer
    Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
    Mate, the words I'd wanna use... there's always people like this during crisis. Just like the petrol station trying to sell 24 pack of water for 48 bucks, same place that during floods charging 9 bucks for a loaf of bread. I want to see those places fail
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinnertwin View Post
    These are the sort of people I'd gladly put in a water bombing chopper bucket and drop into the inferno.
    Quote Originally Posted by 1AZRAEL1 View Post
    Same as the scammers going around posing as RFS taking people's money. And the phone calls.
    Well our PM might as well lump himself in with the scammers and my neighbour

    The footage of him touring a fire site last night was disgusting. The woman was visibly distraught and when she didn’t shake his hand he forcibly grabs her hand to shake it. Then when she starts pleading for help he walks away. The lack of understanding and empathy was simply astounding. It was clear that to our Prime Minister she wasn’t a victim in need of comfort and help, she wasn’t even a human being - she was simply a photo op gone wrong so time to move on.

    I don’t blame him for leaving when the understandably upset locals started yelling at him, but he needs to come out of this denial bubble he seems to inhabit regarding the fires and their myriad of causes - including climate change. Otherwise he may find that, except for tax-payer funded dinners with coal magnates, he gets this reaction everywhere he goes. Indeed he may find himself going down as the most unpopular PM in history - the leader that let the country burn because it made ‘economic sense’.

  2. #4712
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Someone pointed out that this is the downfall of a PM, not by the party but by their own hand and unfortunately he can't be removed by the party as easily as Turnbull and Abbott, the Governor General can't dissolve the government either, they no longer have that power.

    That just leaves the option of resigning and Morrison is too proud to admit he failed in his job so badly...

  3. #4713
    Join Date
    24th May 2007


    The funny thing is, he was only supposed to be a temporary leader... a night watchman until the election that they were supposed to lose and then regroup with a new leadership team (after most jumped ship or lost their seat).
    With shorten being less liked, Morrison was the lesser of two egos, and winning the unwinnable election made him untouchable by his party.

  4. #4714
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Yep. A sad state of affairs. They changed the rules so he can't be unseated. And judging by alot of the sentiment coming out atm, the public have no confidence in him as a leader, and we have no power to do anything unless a vote of no confidence is put to the house of reps. I don't see anything changing and feel defeated already

  5. #4715
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Slow clap to the people who voted this party into power. Slow clap.

  6. #4716
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by SMHFConvoy View Post
    Someone pointed out that this is the downfall of a PM, not by the party but by their own hand and unfortunately he can't be removed by the party as easily as Turnbull and Abbott, the Governor General can't dissolve the government either, they no longer have that power.

    That just leaves the option of resigning and Morrison is too proud to admit he failed in his job so badly...
    What do you expect from an ardent supporter of a corrupt and drug cheating football team???

    He makes Abbott and Shorten look personable.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  7. #4717
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    The funny thing is, he was only supposed to be a temporary leader... a night watchman until the election that they were supposed to lose and then regroup with a new leadership team (after most jumped ship or lost their seat).
    With shorten being less liked, Morrison was the lesser of two egos, and winning the unwinnable election made him untouchable by his party.
    Nah, Morrison saw his chance and took it banking on the fact that Dutton would've lost the election, the whole preferred PM is a load of bollocks, I have family in Morrison's electorate and he rarely engages with his constituents also remember the Beaconsfield miners, the mine collapse took place during the Howard Government, not one member of the front bench showed up but Bill Shorten did and he went to the May elections with a plan to combat the bushfires which our lovely Murdoch media then ripped to shreds because it couldn't be costed and look at what happened, towns wiped out, people died, the PM attempted to sneak out of the country meanwhile the opposition leader is doing his best, donating food and water to the fireys, being there and engaging even if he's copping flak. Morrison has nothing on Shorten or Albanese.

  8. #4718
    Join Date
    23rd Jul 2015


    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    What do you expect from an ardent supporter of a corrupt and drug cheating football team???

    He makes Abbott and Shorten look personable.
    Is Scumo a supporter of Eastern Sydney FC? Well, that says it all does it not.

  9. #4719
    Join Date
    2nd Oct 2014


    Perhaps the Cronulla Sharks, in relation to suspected salary cap non-compliance during 20161. Mr Morrison was named the Cronulla Sharks number one fan in 20162.

    [1] Fox Sports, The Roar
    [2] ABC News

  10. #4720
    Join Date
    28th Feb 2009


    Y'all realise voting for a party based on what sportsball team the leader follows is how you get Scott from marketing as PM?

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