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Thread: Stupid grumpy boss

  1. #1
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007

    Default Stupid grumpy boss

    Currently I work in a job that I am over qualified for. As such I do the job quite and with little hassle leaving me with plenty of spare time. With this spare time I often view Ozformers and write a lot of my posts at work. My manager is a grumpy, surly, lonely, jerk. He constantly whinges about young people and he hates the internet (mind you he has no friends anyway). He has complained that much to the boss of the company is locking me out of the internet as of next week.

    It totally sux I mean I get all my work done and then some. I have the internet at home but if I prefer to spend that time with my family.

    So just letting my fellow Ozformers know that as of next week I probably wont be as active as I once was.

    I am so furious at the moment...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Bartrim View Post
    Currently I work in a job that I am over qualified for. As such I do the job quite and with little hassle leaving me with plenty of spare time. With this spare time I often view Ozformers and write a lot of my posts at work. My manager is a grumpy, surly, lonely, jerk. He constantly whinges about young people and he hates the internet (mind you he has no friends anyway). He has complained that much to the boss of the company is locking me out of the internet as of next week.

    It totally sux I mean I get all my work done and then some. I have the internet at home but if I prefer to spend that time with my family.

    So just letting my fellow Ozformers know that as of next week I probably wont be as active as I once was.

    I am so furious at the moment...
    That sucks dude, i feel for ya. We got the same crap at work..

  3. #3
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    Work slower.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    NSW (southwest metro)


    man.. that really sux! I totally agree with the time after work hours is for the family..

    can't you go above that grumpy surly lonely jerk of a manager and tell the boss of the company that you've done your work and has too much spare time?

    maybe you might get a promotion to replace that manager? or are you quite happy with what you are doing?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    heh, I'm cyber-bludging right now at work. But I think that as long as it's not effecting your work and you're not anything inappropriate (like downloading pr0n) then why should he care if you're having a bit of cyber-bludge?

    If you wanna get some payback, then push for your boss to "be fair" and crack down on all bludgers - such as people who duck out for a smoke. That should make him either:
    a/ relent and possibly restore your net privileges, or...
    b/ irritate other workers and make him more unpopular

    Fair's fair - if he's gonna pick you up for "wasting" company time, then he should be doing it for all employees... including himself. This'd be a lot sweeter if he were a smoker.

    P.S.: This kinda reminds me of that case of an IT worker who got sacked because he took time out for breaks to pray to God - but he argued that:
    a/ He took shorter lunch breaks
    b/ Other co-workers easily wasted as much time smoking
    Last edited by GoktimusPrime; 12th February 2008 at 10:15 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    Quote Originally Posted by TheDirtyDigger View Post
    Work slower.
    I'm in a similar position Bartrim, where I am online to combat boredom, but working slower works wonders for when you have the boss hovering around near your desk and you cant peruse the internets.

    ANd the only way complaining about smokers bludging will work, is if the boss himself is not a smoker.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    If he is a smoker then you can point out the hypocrisy of him allowing himself to have a smoke-bludge but not allowing you to have a cyber-bludge. Although, this won't work if you're also a smoker as you'd be doubling up on your work bludges.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    Thanks for the support guys

    Unfortunately the manager is not a smoker. He's a facist that wants to cut any form of "bludging"out of work ie: No smoking, all mobile phones to be turned off etc etc.

    I think this is grossly unfair considering I do work during morning tea and lunch because they usually are busy periods. I've tried warning this guy about the backlash a-hole managers get from their staff but he doesn't listen. If they play hardball with me I'll just let them know that since I work during lunch and morning tea and don't get my official breaks (15min morning tea, 30 minutes for lunch) then I'll just leave 45 minutes earlier.

    Also what the jerk doesn't realise is that I also need the internet for work. If they lock me out then that means more work for him because he will have to do all the online work

  9. #9
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    find out where his phone number

    then get your nephew or some local teenage drop out to ring him

    he'll think again that the trip to Thailand back in 1999 was no hassles

    or just make a jelly and put it in his desk draw

  10. #10
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    Ruin His Career!!!
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