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Thread: Revenge of the Fallen, Anyone else Dislike?

  1. #101
    TheDirtyDigger Guest


    I think the fights would have been more enjoyable for the audience if we had a lot of Matrix style slo-mo going on.

  2. #102
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Probably, though that would take up more screen time and require more editting. Definitely possible if they sacrificed other scenes (like maybe less screen time for humans? *cough*)

  3. #103
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    Probably, though that would take up more screen time and require more editting. Definitely possible if they sacrificed other scenes (like maybe less screen time for humans? *cough*)
    Less Screen time for ho Pretenders

  4. #104
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Eltham, Melbourne


    I'm usually all for reading a whole topic before posting but I don't feel like reading 102 posts or so.

    At any rate, I saw ROTF last night and found it mostly awful with very few highlights. I don't know why, but I always expected this film would fall short of the previous one, but I didn't expect by so far. The jokes were childish and dull, that Leo character or whatever his name is was uneccessary and didn't require half the screen time he had. I don't like the idea of Megatron answering to another person who he calls master, and Starscream was reduced to some sort of sniveling Igor character. I think 2 and a half hours was really too long for this movie, it felt like the majority of it was just drawn out and didn't do much to push the story along. The Transformers were still not featured nearly enough, if I want to see a movie about humans, I'll go watch a movie about humans, you know, every other movie in the world.

    On the other hand, the fight scenes between the Transformers were good, although there was a little too much Michael Bay here and there, but we just have to accept that. The little remote controlled truck character was good for a few laughs, although it was odd how he just disappeared near the end and was never mentioned again, and it was good to hear Frank Welker doing Soundwave even if it didn't have the filters it should have.

    Overall I was far from impressed. I just hope they correct all these problems for the third film.

    *Rant over*

    Thanks for your time anyway, I needed to vent somewhere.

  5. #105
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    A little to the left... a little bit more...


    Quote Originally Posted by Adzma View Post
    I think 2 and a half hours was really too long for this movie, it felt like the majority of it was just drawn out and didn't do much to push the story along.
    Yeah, waaaayyyy too long for a film that was 60% unnecessary fluff!

    Quote Originally Posted by Adzma View Post
    The Transformers were still not featured nearly enough, if I want to see a movie about humans, I'll go watch a movie about humans, you know, every other movie in the world.
    This could well be... QUOTE OF THE YEAR!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Adzma View Post
    Overall I was far from impressed. I just hope they correct all these problems for the third film.
    That's what we were all hoping for the second film... prepare to be disappointed again!

    Quote Originally Posted by Adzma View Post
    The jokes were childish and dull, that Leo character or whatever his name is was uneccessary and didn't require half the screen time he had.
    Oh, but wait... have you read the news here yet? Apparently he'll be back, with a much bigger and "meatier" role....

  6. #106
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    28th Dec 2007
    Eltham, Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by Robzy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Adzma View Post
    The jokes were childish and dull, that Leo character or whatever his name is was uneccessary and didn't require half the screen time he had.
    Oh, but wait... have you read the news here yet? Apparently he'll be back, with a much bigger and "meatier" role....
    Hmm... they say a picture is worth a thousand words, so by that logic, allow me to submit my feelings to you via a two thousand word essay.


  7. #107
    TheDirtyDigger Guest

  8. #108
    Join Date
    31st Jan 2009


    wtf is with all the constructicon clones?.... longhaul was fighting the humans in the dessert but another Longhaul was connected as devastator ripping up the pyramid... sheesh, I know its cheaper for them re-use CG animation models than to make new ones and they prolly reckon ordinary viewers wont be able to tell the difference but FFS ppl!!! what a fn let down...

    Quote Originally Posted by dirge View Post
    I'll watch it again and buy the DVD, but more because I'm a collector than because I love the film.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gutsman Heavy View Post
    well after their tangle with Devvy, I'll bet they would have iced the Fallen with zero effort.
    So dev was a multi coloured, weak a** pansy who got owned by two in-bred twins and a one hit wonder human made weapon.
    Fark, MBay made Devastator suck so much figuratively and literally!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    Jolt, was purely there to help Prime merge with Jetfires parts (which prime immediately shed post battle, how nice Prime!)
    Yeah, Prime was a real b*stard hey...what an ungrateful mofo...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lordy View Post
    Alice was a bit of a shock, I didn't remember her dying in the other movie.
    Alice was in the first movie?? erm, i think you are confusing with Rachel Taylor (AKA Maggie the CIA noob) or am i mistaken by your comment?

    Quote Originally Posted by Robzy View Post
    I think they just rushed it IMO.

    I'm sick of people saying that I just need to turn my brain off to watch this film... that's like asking me to rip out my tongue and then try and enjoy a meal.
    Defn rushed.
    Sh*t, when you are in deep as a TF fan, you cant even switch your brain off even if you wanted to...

    Quote Originally Posted by Lordy View Post
    Even though it was still pretty fast, I found some of the robot fighting scenes a bit easier to follow than the first movie.
    Yeah, probably the only positive comment i'll make is that the key action sequences did get slowed down so people can follow on the big screens this time around...

    Quote Originally Posted by TheDirtyDigger View Post
    All the review comments are so f'n true...hahahaha...pure gold!!

    "...We're told the Decepticons are "doing things," but they appear to be hiding peacefully when the Autobots show up and brutally murder them..."

    Anyways, defn way too many humans in whats meant to be a movie abt transforming robots...
    Last edited by griffin; 2nd July 2009 at 01:17 PM.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    Quote Originally Posted by TheDirtyDigger View Post
    That was great!

  10. #110
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Adzma
    that Leo character or whatever his name is was uneccessary and didn't require half the screen time he had.
    Yeah, he's like the RotF equivalent of G1 Wheelie and Daniel (or Jar Jar Binks in The Phantom Menace) -- characters who get lots of screen time but their appearances, for the most part, contribute nothing to the advancement of the story. Suck.

    Quote Originally Posted by Robzy
    Oh, but wait... have you read the news here yet? Apparently he'll be back, with a much bigger and "meatier" role....
    If a 'meatier' role means that he'll actually become more useful instead of being dragged around like a fifth wheel, then that would be a good thing!

    Quote Originally Posted by bruticus
    Sh*t, when you are in deep as a TF fan, you cant even switch your brain off even if you wanted to...
    So you don't switch your brain off when you watch the G1 cartoon?! I think the movies capture the spirit of the G1 cartoon very well; warts and all.

    Little wonder that so many G1 fans preferred the Marvel comics over the cartoon series.
    Last edited by GoktimusPrime; 2nd July 2009 at 10:17 PM. Reason: board code error fixed

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