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Thread: Revenge of the Fallen, Anyone else Dislike?

  1. #51
    Join Date
    4th Jul 2008


    - Jetfire
    - Wheelie
    - Skids & Mudflap
    - Ravage
    - Kitchen bots
    - humour
    - Megatron & Starscream banter
    - Prime lore

    - short to no screen time for some of the characters like Sideswipe, Jolt, Arcee Triplets
    - robot action either way too close to the screen, which felt like I was in a washing machine full of garbage, or or the action is covered by sand, smoke, buildings, parachute which felt like I was watching the action thru a keyhole
    - generic decepticon bots
    - Megatron's role severly weakened and diminished by his underling like behaviour around the Fallen

    I just didn't like it that much. The action was always obstructed by stuff. Especially when Optimus was rising from his ressurection. Should have been a glory moment, but instead I got to watch a parachute/cover flailing over the screen. Underused autobots, where's more Arcee action and Sideswipe Grrr. I was quite disappointed bar the twins and wheelie. Prefer the first movie by a mile.

  2. #52
    Mr_K is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    27th Aug 2008


    I'm guessing this is a spolier thread, so this is a spolier comment...

    BIGGEST disappointment in recent movie history

    Seriously, what were they thinking. They ended up with about 30 transformers in the movie, all of which pretty much got only a few seconds to a few minutes of screen time apart from a handful.

    I was really looking forward to a huge optimus + jetfire vs devastator fight but oh no, aparently humans have a gun with enough power to take devastator down by themselves. It isn't explained how they got this gun or tech (considering it is explicitely outlined that the autobots will never assist with new tech) and then after it IS revealed they only use it once when if it can take down devastator then why not use it against the fallen and megatron as well who were standing together pretty much where devastator was?

    What did they do to our Megatron! Megatron has never had a master. Galvatron had Unicron for about 45min but to see Megatron become the sidekick was -> overly disapointing.

    LOL, Bay said that they didn't put Arcee in the first film because they didn't want to have to explain how there could be female transformers, well he didn't explain it in this one anyway so that was lame.

    Devastator was a huge letdown. As soon as demolisher was killed I was like, but you're part of devastator! Thinking they might resurrect him some how for that role it came to devastators entrance and I thought, wow, cool. But then the next frames were of rampage, mixmaster and haul fighting and I was confused because didn't I just see all you guys combine? Using carbon copies of robots to form a devastator without individual bots was soooo weak. If devastator had to be just a lot of parts coming together then why not use different vechicles then those you're already using for other characters in the film -> HUGE letdown and utterly confusing.

    Plus no barracade who was awesome in the first film, oh but bonecrusher is back now -> wtf.

    I would have prefered half the cast of transformers and each having more screen time so that we could actually see who they are and why each is an important part of each team instead of just gun fodder.

    That said, they did do some things right. Soundwave and Ravage were awesome but totally underused. The terminator chick was cool, something I didn't see coming, and I'll let them have that one because of the Japanese Pretenders.

    Starscream was done really well for this film. His smugness and lack of loyalty was back and it was great to see.

    The twins were annoying, but mostly because that screen time could have been used for actually cool transformers like Ironhide and maybe some of the bikes and new TFs.

    Well that's my rant. I'm glad I haven't gotten any of the toys yet because I don't think I will get any. The first movie was great, this one had so many plot points and yet only a few characters out of the huge amount that were fleshed out enough to even attempt to carry the storylines.

  3. #53
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    Quote Originally Posted by Zaul View Post
    Did Arcee Die? One of the 3 bikes got slaughtered in the final fight..

    So many un-answered questions
    Another one got blasted a little later as they were pulling back a bit. I think it was the Pink one.
    Quote Originally Posted by Gutsman Heavy View Post

    hmm good point
    WHere was Bumblebee when Sam and Mikalea were trying to get to op. He drops them off for a bit and then shows up at the Ramapage fight. Incidentally, does Rampage have to make "SPROING" noises as he goes?

    So at the end of the Movie, are STars and Megs the only 2 deceps left on Earth? Is Ravage a generic bot or does he just get around a lot? So many questions...
    Liked Isable lucas! HAWT!

  4. #54
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
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    i fell asleep the 2nd time through the matrix discovery and the first half of the desert fight

  5. #55
    Join Date
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    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    I, personally, have absolutely no interest in the movie universe - it just takes up shelf-and-peg space from aesthetically pleasing Transformers toylines and saves me lots of money.

    That said, I was far from disappointed by this movie. Wheelie and Jetfire got some characterisation, I loved its concept of the Seekers and the first new Pretender in twenty years = yay. An 150 minute running time... that's the equivalent of seven cartoon episodes. Did I get seven cartoons worth of enjoyment out of this film? I think I did.

    (What I don't understand is why I keep hearing people say they liked the forest scene. It was just yet another generic fight that ended with Optimus Prime falling sideways to the right of the screen. What the heck was up with that camera angle? And was that weird sideways fall just in the IMAX version or in all the prints?)

  6. #56
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007


    some nobody on channel 7 just badmouthed it

  7. #57
    Join Date
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    Chadstone, Vic


    I can't stop thinking about the film today!

    I will see it again to make my definite judgement, but I made a list when I got home last night of the things I liked and the things I didn't, and the "didn't like" list was the longer one .

    There was one aspect that I really didn't like, but I'm going to make a new thread for that discussion after more people have seen and digested the movie.

  8. #58
    Join Date
    17th Jan 2008


    I really enjoyed it. But then I am quite good at overlooking plot holes and continuity errors. As with most movies, there were some good points and bad points. Maybe some people were expecting too much... I dunno?

    Also, I assumed that it wasn't bonecrusher & blackout, but new 'cons with same alt modes. There did seem to be an abundance of constructicons though.

    I really thought some of the characters were under-utilised; their screen time scarificed in order to increase quantity of TFs in the movie, maybe.
    And yeah, those generic cons were seriously weak. it looked like "they" couldnt be bothered or ran out of time to making new characters (but no doubt there will be a plethora of toys that didnt make the film!). they died too easy as well.

    speaking of dying to easy - "only a prime can defeat me" Are you serious Mr Fallen? I reckon skids and mudflap could've taken you down.
    TF Figs of 2023:
    1) WnR Springer
    2) Legacy Bludgeon
    3) Legacy Leo Prime/Nemesis Leo Prime.

  9. #59
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast


    Major Deja Vu. I coulda sworn I just read half these posts in another thread.

  10. #60
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by klystron View Post

    speaking of dying to easy - "only a prime can defeat me" Are you serious Mr Fallen? I reckon skids and mudflap could've taken you down.
    well after their tangle with Devvy, I'll bet they would have iced the Fallen with zero effort.

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