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Thread: *SPOILERS* Freedom is the right of all sentient beings...

  1. #21
    Join Date
    2nd Jun 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Tiby View Post
    It's not so much that he is a different character in a different universe, but that he is not consistent with things in the movie universe, like his motto, comments about humans, Megatron's slaughter on Cybertron etc.
    Yeah, thats the feeling I got too.

    And in essence when you get down to it the Decepticon's cause was no less geared to the protection of their species than the Autobot's. The Fallen/Megatron simply saw the world in and overly simplistic kill or be killed way (ironically exactly the mentality the autobots adapt in ROTF). There is nothing bad or irrational about that. You see that kind of thing play out in nature the whole time. They simply sought to eradicate all other life that could pose a threat to their species and ensure their own survival even if it meant blowing up a sun, killing others of your own kind. The ends justified the means.

    And thats what made Prime and the Autobots so damn cool and inspiring; they abided by a higher set of laws and morals, that extended above and beyond simple survival. They were about protecting, peace, justice, honor and the rights of every sentient being. They were above the whole, emotionally disengaged, kill to survive and sod the consequences Decepticon mentality. So it's kind of a bumber when you have to sit and watch the Autobots stoop to Decepticon lows. Especially when the one doing the stooping is non other than Optimus Prime himself.

  2. #22
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    3rd Nov 2008


    I think it was established in the first movie that the Decepticons had little regard for human life by starting a fight in a populated area, 'Mission City' and its fair to consider them a threat worth taking out. The Decepticons arriving on earth and just hiding, seems like infiltration and espionage rather than refugees to me.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    3rd Nov 2008


    Though it seems really unfair when the odds are really against Sideways and Demolishor facing of an army of humans and a team of autobots. Rather than have them terminated it would of been far more interesting if they managed to evade and escape. It would of created suspense. Just killing them seems very final.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Defcon View Post
    I think it was established in the first movie that the Decepticons had little regard for human life by starting a fight in a populated area, 'Mission City' and its fair to consider them a threat worth taking out. The Decepticons arriving on earth and just hiding, seems like infiltration and espionage rather than refugees to me.
    Made as much sense for the military to extract the allspark from a densly populated area too...

    And then it was apparently covered up...? Two buildings fell down about 10 years ago and we still haven't heard the last of it... <runs>
    Which brings us to where we are today...

  5. #25
    Join Date
    3rd Nov 2008


    It seemed rather stupid to kill demolishor anyway, since he could of been interrogated! what a waste.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    19th Jan 2008


    Given that there were a lot of flag drapped coffins lined up after the Demolishor/Sideways mission in the movie. I don't think the Decepticons were exactly playing nice either.

    That said although it was mentioned later in the movie the Decepticons were causing significant mass human casualties worldwide other than the aircraft carrier scene, it wasn't really shoved down our throats enough just how much carnage the cons caused. Thus the Autobots often ended up appearing more savage than the cons. The first movie actualy did a better job of this simply by having that quick Cybertron scene in which Megatron showed of his collection of Transformer corpses hanging upside down.

    I don't mind the idea of a tougher darker Prime who's more of a realist, however as Tiby said he does seem to contradict himself a bit between spouting the usual Prime jargon and dismembering Decepticons.

    I suspect in the movie universe while President Obama repealed GW Bush's harsh laws against terrorists giving them back there basic human rights, he didn't do the same for Bush's rules aplying to Mechanoid and Alien Terrorists.

  7. #27
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    3rd Nov 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by Tober View Post
    Made as much sense for the military to extract the allspark from a densly populated area too...

    And then it was apparently covered up...? Two buildings fell down about 10 years ago and we still haven't heard the last of it... <runs>
    Yeah you have a point, it wasn't really a smart plan!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by kup
    Bonecrusher was killed during battle - in the heat of combat. Demolishor was executed when he was completely out of the battle and defenseless.

    That's a big difference.
    You could also see it from the POV that Prime was putting Demolishor out of his misery - that after the fight had ended, Demolishor was fatally wounded and Prime was giving him a quicker and relatively more merciful death.

    In the comic adaptation (which I suspect was based off an earlier revision of the script) Optimus Prime says, "I wish there was another way." as he shoots Demolishor - showing that while he is a realist, he still regrets having to do what he must (which distinguishes him from Dai Atlas who never showed remorse in ruthlessly slaying Decepticons). It's also in-line with the way he was portrayed in the first movie too, because after Megatron died he did say to him, "You left me no choice, brother." with regret in his voice.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheRageOnTheRoads
    And in essence when you get down to it the Decepticon's cause was no less geared to the protection of their species than the Autobot's. The Fallen/Megatron simply saw the world in and overly simplistic kill or be killed way (ironically exactly the mentality the autobots adapt in ROTF). There is nothing bad or irrational about that. You see that kind of thing play out in nature the whole time. They simply sought to eradicate all other life that could pose a threat to their species and ensure their own survival even if it meant blowing up a sun, killing others of your own kind. The ends justified the means.
    Your last sentence sums up what differs between Autobots and Decepticons. The Fallen fell to evil when he broke the Primes' sacred rule about never harvesting a star that supported life, and later The Fallen corrupted Megatron, who was once lord high protector of Cybertron. (RE: Defiance - when's the TPB coming out?!)

  9. #29
    Join Date
    9th Jan 2008


    I won tickets so had a chance to see it again, I didnt find prime to be as cruel this time.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    Ironhide: Punk ass Decepticon.
    Optimus Prime: Any last words?
    Demolishor: This is not your planet to rule. The Fallen shall rise again.
    Optimus Prime: Not today. <Executes Rampage TFTM Megatron style>

    So not only does Demolishor make a plea for political asylum on a neutral planet in a communist country, he also attempts sanction by beginning to give the inhabitants a warning that could save their planet...
    Which brings us to where we are today...

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