Hey Hey Ozformers,

Here's what was supposed to be a simple custom that I seem to have made a meal of. I took a Movie Cliffjumper and started by removing the stripes. This is where my problems started. I used a little too much efforst removing the paint and damaged the plastic, then thought I could fix it by polishing it with my dremel, which melted the plastic. I ended up having to sand back these panels and painting then with a clear coat. They came up ok.

Then I set about resculpting the head. I wanted to give him a face so that he had a distinctly G1 Sideswipe head. Adding the "ears" was easy enough and I even tried to shape them to fit in with the movie style head. Then I tried to give him a face. I wasn't happy with my first attempt so I kept trying to fix it and it kept getting worse, so I thought f#$% it.... painted it, and now he's done.

I know I didn't give it much of a write up, but this piece will be up for sale or trade next week along with some other customs and some G1 figures. Keep an eye out!