Seeing as how I decided I couldn't wait and went to see the movie tonight with Kup, and i still haven't gone to bed yet. I'll be the first to start up this thread.



Ok that out of the way, my inital view on the GI Joe movie is that it was a generaly enjoyable light hearted action flick. Sure it was corny and silly in places, but it never atempted to appear as serious as some of the super hero films out there, or ROTF for that matter. It was light and fluffy with non stop action.

Sure the special effects could have been better, I'm sure they didn't have anywhere near the budget of ROTF, but they were plentifull and enjoyable and reminded me of the cartoon.

One or two elements of the story line buged me, mainly the Baroness/Duke thing but overall I'm not complaining, i could follow it, I can't say the same for ROTF. Though I went in with low excpectations I must admit. It was also kind of annoying as things only went into full swing at the very end of the movie, and certain plot lines were purposely left unconcluded (as opposed to Michael bay forgoten). It means I Want a sequel now grrrr!

Most of the characters were portrayed as I would excpect them, sure there were some significant changes in their origins and backgrounds but they acted much like their cartoon or comic equivelants.

The movie felt as if it was stitched together from the full spectrum of cartoons, toys and comics combined. They weren't confined by trying to be quite as serious as Transformers (odd as that sounds). All the basic elements of the various Joe continuities were there, so they kept things like the lienage of the Mc Cullen clan, the Storm Shadow Snake Eyes rivalry, badguys in crazy suits, sci Fi looking vehicles, future weapons, good old fashioned gun fights, good old fashioned blades. the Pitt, All the cornball cartoon lines, etc.

Lastly four moments I have to admit I got a buzz from:
Kung Fu Grip line
Breakers Bubble gum
Jinx Cameo
Dr Mindbender mentioned

I sure hope it the make another though just to finish of the Zartan story, but I have my doubts.

Its late, so I'll see how I feel about it tommorow, once I digest it a bit.