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Thread: Toy Stories

  1. #11
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Batemans Bay


    nice one gok wish they would release this as another movie episode.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2012


    I've been trying to play with my toys more often, but I dislike having to put everything back on the shelves and pose them all. I did have one play a while ago.
    Everyone was fighting, on Earth. Megatron was crushed by Metroplex and the Autobots won, but both Optimus and Metroplex were killed during their duel. Metroplex was fixable, but the Autobots had no means to repair him. Starscream was also shot by Megatron, before he died, because Megatron was sick of his $h*%. The Decepticons retreated to Chaar and the Autobots just kind of stood there in grief, over their leader. On Chaar, the Decepticons are a huge, energon Deprived mess, similar to FFOD. Some sat and rusted, damaged beyond repair, while others, notably Shockwave, Soundwave and Blitzwing, discussed getting themselves back together to attack the Autobots. After much discussion with no clear decision, a small green Decepticon flies towards them. He introduces himself as Waspinator, a descendant of the Decepticons from the future. The Decepticons disregard him quickly, but their attention is grabbed again when Waspinator glows a blue light and goes offline. However, he soon rises to life, the voice of Starscream now his. Starscream, in his new body, captures the attention of all the other Decepticons and declares himself their new leader. He explains his plans, but the insecticon Kickback, somewhat intoxicated (as he and his other insecticons always are) from the insecticons' stored energon supplies, walks up to Starscream/Waspinator and questions his motives. Starscream, without hesitation, takes out his rifle and shoots Kickback straight through the chest. Kickback stands there for a bit, then falls lifelessly onto the ground. Starscream exclaims "Will anyone else attempt to fill his shoes" (it had to be done) and gains the control of the rest of the Decepticons.

    Meanwhile, at the Autobot's new HQ, the small group of remaining Autobots (the rest elsewhere or on Cybertron) include Hot Rod, Springer, Ultra Magnus, Grimlock, Perceptor and a severely damaged Sky Lynx. Among those dead from the battle include Trailcutter, Ratchet, Huffer, Hot Spot and Bumblebee. Springer, with his confident and somewhat cocky attitude, attempts to bring the Autobots to order. Grimlock, not liking Springer's attitude, stomps his big foot and demands that he be leader. Ultra Magnus steps forward, calms the tension between the two and assumes temporary command. He asks Perceptor to see if he can get any of Metroplex's systems online, but none will respond. Metroplex's medbay is also disabled, so no energon can be dispensed or any minor repairs done. The Autobots set up camp for the night.
    Seeking the Following:
    - CW Brawl
    - Earthrise Runabout
    - Earthrise Thrust

  3. #13
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2012


    Meanwhile, on Chaar, a dispute forms between a gutsy Blitzwing and Starscream. An argument ensues between the two and Starscream banishes Blitzwing from the Decepticon ranks and anyone else that would care to join him. Shockwave, Soundwave (and minions), Thundercracker and Onslaught join him and they fly off to Earth.

    The Decepticon outcasts fly towards the small Autobot camp and alert is raised. The Autobots, notably an eager Grimlock, assemble, ready to defend the camp. Blitzwing flies in and transform, along with the rest of his small band of misfits. Weapons are immediately pointed at them. Springer, Blitzwing's arch nemesis and former friend from Cybertron before the war, stands up to Blitzwing and takes out his long blade. Ultra Magnus steps forward and holds back Springer, asking Blitzwing to explain his business. Blitzwing tells the whole story to the Autobots. They Autobots, though apprehensive, agree to take them in, if they help them locate an energy supply to restore Metroplex. They agree to a temporary alliance and begin gathering small amounts of energon. They soon manage to gather a good enough supply to start fixing Metroplex.

    Off in the distance, Starscream/Waspinator's group of Decepticons attack the camp. The Combaticons, minus Onslaught, start wreaking havoc and destroying the shelters and supplies. Starscream and the rest of the Decepticons, including Skywarp and the other Seekers, attack the Autobot forces. The Autobots manage to put up a good fight, but are outnumbered. Ultra Magnus is shot in the arm and is knocked out by Skywarp. Hot Rod picks up the matrix as it falls out of Magnus' chest and attempts to open it, to no avail. It is blasted out of his hands by a fast-moving seeker. Thundercracker shields Hot Rod from further damage and takes off after the seeker. He ends up destroying it and fighting side by side along Hot Rod. The combaticons start fighting onslaught, who is fighting back to back with Springer. They charge towards Onslaught and attempt to combine with him. Onslaught struggles to keep control of a raging Bruticus. Blitzwing flies in and transforms, then transforms once again into tank mode and fires a thick blast of energy at the limbs. However, it is in vain and the combaticons continue to manipulate Onslaught. Shockwave sees the ongoing battle and asks Soundwave to use his minions to destroy the circuits on the Scramble City ports on Bruticus. Soundwave ejects Ratbat, Laserbeak, Rumble and Frenzy, who destroy the outer circuits on the ports. Shockwave then deactivates the remaining parts of the ports. Onslaught is now in full control and swings the limbs backwards, then shoots them forward, hard against Starscream and Skywarp. Starscream, before making a hasty retreat with the damaged Decepticons, shoots a rogue shot, which hits the main energy supplies and explodes violently. The Autobots manage to contain the damages of the explosion and continue to rebuild. They are now out of any useful energon supply. However, they have enough to rebuild at least one Autobot. Grimlock suggests rebuilding Optimus Prime, but Perceptor explains that only Ratchet knows the schematics for Optimus Prime's body. So, Perceptor decides to revive Ratchet. However, they require an energy source to reignite Ratchet's spark. Hot Rod takes the matrix out and suggests using it as an energy source. Springer thinks that it is a bad idea, but Perceptor says that it may work.
    Seeking the Following:
    - CW Brawl
    - Earthrise Runabout
    - Earthrise Thrust

  4. #14
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Today my 5 year old daughter and I played the following campaign:

    Slumblebee has decided to try and eat Cinderella, Snow White and Sleeping Beauty. Their defender is Age of Extinction Generations Leader Class Optimus Prime. After thwarting Slumblebee's numerous attempts at eating the Disney Princesses, he delivers them to their fortified castle and tells them to stay there. After that Slumblebee keeps sneaking in from other sides of the castle as Optimus Prime cannot guard the entire perimeter at once, causing much girly screaming and havoc! Slumblebee is eventually driven away, but a new threat has arrived -- Age of Extinction Voyager Class Gaaalvatroonn! AoEGLCOP is no match for his mighty missile! However reinforcements has arrived in the form of Princess Rescue Bots Optimus Prime! He drives Galvatron away and helps AOEGLCOP defend the castle. A reformed Slumblebee is allowed into the castle and dances for the princesses. Galvatron's subsequent attempts to attack the castle are thwarted by the two Primes. Galvatron then allies himself with BotShots Megatron and they launch an attack on the two Primes, however Slumblebee emerges and eats Megatron.

    ...then it was bath time.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    4th Nov 2013
    Epping, Sydney


    Cute, very cute

  6. #16
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    So is anyone else adjusting their toy play campaigns in anticipation of upcoming toys? Because I've recently been playing these campaigns:

    Combiner Wars Aerialbots
    The Aerialbots have recently been restored after near death, but Slingshot is still in critical condition, and Air Raid has been assigned to a top secret mission. To bolster their depleted numbers, Autobot Command has appointed new recruit Alpha Bravo to the team, allowing them to at least form a one-armed Superion as a last resort. The team's first mission was to travel to the planet Narbee to retrieve the Cosmic MacGuffin (yes, I was that lazy w/ the plot device ... never bothered to properly name or even describe it ). The Aerialbots engage in combat with the locals who refuse to give up the MacGuffin, but they are finally able to retrieve it (even with only one arm, the Narbees are no match for Superion's might). However, in doing so, another group of Narbees have sabotaged and destroyed their star ship. The Aerialbots send an SOS to Cybertron and try to find a place to bunker down to avoid further conflict with the indigenous people. The take refuge in an ancient temple, and as they secure the building, Alpha Bravo walks into a chamber which houses a horrible tentacle monster which severely wounds him, placing him in stasis lock. The other Aerialbots retrieve him and manage to drive the creature away. Firefly discovers ruins with illustrations indicating that the creature was worshipped by the ancient Narbees as an angry god, annually sacrificing people to appease it. Eventually the Narbees revolted against the creature and built this temple to imprison it. The Aerialbots soon realise that the Narbee had allowed them to discover the temple to set the creature against them. Firefly goes for an aerial reconnaissance and spots the creature. He discovers that the creature can jump great heights and it damages his stabiliser. Firefly drops all sorts of bombs and missiles on it, which only slows it down and eventually buries it, but as Firefly flies back to the temple, he notices a tentacle breaking out of the rubble. Silverbolt, Firefly and Skydive prepare to defend the temple until reinforcements can arrive, but they are soon approached by a large Narbee militia, who are upset over the Aerialbots releasing the creature (which they call 'Arnovus'), and Silverbolt reminds them that it was their own fault for attempting to trap them in the temple with Arnovus in the first place. The Narbee attempt to swarm the temple and the Aerialbots are forced to continue firing upon them in self defence. Eventually an Autobot ship arrives and decimates the Narbee attack force, scattering them. The ship lands and out comes Impactor and an Autobot medic (Cybertron Red Alert). As Impactor and the medic begin transporting Alpha Bravo onto the shuttle first, they see Arnovus rapidly approaching them. Impactor and the Aerialbots begin firing at Arnovus while the medic secures Alpha Bravo in a stasis cell before manning the ship's guns and raining heavy firepower onto the creature, allowing the other Autobots to quickly get inside the ship. As they take off, the creature leaps and clings onto the hull. After achieving orbit, Impactor steps out onto the exterior of the ship (with magnetised feet) and fights off the creature. Impactor loses an arm but gets the creature in front of one of the ship's cannons, which Silverbolt quickly mans and manages to blast the creature, sending it spiralling away from the ship. The other Aerialbots jump onto the ship's other guns and they all begin shooting at Arnovus, while the medic attends to a wounded Impactor. The Autobots fly to the nearest offworld colony where Alpha Bravo and Impactor are allowed to fully recover.

    Minimus Ambus/Ultra Magnus
    Generations Brainstorm discovers that CW Ultra Magnus is trapped inside the engine room with an overloading Quantum Drive. The room is locked shut, so 'we' cannot see CW Ultra Magnus (convenient, no?), but there is only a bright flash. When Brainstorm enters the room, he discovers FoC and MP Ultra Magnus standing in CW Ultra Magnus' place. FoC UM is the very first/original UM from Cybertron's distant past whereas MP UM is from the future, and is no longer Minimus Ambus. FoC UM goes rogue, intent on discovering what the future holds in order to change the past. Brainstorm retrieves him and sends both UMs into an interdimensional limbo which would hold every Ultra Magnus across time and space until Brainstorm can stabilise the quantum anomaly -- returning CW Ultra Magnus to his timeline (and all the other UMs to their respective places in time and space). Brainstorm assumes that all knowledge of the anomaly will become forgotten by the UMs, but he cannot know for sure. this is the crazy crap I've been making up in preparation/anticipation of toys that I don't even own yet, but I very much look forward to getting and including in these toy play campaigns! Anyone else doing this?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    16th Mar 2015


    I just had a large battle where Generations Deluxe Class Thundercracker and TFPBH Deluxe Class Knock Out abandoned the Decepticons after Galvatron's arrival to join the Autobots and get chased by Off-road, Dead End and Breakdown, Bombshell, Lockdown and Galvatron. Bumblebee was following them and contacts for reinforcements, when Sideswipe, Silver Bolt and Air Raid. Having previously captured Bombshell before he escaped, Silver Bolt shoots Autobots controlled Cerebrospinal Shells at the Stunticons and forms Superion and kicks the crap out of The Decepticons.

    Thread Necromancy
    "Save the rebellion! Save the dream!" - Saw Gerrera

  8. #18
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW



    Team Bumblebee are chasing Steeljaw until they reach the heart of the city and plenty of human witnesses. Back at the junkyard, Fixit deploys a massive disruptor wave which jams all human technology and also deletes the last 10 min of any video/audio recording device. The Autobots split up and chase Steeljaw to what appears to be a yard full of abandoned vehicles. However it turns out to be a trap, and many of the abandoned cars are Vehicons, left behind after Megatron's Decepticons left Earth. Steeljaw explains to the Autobots that they are Megatron's personal elite crack team, but after Bumblebee killed Megatron, they abandoned their post and hid themselves on Earth, attempting to rise up against humanity (for even in death, there is no command but Megatron's). They have viewed Steeljaw's goals as being compatible with their own, and have formed an alliance. The Vehicons quickly subdue the Autobots, lock them in stasis cuffs and line them up for execution.

    Suddenly three remaining vehicles transform and reveal themselves to be Ultra Magnus, Bulkhead and Arcee, who proceed to attack the Decepticons and quickly liberate the captive Autobots. Ultra Magnus severely reprimands Bumblebee for allowing his team to be seen by humans, despite Fixit's attempt to prevent recordings of their presence, there were already hundreds of eyewitnesses. Magnus explains that Ratchet has been actively working to thwart these Vehicons' attempts at plundering Earth and keeping them at bay. The Vehicons needed to ally themselves with Steeljaw and more Decepticons to boost their numbers. Magnus allows Team Bumblebee to take Steeljaw in their custody, and advises Bumblebee to seek out Ratchet. Magnus' team then cuffs the Elite Vehicons and opens a Space Bridge portal taking them all back to Cybertron.

    On Cybertron, the Vehicons are reunited with a now reformed/defected Megatron (following his renouncement of the Decepticon cause at the end of TFP). Megatron now commands the Elite Vehicons to join him, and they obey. Megatron suggests that he and the Elite Vehicons can help to make amends for their past deeds by leading a mission to Cybertron's moon to neutralise the growing threat of Airachnid and her undead Insecticon horde. Ultra Magnus isn't keen on Megatron leading a team entirely comprised of Decepticons, and orders Jazz to accompany him with a cadre of new Autobot enforcers (TFP Hot Shot), with Knock Out as their ship's pilot and mission coordinator.

    Once in the moon's orbit, Jazz, Megatron and their respective troops board a shuttle and transport themselves down to the surface, while Knock Out remains aboard the ship in geostationary orbit. The away team soon discovers a cave full of Insecticon chrysalides. Jazz plunges the tip of his lance into one to gather a CNA sample and dispatches a Vehicon to fly it back to the ship so that Knock Out can conduct an analysis. Results conclude that the CNA is vampiric, proving that the brood are Energon-vampires. The away team then begins planting explosives throughout and around the catacombs. After making safe distance, Jazz pushes the detonator, causing a massive explosion. Knock Out quickly informs them that there is a massive movement of Insecticons heading towards them from the East. Megatron suggests that they take refuge in an abandoned alter-like structure and fortify their position there in order to mount a counter-offensive.

    The Insecticon-vampires arrive and a furious battle ensues. The keen but inexperienced Autobot enforcers find themselves quickly outnumbered and outclassed. The far more experienced and better trained Elite Vehicons find themselves having to defend both themselves and their less competent Autobot allies. The Enforcers are also initially horrified when they see the Vehicons killing other Vehicons who have been bitten by an Insecticon. The Vehicons explain that there is no known cure for the vampiric condition, and that they have no choice but to euthanise anyone on their team who becomes infected.

    Airachnid confronts Megatron, who removes his weapons to face her in Kaon-style gladiatorial combat. Megatron defeats Airachnid in only two moves and places stasis cuffs on her. Megatron then hands Airachnid over to Jazz and tells him to take her back to the ship. The team is too heavily surrounded to call for a full retreat. Jazz tells Megatron to keep the team safe as they retreat further into the alter, while he quickly returns to the shuttle. The team are overwhelmed, and Megatron himself is severely wounded, including having his left shoulder broken. Soon a hail of lasers descend from above; it's Knock Out's ship!

    ...and that's as far as I've gotten so far. Toys are still splayed all over my toy room floor waiting for me to continue this adventure.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    After a weekend of exam and assignment marking (guh), I decided to take a break this evening with some toy play.

    Generations Orion Pax is exploring the crumbled remains of an Autobot City. In it he finds a weird glowing orb and he is too far underground to call for backup. Suddenly the original G1 Optimus Prime appears! He explains that he is Orion from the distant future. Then, one by one, other Optimi appear - Movieverse Protoform Optimus Prime, RiD2015 Warrior Class Optimus Prime, and finally Titans Return Powermaster Optimus Prime. At this time Orion is still loyal to Zeta Prime and has also been inspired by the stories of Megatron. The Optimi explain to him that Zeta's really a bad dude, and how his badness will eventually turn Megatron into a monster and blah blah blah backstory blah blah exposition blah. So Orion and the Optimi make plans. Orion goes back to Iacon and tells him of this weird energy source that he found and how future versions of himself have come to help. Orion lures Zeta into the underground city. The Ghosts of Christmas Fu---, uh, the Optimi try to convince Zeta to abandon his various nefarious schemes which they all know about cos it's ancient history to them. Zeta remains unconvinced and reluctant to yield to the Optimi's demands and tells them that it's already too late for them to save Megatron. PMOP nominates himself to hold Zeta captive in the underground city while the others must rush off. They don't know if the bar fight at Maccaddam's has happened already or not, so G1 & RiD OP rush off to the bar while Orion and Protoform OP go back to the police station. G1 and RiD OP arrive at Maccaddam's to find that they're too late. They immediately start heading to the station. Protoform OP takes flight and arrives at the station first, literally crashing through the doors. The Autobot officers point their guns at him but Protoform OP transforms to robot mode and demands that they do a Spark-scan of him. The Spark scanner confirms his identity as Orion Pax. The officers are dumbfounded but cannot dispute the evidence from the scan. Protoform Prime demands to see Megatron. He walks into WFC Megatron's cell and catches Generations Whirl beating the crap out of him. Protoform Prime smacks Whirl down and places him under arrest, ordering the other Autobots to take him away. Megatron is enraged after experiencing the power of applied violence - Prime knows this and quickly swoops in to comfort and counsel Megatron. He assures Megatron that Whirl is not representative of all Autobots, and there are many like him who want to be his friends and help him find a peaceful resolution to Cybertron's woes as he initially believed. Megatron realises that Whirl was sent by Zeta Prime. Optimus tells Megatron that he believes him (which surprises Megatron) and knows that there are more assassins coming for him tonight, but while he legally cannot release Megatron from custody, he will defend him to ensure that Megatron will come to no harm. Orion Pax and the other Optimi arrive and they prepare for Zeta's assassins. G1 Prime sits in Megatron's cell with him as a last line of defence. Orion Pax mans the reception desk by himself with his weapons just underneath. RiD OP hides in a closet while Protoform OP goes all Dawn-of-Justice-Batman and clings to the ceiling staring down like one bad Martha-trucker. The Optimi all load their guns with stun rounds as they are determined to prove to Megatron that they can resolve this without killing anyone. Except RiD OP who sticks with his trusty axe.

    That night the assassins arrive. They demand to see Megatron, but Orion demands that they can only do this with written authority. They produce an authenticated order document signed by Zeta Prime (although without any explanation as to why). Orion Pax says that he won't recognise Zeta's authority since he's "mysteriously" gone missing. The assassins argue that the order was signed before Zeta's disappearance and that it is still legally valid. Out of arguments, Orion draws his rifle and begins firing stun rounds. Protoform and RiD OP also attack. The assassins have been equipped with reinforced armour plating, and they are carrying all manner of concealed weapons (none of which have a stun setting), and thus they begin fighting back. Orion and the two Optimi continue their offensive, with both Optimi sustain considerable damage. RiD OP literally disarms one of the assassins by chopping both arms off, then Orion immediately leaps in and throws a stasis collar on the "disarmed" assassin. They then help Protoform OP to subdue the second assassin and stasis cuff him.

    That's all I'm up to. Time to head back to the toy room.

    P.S.: Orion proved to be a massive pain in the butt to transform to vehicle mode! His upper torso part got really stuck and I had to use a LOT of excessive force to free that sucker! Got a freakin' callous on my finger tip thanks to it.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    16th Mar 2017


    This seems like a fun thread. I did actually come up with a story whilst playing around with my Transformers.

    07 Movie Deluxe Jazz seems to be in a state of urgency, as he speeds up in the harsh deserts of Nevada. He finally arrives at the US Air Force Base, where there seems to be chaos at every corner. Jets, tanks and jeeps were effortlessly tossed in every direction, causing pits of flames to rise out of the builidngs, as the Autobots launched their assult on ROTF Voyager Starscream and his malicious henchmen. Aiding the Autobots in their attack were Setsuna F. Seiei, pilot of the Real Grade 00 Raiser, and Kamile Bidan, pilot of the Real Grade Zeta Gundam. Feeling the urge to help out his fellow comrades, Jazz joins the battle as he faces off against the fearsome Master Grade Sinanju, piloted by Full Frontal, a man seeking revenge against the Autobots as he believes that they were responsible for the deaths of his loved ones. The Sinanju gains the upper hand, as Jazz is tossed around, crashing into building to building; however, his spark still ignites with resilience. Unfortunatly, this isn't enough as Jazz is lying helpless on the ground. Before Full Frontal takes the finishing blow, he is suddenly attacked by a red and blue longnose semi truck with flames. The grill of the truck then splits itself. The front of the cab also splits apart as the truck seems to lift itself of the ground. The wheels collapse on what appears to be legs, while the sides of the cab rotate forward, forming hands and fingers in the process. Finally, a samurai shaped head pops out as the doors of the truck collapse onto the front windows. "About time you arrived", muttered Jazz as he tries to lift himself up. The truck now had the shape of a giant, red and blue robot. It was at that moment that Full Frontal knew that it was the one he was looking for all these years. His name, cherished by the Autobots, but despised by the Decepticons. He was indeed 07 Movie Leader Optimus Prime.

    "Autobots, roll out!"
    "We rollin'"

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