Had a little play sesh the other day with TR Blurr, Kup and Hot Rod who discovered a strange portal. Blurr used his speed to run through it and ended up in the Movieverse where he met up with TLK Optimus Prime. Introductions were made and Optimus Prime asked Blurr how Haywire is able to survive when Blurr accelerates and moves at such high speeds, because quite frankly the G-forces should by all rights squish Haywire's body into a bloody paste. Blurr explains that Haywire's suit (Blurr's head) is equipped with inertial dampeners and that the "antenna" sticking out from the top of Blurr's head is an 'inertial exhaust' - it funnels out all the deadly excess inertia that would ordinarily kill a human/Nebulan. Thus the amount of inertia that Haywire is exposed to is lowered to a manageable 9g's (about as much as jet fighter pilots endure).

Note that inertial dampening is all just works of science fiction - it's a convenient way of describing why people and stuff don't go flying all over the place. So yeah... inertial funnels!