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Thread: 日本語会話: The Japanese Conversation Thread

  1. #121
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Okay! Here's a Japanese Transformers vocab test/exercise! NO cheating by using dictionaries or online translators etc.!!

    Activity 1
    See how many of these TF related Japanese words you can translate!
    a. へんけい
    b. せいぎ
    c. あく
    d. ふくめんぱとかー
    e. やくしょく
    Answers (not in order) = evil, function, justice, transform, unmarked police car

    Activity 2
    Match the words from Activity 1 with the corresponding words written in Kanji/Katakana
    i. 悪
    ii. 役職
    iii. 覆面パトカー
    iv. 変形
    v. 正義

    Activity 3
    Translate this caption:

  2. #122
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    So Tokyo's won the rights to host the 2020 Games... as predicted by Akira!

  3. #123
    Join Date
    2nd Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    So Tokyo's won the rights to host the 2020 Games... as predicted by Akira!
    It's been so long since I saw Akira, I had to read the article to make the connection! Definitely time for a re-watch! Anyhow, I'm incredibly psyched for this, I usually don't pay much attention to the Olympics past the opening ceremony so this will change in 2020!

    Also, I was hoping you could help me on something Gok, as I don't know any Japanese speakers to ask.

    A page back you translated how to say "Do you speak English?" as:

    "Eigo ga wakarimasu ka"

    How does asking whether they understand English compare to:

    "Eigo o hanashimasu ka" (What I was taught at uni)

    "Eigo ga dekimasu ka" (What I read in a book)

    Which way would you suggest or would be more commonly used?

    My other problem is I always get tripped up when I'm being asked whether I want to eat in or take away. Could you suggest some appropriate responses?

  4. #124
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    sorry to revive an old thread but I have some questions regarding Japanese (mostly kanji)
    I'm currently in Osaka and tried doing some hunting the last few days at places like Hero Gangu, and while it was absolutely amazing there, I couldn't tell what the stickers in on the boxes said (besides the price) I wanted to make sure I wasn't going to buy something that was missing pieces or something, I'm pretty sure I can tell that one sticker says the packaging has been opened, but I'm not sure about the rest, I can't read Kanji at all. so I have no idea what the stickers say. someone who has shopped at these sort of places before and with more Japanese skills than me (like Goki-sempai) please help me out

  5. #125
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    I found that Mandarake were more likely to label stuff about the nature/condition of their toys than other places like Hero Gangu. Umm... unless you can post clear images of what the Kanji says, I can't do much to help you.

    This might help...
    開かれた means opened
    海賊版 means bootleg (counterfeit)

  6. #126
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I found that Mandarake were more likely to label stuff about the nature/condition of their toys than other places like Hero Gangu. Umm... unless you can post clear images of what the Kanji says, I can't do much to help you.

    This might help...
    開かれた means opened
    海賊版 means bootleg (counterfeit)
    I stupidly forgot to take pics of the stickers.
    I'm just apprehensive because sometimes I saw 2 of the same transformer but one was like 1000 yen more expensive than the other and the only difference I could see was what the sticker said, I'm pretty sure that first Kanji from open was on one of them,
    also, I didn't know that they may have counterfeits so thanks for the warning

  7. #127
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    From here...
    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Here's a question for you Goki, How is Subaru pronounced officially.

    I been hearing Subaru as it is in Asian countries and In US/Aus Suburu is used? Which is right?
    Simplistically put, it's "Soo-baa-roo."
    If you want a more a more proper pronunciation, then consider this approximation guide for pronouncing Japanese vowels.
    "a" as in father
    "i" as in igloo
    "u" as in full
    "e" as in egg
    "o" as in rock

    P.S.: Listen to the way 'Subaru' is pronounced right at the very beginning of this Japanese Subaru Forester commercial:

  8. #128
    drifand is offline Rank 6 - Dedicated Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    From here...

    Simplistically put, it's "Soo-baa-roo."
    If you want a more a more proper pronunciation, then consider this approximation guide for pronouncing Japanese vowels.
    "a" as in father
    "i" as in igloo
    "u" as in full
    "e" as in egg
    "o" as in rock

    P.S.: Listen to the way 'Subaru' is pronounced right at the very beginning of this Japanese Subaru Forester commercial:
    Should I forward this to Subaru australia? It kinds of bugs me when people don't know how to pronounce their own company name.

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by drifand View Post
    Should I forward this to Subaru australia? It kinds of bugs me when people don't know how to pronounce their own company name.
    Umm... that's entirely up to you?

    But really, a LOT of people mispronounce words even if it's the name of their company or field of interest etc.
    * Karate <--- mispronounced as "Kah-rah-tee," but proper pronunciation is "Kah-Rah-Teh."
    * Karaoke <--- mispronounced as "Carry-oh-kee," but proper pronunciation is "Kah-Rah-Oh-Keh."
    * Juujutsu <--- mispronounced and misspelt as "Jiujitsu" ("Jew-Jit-soo") but proper pronunciation is "Joo-jee-tsoo."
    * Mitsubishi <--- mispronounced as "Mit-soo-bi-shi," but proper pronunciation is "Mi-tsoo-bi-shi."
    * Toyota <--- mispronounced as "Toh-yoh-tah," or "Toy-oh-tah," but proper pronunciation is "Toyo-tah."
    * Nissan <--- mispronounced as "Nis-sən," ("Niss'n") but proper pronunciation is "Niss-Sun."
    * Daihatsu <--- mispronounced as "Dye-hat-soo," but proper pronunciation is "Dye-hah-tsoo."
    * Nunchaku <--- mispronounced and misspelt as "Nunchucks" but proper pronunciation is "Noon-chah-koo."
    * Henkei <--- I've heard this mispronounced as "Hen-kee" and "Hen-kai," but the correct pronunciation is "Hen-KAY."

    English speakers frequently mispronounce words from other languages too. Heck, there are people who speak English as their first and only language who mispronounce English words!

  10. #130
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    From here
    Quote Originally Posted by benny444 View Post
    ああ、いいね 岡山に住んでいました。
    いいなぁ、岡山弁がしゃべられますか?自身は※埼玉弁しか分かりません。二千五年に日本に住んでいたので、 ギャラクシーフォースやバイナルテックアステリスクやロボットマスターズなどのトランスフォーマーシリーズ を集めましたか?


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