It's an archaic word for older brother. It originated as an honorific term of older brother, kinda like 兄上 (あにうえ; in Transformers Car Robot Speedbreaker addresses Mach Alert and Wild Ride as 兄上, likewise Mach Alert addresses Wild Ride as 兄上). These days it's used as a slang reference for any older brother figure and is commonly used in 'street slang' (including yakuza slang).

A lot of slang words in Modern Japanese come from archaic honorific terms. For example 貴様(きさま)is considered offensive today, but it was originally an honorific second person address (similar to 貴方(あなた); it even uses the same first Kanji); ditto お前(おまえ; although it's often slurred as おめぇ in gutter street talk).

I really don't recommend you start using these words in your 毎日会話 ... unless you want to sound like a chav. I don't recommend it though.


P.S.: 兄上 is pretty safe if you want to use that. Although thou speech shalt verily forsooth soundeth of yon Oldendays. Asgaaaaaaaaard! *spins Mjölnir*