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Thread: 日本語会話: The Japanese Conversation Thread

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    Quote Originally Posted by Ode to a Grasshopper View Post
    Fosters is crap, and I say this as a trained bartender. Most export beer from most countries is pretty bad.
    I have to say that Fosters sucks as well. I love alot of the aussie beer myself, that one not lol. Tooheys Old or any other dark beers are my fav. I would say I'm a bit of a coniseur of beers. I tend to go to Dan Murphys and go in the international beer isle and buy whatever looks good, or the name appeals to me lol.

    As for vegimite, yes that does rule, and does kinda suck that you can't get it cheaply over there. Why not ask some aussies over here to send you some? gotta be cheaper that way than buying it there.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Do they sell Vegemite in Japan? (I've never seen it sold there)

    When I was studying in Japan, there was this another Australian student whose parents sent him a jar of Vegemite. He brought it to uni one day and to let some of the other international students (and our Japanese teachers) have a taste. Most people (other than Aussies and Kiwis) thought it was either weird or just yuck... I think one Chinese or Korean guy thought it tasted okay... but this one American dude had the best reaction - he took a huge scoop and shoved in his mouth, then he wanted to spit it out but of course couldn't so he forced himself to swallow and said, "MWWOAR! I THOUGHT IT WOULD TASTE LIKE CHOCOLATE!"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    A friend found an import place that sells the small jars at inflated cost. Think I'll just hassle my mother to send some over instead.

    On a more topic-related topic, if it's not too blurry could I get a translation on this please?
    I just made what may be the most crazy good value Japan acquisition yet, but it seems a little too good to be true so I'd like to know what the sticker says.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Picture's rather blurry... The printed text above the hand written one says "damaged box" (lit. "hurt box"), and the large hand written text says "shaded colours," which I'm guessing might refer to discolouration. The rest is particularly blurry (that second Kanji is illegible) and kinda confusing, but I think it says that they're not sure if all the paperwork's there.

    Here's a typed version if anyone else wants to have a go:
    Printed sticker says:
    Large hand written text says:

  5. #5
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    Cheers Goki, and sorry for the pic quality - I did the best I could with the camera.
    Shaded colours might be the fact that my 1050 Yen 'hurt box' BW Metals x-9 has a black tail...guess I'll have to open him and see.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    That is indeed incredibly cheap! The paper work should be the instructions which has the catalogue printed on the other side - and this sticker sheet. Oh, and the lenticular tech specs card which is evidently present, and a self-addressed survey/feedback card, although the postage-paid would be expired by now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Hey wow... so I got some Japanese Yen today... and it's been a while since I've handled JPY, but I can't find the small "Braille" circles on the bottom of the notes that help blind people tell which note is what denomination! I've got several different denominations of notes and none of them have it!

    Looking at some different sample scans on wikipedia, it does appear that they've stopped embossing these circles into notes from those minted from 2004.

    Images for comparison:
    1984-series 10,000JPY note <--look carefully at the bottom right corner, you can see a small circular indent with a raised smaller circle in the middle.
    1984-series 5000JPY note <-- there are two "Braille" circles on the bottom right hand corner (one on top of the other).

    Now compare this with the 2004-series notes, which are the ones in current circulation:
    10,000JPY <---nothing on any corners
    5000JPY <---nothing on any corners
    ...I cannot see or feel anything on these notes. I've held them up to the light and can't see them either.

    So... this must suck for the blind.

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