Hey wow... so I got some Japanese Yen today... and it's been a while since I've handled JPY, but I can't find the small "Braille" circles on the bottom of the notes that help blind people tell which note is what denomination! I've got several different denominations of notes and none of them have it!

Looking at some different sample scans on wikipedia, it does appear that they've stopped embossing these circles into notes from those minted from 2004.

Images for comparison:
1984-series 10,000JPY note <--look carefully at the bottom right corner, you can see a small circular indent with a raised smaller circle in the middle.
1984-series 5000JPY note <-- there are two "Braille" circles on the bottom right hand corner (one on top of the other).

Now compare this with the 2004-series notes, which are the ones in current circulation:
10,000JPY <---nothing on any corners
5000JPY <---nothing on any corners
...I cannot see or feel anything on these notes. I've held them up to the light and can't see them either.

So... this must suck for the blind.