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Thread: 日本語会話: The Japanese Conversation Thread

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    SENPAAIIIIIII...... you're really making me miss Japan

    awesome pics by the way , is that ninja resturant one of those places where the staff all dress like ninja and do "ninja magic" for you while you eat?

    you went to the Toei Movie Village, jealous

    your pictures are giving me ideas of places to go for my next trip

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW



    Quote Originally Posted by Firestorm View Post
    SENPAAIIIIIII...... you're really making me miss Japan
    Dude, I've been missing Japan for the last 15 years!! So much has changed since the time I was living there. Stuff like...
    + Security everywhere is way more tight/paranoid; like the fingerprint scans at the airport and CCTV in public places... even signs saying that surveillance is there to counter terrorism and crime etc.! So this is what post Sept 11 Japan is like...
    + People aren't smoking as much in public places. In the old days No Smoking signs were purely decorative, now people actually obey them!
    + So many "portable hikikomori" - especially on trains where lots of people are just insulated in their own tiny worlds of their mobile phones. No eye contact or anything! The Japanese have always been recluse, but I think mobile phones kinda make it worse because it means they have an "excuse" not to interact with people sitting next to them (too busy interacting with people online!). Makes them bigger targets for attack too... just as well Japan has such low crime (could you imagine people being so damn inattentive to their surroundings in Australia or countries with much higher rates of assault/robbery?!?).
    + A lot more train stations have lifts now! When I was there last most stations only had stairs. Having lifts makes travelling so much easier when you're pushing a baby stroller around. However since lifts have only been a relatively recent addition to most stations, they can be placed in really inconvenient locations (i.e. the bum-end of stations where you have to circumnavigate half the area just of freakin' get there! Half the time we just went "Ah bugger it" and carried baby & stroller up and down flights of stairs!). But still, a significant improvement over last time where stations with lifts was more of a rarity.

    At the Osaka meet when we found some Beast Wars toys at collectable stores like Hero Gangu, I told Odie that when I was living in Japan these toys were current... now that he's living there it's DOTM and TF Prime! (and OTCA^Austran was only about a year old and had less than 50 members!) Sign of the times.

    Oh, and this is what I looked like when I was there last (black shirt):

    ...yeah, before I got all fat and stuff. <sigh>

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestorm View Post
    is that ninja resturant one of those places where the staff all dress like ninja and do "ninja magic" for you while you eat?
    I believe so. We didn't actually go inside any of them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestorm View Post
    you went to the Toei Movie Village, jealous
    Yeah, unfortunately it started raining while we were there, so we had to leave prematurely and didn't see everything (downside of touring with a baby). But I enjoyed what we did see though. They had this little anime museum which is only about the history of Toei anime No images of Transformers, but they had a historical timeline of Toei anime which mentioned the Japanese G1 TF series (Headmasters et al.). Our camera battery died by this stage, but I took photos with my phone... just gotta find the USB cable for my phone.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post

    Dude, I've been missing Japan for the last 15 years!! So much has changed since the time I was living there. Stuff like...
    + Security everywhere is way more tight/paranoid; like the fingerprint scans at the airport and CCTV in public places... even signs saying that surveillance is there to counter terrorism and crime etc.! So this is what post Sept 11 Japan is like...
    + People aren't smoking as much in public places. In the old days No Smoking signs were purely decorative, now people actually obey them!
    + So many "portable hikikomori" - especially on trains where lots of people are just insulated in their own tiny worlds of their mobile phones. No eye contact or anything! The Japanese have always been recluse, but I think mobile phones kinda make it worse because it means they have an "excuse" not to interact with people sitting next to them (too busy interacting with people online!). Makes them bigger targets for attack too... just as well Japan has such low crime (could you imagine people being so damn inattentive to their surroundings in Australia or countries with much higher rates of assault/robbery?!?).
    + A lot more train stations have lifts now! When I was there last most stations only had stairs. Having lifts makes travelling so much easier when you're pushing a baby stroller around. However since lifts have only been a relatively recent addition to most stations, they can be placed in really inconvenient locations (i.e. the bum-end of stations where you have to circumnavigate half the area just of freakin' get there! Half the time we just went "Ah bugger it" and carried baby & stroller up and down flights of stairs!). But still, a significant improvement over last time where stations with lifts was more of a rarity.

    At the Osaka meet when we found some Beast Wars toys at collectable stores like Hero Gangu, I told Odie that when I was living in Japan these toys were current... now that he's living there it's DOTM and TF Prime! (and OTCA^Austran was only about a year old and had less than 50 members!) Sign of the times.

    Oh, and this is what I looked like when I was there last (black shirt):

    ...yeah, before I got all fat and stuff. <sigh>
    ごめんな じいちゃん :-P
    clearly you've watied way longer than me so I'll stop complaining now
    thanks for the history lesson though :-P

    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    I believe so. We didn't actually go inside any of them.

    Yeah, unfortunately it started raining while we were there, so we had to leave prematurely and didn't see everything (downside of touring with a baby). But I enjoyed what we did see though. They had this little anime museum which is only about the history of Toei anime No images of Transformers, but they had a historical timeline of Toei anime which mentioned the Japanese G1 TF series (Headmasters et al.). Our camera battery died by this stage, but I took photos with my phone... just gotta find the USB cable for my phone.
    I'm putting Ninja Resturant and Toei Movie Vilage onto my list of things to do (toei does 仮面ライダー don't they?)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Firestorm View Post
    ごめんな じいちゃん :-P
    "Turbo-revvin' young punk!"

    Quote Originally Posted by Firestorm View Post
    (toei does 仮面ライダー don't they?)



    新幹線に乗っていてサウンドウェーブ / Soundwave on a bullet train

    ファンタグレープ! / Fanta Grape!

    富士山 / Mt. Fuji

    東京の電車の中に・・・ / inside a Tokyo train

    食券機 / Ticket vending machine for food at a small restaurant

    なります駅。日本に住んでいた時代、自分の誕生日に友達たちと一緒に新宿のシズラーズでメシを食べて、その あと拙者は映画を見に行きたかった、友達たちは「でも日本の電車は12時に止まるぞ」と言って、拙者と映画 館に行かなかったので自分で映画を見に行っちゃったんです。映画が終わった後すぐ拙者は11時50分ごろ埼 玉県の高坂駅までの電車乗車券を買って電車に乗りました。その時、12時あと誰も電車に乗られないんだけど 、もう走っている電車は最終乗り場まで必ず行くんだと思ったのに、自分は大丈夫だと思ってたんです。拙者は 必ず間違いました!乗った電車は12時に「なります」と言う駅に止まりました!! ぐぇええ!みんなはこの駅に電車を降りれなきゃ!電車はまた午前6時に走るって! しょうがないから拙者はホームレスな貧乏のように駅に泊まったんだ!現金もなかったし・・・(その時代に クレジットカードが使われるところが現在より少なかったんです);6時間ぐらいそばにいる同じようにどうす ることできなかった銀行労働者と喋って、彼はご親切に電車乗車券の買うために金を貸してくれました。午前7 時ごろ自宅に帰ってもう寝たかったんですが、豪州にいる家族と友達たちは何回も電話かけて「ハッピーバース デー」と言いたかったんです。10時ごろ関西から来た友達は他の友達をアパートに来て、その友達は拙者を電 話かけて「速く来なさい」と言うったんだぁ。だから自転車に乗って駅の反対側にある友達のアパートに行っち ゃたんだ。ギャアア!
    Narimasu station. (I'll explain the story about this in English later )

    御茶ノ水駅 / Ochanomizu Station (Astroboy fans should hopefully get this reference )

    猫ガール / Cat Girl

    東京タワー / Tokyo Tower

    建設者の名前はちょっとヤバイなあ / an unfortunately named construction vehicle

    「賞金稼ぎどもめ。クズどもの助けなどいらん。」 / "Bounty hunters. We don't need their scum."

    ジブリ美術館のバス / Studio Ghibli Museum bus

    ジブリ美術館 / Studio Ghibli Museum

    新宿 / Shinjuku

    うるさい人種差別主義日本人の前にポーズした白人さん / A white dude posing in front of a racist Japanese guy

    紀伊国屋書店 / Books Kinokuniya

    漫画フロア / manga floor

    新橋駅 / Shimbashi Station

    秋葉原 / Akihabara

    Cure Peach!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    19th Dec 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    <snip>+ So many "portable hikikomori" - especially on trains where lots of people are just insulated in their own tiny worlds of their mobile phones. No eye contact or anything! The Japanese have always been recluse, but I think mobile phones kinda make it worse because it means they have an "excuse" not to interact with people sitting next to them (too busy interacting with people online!).<snip>
    Yeah, there really are a lot of them aren't there? It makes me kinda sad, for all the good technology has done for Japan it's done quite a bit of harm too.

    On a less of a downer note, I had a nomikai with the first-year teachers for my area on Friday, and managed to sort of hold a (really basic) conversation for ages, including teaching one of the other ALTs how to do a basic jikou shoukai (however it's Romanised) and doing the same for the new Japanese teachers in English. Benkyou Suru pays off!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Just realised that exactly 15 years ago from yesterday was when I first went to live/study in Japan! Although I arrived at night and all I did was go from the airport to my apartment, unpacked a bit - switched on the TV (Crocodile Dundee dubbed in Japanese, I kid you not!), then went to sleep. So really 15 years go today was my first real full day in Japan... wandering around barely speaking a word of the language. I remember poking my head into one small restaurant and the woman working there said 「いらっしゃいませ」 and something else... I don't remember since I couldn't understand her at the time. I freaked out and ran away!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW

  8. #8
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    My Japanese word for this week: 水疱瘡 「みずぼうそう」 CHICKEN POX!

    My daughter has it.
    (and yes, she's up to date with her vaccines but she still got it anyway)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by GoktimusPrime View Post
    My Japanese word for this week: 水疱瘡 「みずぼうそう」 CHICKEN POX!

    My daughter has it.
    (and yes, she's up to date with her vaccines but she still got it anyway)
    Mizubousou = chicken pox? weird

    sorry to hear that Goki-senpai, but it's better she gets it as a kid rather than an adult right?

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