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Thread: 日本語会話: The Japanese Conversation Thread

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by Firestorm View Post
    minnasan 4649 :3

  2. #2
    Join Date
    3rd Jan 2008


    Can you correct my attempt at Japanese. Only know hiragana and a little bit of katakana so not using katakana.

    にほんご わ さむかった です。 
    ふゆ と ゆき です 。

    Japan was very cold because it was winter and snowing.

    ほてる の ちかく に まけと が あります。
    わたし わ まけと で ばん ごはん お たべました 。

    The market is very close to the hotel.
    I went to the hotel for dinner.

    わたし わ かふぇ に いきました 。
    かふぇ に とても おおきい と ちいさい いぬ が いました 。 
    I went to the cafe.
    There is are a lot of big and small dogs in the cafe.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    (Corrections/notes in red, additional comments/explanations in blue...)

    にほん  さむかった です。 <---Remember that わ is not a particle. You have to write は when using it as particle "wa" (it is pronounced as "wa" even though it's written as "ha", it's one of only 2 times a Furigana will change its pronunciation when used as a particle, the other is へ which is pronounced "e" when used as a particle)
    ふゆ だったから、 ゆき ですがふりました 。

    Japan was very cold because it was winter and snowing.

    ほてる の ちかく に まと が あります。<--this means "There is a market near the hotel", if you want to say "The market is very close to hotel" it would be まーけっと は ほてる の ちかく に あります

    The market is very close to the hotel.

    わたし  まと で ばん ごはん  たべました 。<---This means "I ate dinner at the market." If you want to say "I went to the hotel for dinner," it would be わたしはほてるにばんごはんをたべにいきました (lit. "I went to eat dinner at the hotel"); also keep in mind that お is not a particle, when you want to use "o" as a particle you must write を; e.g. おちゃ を のみます ("I drink tea"; note the 2 different uses of "o")

    I went to the hotel for dinner.

    わたし  かふぇ に いきました 。
    かふぇ に とても おおきい いぬ と ちいさい いぬ も たくさん いました 。<---lit. "there are many big dogs and small dogs too."
    I went to the cafe.
    There is are a lot of big and small dogs in the cafe.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    3rd Jan 2008


    Thanks... yes, suppose to be は, but when I was typing it became わ
    I did notice it looks funny cause it was not usually the way I write it.

    I couldnt manage to type the を it keep coming out as お or some kanji looking character and I gave up after a while.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by tron07 View Post
    Thanks... yes, suppose to be は, but when I was typing it became わ
    I did notice it looks funny cause it was not usually the way I write it.
    Yeah, you still need to type it as は (ha), even when used as a particle.

    Quote Originally Posted by tron07 View Post
    I couldnt manage to type the を it keep coming out as お or some kanji looking character and I gave up after a while.
    Looks like you've figured it out now.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    3rd Jan 2008


    I just copy and paste yours. Still didnt manage to type it.

    I use the language bar to type. Change it to Microsoft IME. In katakana, it will come out オ from the アイウエオ instead of the katakana particle -o

    the market is near my hotel and I had dinner at the market, so I got that correct.

    my weakness is the usage of particles like ni, ga, no, etc...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    29th Nov 2009


    I'm not sure if this is right but I think to get "を" you type "wo"

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