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Thread: Keeping TFs MISB no longer the best investment?

  1. #21
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    The people commenting on that blog say that when they die, they will bury themselves with their collection, Egyptian Pharaoh style.

    That would be kind of cool, being buried in a tomb filled with your toys only to be found 2000 years from now and be placed on exhibit in a British museum with all your collection.

    That is if a legitimate explorer for some future museum would be digging you tombsite. What if.... grave robbers come a knockin? heheheh or worse they might think ... "man those people got buried in a dumpsite, look at all these rotting plastic rubbish the bones are buried under "
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
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  2. #22
    Join Date
    4th Aug 2008
    The 'Riff


    That was actually a good read, I only just discovered this thread lol.

    Makes me glad that I don't collect MISB lol

  3. #23
    Join Date
    25th Jan 2008


    after reading this i think the term MISB needs to be changed to something more appropriate.

    YISB = Yellowing in sealed box

  4. #24
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Thinking about this topic: I have to disagree that keeping toys MIB are worse off than loose toys.

    To this date, I have not come accross an MIB 20+ year old toy that is worse off than its good condition loose counterpart.

    However I am in agreement that there is no point to keeping toys MISB unless you are a 'transitionary' collector or only see 'what they are worth' in your collection.

    That is why I don't agree with that guy in the 40 year old Virgin movie - He was clearly only collecting for the money value and on top of that he sells them because some dumb chick tells him too.
    Last edited by kup; 10th December 2009 at 05:33 PM.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    2nd Jul 2008
    Prahran, Melbourne


    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    so it could mean I should get UV resistant perspex doors attached to my display cases to protect them from my fluro lighting.
    Griff you could start with what i did being getting UV treated perpex covers for your lights and windows. would be a much cheaper excerise that full size cabinet doors. Perspex is more expensive than glass by the square meter in many cases.

    i just had it all cut to size from a perspex distributor

  6. #26
    Join Date
    24th Nov 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    However I am in agreement that there is no point to keeping toys MISB unless you are a 'transitionary' collector or only see 'what they are worth' in your collection.

    Sure there are people into collecting MISB with an intent to sell them off later and hopefully make a profit. Sure there are 'transitionary' collectors who are not in it for the long haul. I myself am a MISB collector and neither of the above are my motives for collecting.

    I do not care about the monetary value of my collection aside from having it insured in case of theft. I have also been a long term fan and can't foresee when I'll stop either because Transformers has been such a big part of my life.

    The reason for me collecting MISB is I appreciate the amount of effort and design that goes into making the packaging as much as I appreciate the engineering of the toys. It's all about nostalgic value to me and one is as important as the other. You can't deny gazing at a MISB collection and not help but reminisce about when you were a kid walking into a toyshop for the first time and seeing wall-to-wall Transformers. For me, it's about recreating that experience of wonder and awe.
    Last edited by 5FDP; 10th December 2009 at 07:07 PM.
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  7. #27
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    Gold Coast, Queensland


    Quote Originally Posted by pheonix83 View Post
    after reading this i think the term MISB needs to be changed to something more appropriate.

    YISB = Yellowing in sealed box

    Yes, that's absolutely right. You need to list all your G1 MISB items (like NOW!) in this thread and give very reasonable prices because they're all so yellowed already that you want to sell them to us real cheap ;P
    On the lookout for MISB Headmaster Highbrow, Takara or Hasbro. I'm sure I could make you a sweet deal!

  8. #28
    Join Date
    26th Nov 2009


    Has anyone got anything AFA'd and noticed its started yellowing after being graded? Would this occur?

  9. #29
    Join Date
    29th Dec 2007


    Quote Originally Posted by Skull Cruncher View Post
    Has anyone got anything AFA'd and noticed its started yellowing after being graded? Would this occur?
    I was under the impression that the clear cases where they place AFA toys was designed to avoid yellowing.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    Quote Originally Posted by Skull Cruncher View Post
    Has anyone got anything AFA'd and noticed its started yellowing after being graded? Would this occur?
    Unfortunately it can - even though the items are supposedly UV shielded, the reaction that is photodegradation can still occur.

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