Well its only been 3 days and its nearly finished...

Thanks to some tips from KelvinChang99 from OZFORMERS here my combiner has come along nicely in just 3 short days...

ALWAYS wanted my own dino combiner and thanks to Kelvin I now have a nearly finished one

This combiner requires 6 figures as advised by KelvinChang99 , 5 would have looked so silly. so i had to use 2 Slags for the legs, a snarl for the lower chest piece , grimmy for the top piece of the chest and swoop and sludge for the arms..
All pieced together to the spare Unicron body that i had ... I have turned the feet around so that the bigger parts now face forward as there is more weight on the front of the toy now
not to mention that they actually look better as the feet anyway. Painted the torso and other parts a nice silver metallic colour to blend with the dinos...

Um not much else to say unless there's any questiions so here are some progress pics...

Just waiting for the arms to dry then will add pics of Right arm (sludge) and left arm (swoop) And it will be complete once i find a head to attatch to him