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Thread: Lost... and then found

  1. #1
    Join Date
    2nd May 2009

    Default Lost... and then found

    I thought I'd share this with the board since all I got from my wife was a blank look....

    For abour 20 years I've had Hot Spot and all his bits to make Defensor. Over the past year I have gathered the other Protectobots and last night I finally got around to assembling the big guy.

    I put all the team members on... looking good! I start putting the Defensor bits on: hands, check; feets, check: waist band, check: chest shields... uh oh

    Somehow I had misplaced one of them, which for me is REALLY out of the ordinary. I keep everything bagged together and labelled.

    Now I knew I wouldn't have thrown it out but if you have seen my cupboard you will know why I was despairing. I have about 12 boxes full of toys, accessories, cardbacks, etc. A search on Ebay did not show any shields that matched the one I had left (the stickers on it are in great shape), so I was facing the unenviable task of turning my cupboard upside down looking for a 5cm-wide piece.

    I started this morning; removed the upper layer of figures, moved a few boxes and started digging. Second box I opened had a heap of figures and accessories. I took out one handful, thought 'it won't be in here', went to put it back... and thought 'no I better check'. Took out another handful and guess what I found.

    The missing shield.


    However, like I said, all I got from my wife was a "huh?"... so I shared the story with our kids (who were much more excited)... and you.

    Yes I know a pic would be nice... maybe when I get home.

    Anyone else got any lost and found stories to share?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007


    I have something similar. My son lost the spoiler of my G1 Sunstreaker, I searched high and low for it to no avail. I had written it off to being eaten or something along those lines as my son was very young at the time. About 3 months later I went to get something out of my ex-wifes jewellery case and low and behold there was this shiny silver spoiler looking at me from inside the case, I nearly cried with joy

  3. #3
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007
    Sydney NSW


    When we last moved house I'd misplaced Kicker and Gamede, which is really odd because I'd packed all my Transformers into clearly labelled boxes like so:

    But even after unpacking everything, there was no sign of Kicker and Gamede.
    Nearly a year passed and I got so desperate that I was considering buying another Magnificus/Gamede and selling Magnificus for only 50% of the total cost. As an e-Hobby exclusive set it probably would've set me back quite a fair bit, even after recouping half the cost, especially for just a 10cm Microman action figure!

    But then one day my wife was doing some cleaning/reorganising in our bedroom and found a small watch box which had originally been a wedding gift. Inside this box was Kicker and Gamede! I'd completely forgotten then I'd stashed them in there, because as padded boxes it would keep them safe. And more importantly, I'd neglected to label the box or put the box inside another box labelled Transformers when I moved! Hazar!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    8th Jun 2009


    Doing some cleaning around my old parent's place and found various missiles, guns and limbs for TFs from the 80s hidden in places. Love to be able to find the sword/tail for my Weirdwolf though.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    Kicker! Gamede!... you two naughty boys! what were you two doing?!?! Hmmmmm

    With mine the very first Prime I had was Ginrai back in Phils and as such was heavily brought everywhere around the house in full apex armour goodness... which resulted in the shoulder missle accidentally getting launched and me not noticing it immediately. So for the longest time he remained missle less since i couldn't tell which part of the house to start lookiing. I was pretty down that time coz had I gotten him incomplete i wouldnt have cared, but knowing that I lost the missle due to carelessness is something depressing ( yeah Im anal that way). 3 months after my mom was helping me clean my room and at the very back of my tallboy drawers was this shiny glint I saw in the corner of my eye while I was rearranging my bedroom furniture ( she was doing the sweeping- thank god and not the vacuum) huzzah its the missing missle! I didnt put it back to him for fear it might launch while he is on display as the trigger is quite sensitive. Kept it in the accessories box from then on. It has been like that til I went back last year to collect them all and migrate them here - 3years hehehehe. But now since I dont move him that often Ive kept it attached to the launcher...
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
    Parts- AM partner Basher-side guns, G1 Actionmaster Elite Windmill's blades[I][B]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    4th Jul 2008


    I noticed one day that my WST Optimus Prime was missing his little gun. It's on display so I thought it went the way of the vaccuum cleaner bag grave. Months later I found the gun stashed just behind one of the posts holding up the shelf fully safe from the vaccuum cleaner. I was one happy pappy that day.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    8th Aug 2009
    Bankstown, NSW


    Well mine's not TF related but I lost a 2.5 carat diamond earring for about three months and then one day found it in a pocket in a pair of jeans as I was doing laundry.

    How they got there in the first place, I'll never know.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    31st Jan 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Vector Prime View Post
    Well mine's not TF related but I lost a 2.5 carat diamond earring for about three months and then one day found it in a pocket in a pair of jeans as I was doing laundry.

    How they got there in the first place, I'll never know.
    dude, I dont know which is more worrying,
    the fact that you have a 2.5 carat diamond earing in the first place... or... you dont wash your jeans for over three months?? lol...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008
    Quakers Hill


    Quote Originally Posted by bruticus View Post
    dude, I dont know which is more worrying,
    the fact that you have a 2.5 carat diamond earing in the first place... or... you dont wash your jeans for over three months?? lol...
    mebbe he lost the jeans as well and just found it
    Wanted AM partner Vanguard, Myclones Dirge, G1 Victory Leo, e-hobby Dark scream ( the black version), e-hobby Magnificus
    Parts- AM partner Basher-side guns, G1 Actionmaster Elite Windmill's blades[I][B]

  10. #10
    Join Date
    8th Aug 2009
    Bankstown, NSW


    Quote Originally Posted by bruticus View Post
    dude, I dont know which is more worrying,
    the fact that you have a 2.5 carat diamond earing in the first place... or... you dont wash your jeans for over three months?? lol...
    Lol...funny pr**k!

    FYI, the jeans were laundered and I hadn't worn them for a few months and brought them out to iron prior to wearing again.

    And, is it bad that a guy likes bling?

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