I thought I'd share this with the board since all I got from my wife was a blank look....

For abour 20 years I've had Hot Spot and all his bits to make Defensor. Over the past year I have gathered the other Protectobots and last night I finally got around to assembling the big guy.

I put all the team members on... looking good! I start putting the Defensor bits on: hands, check; feets, check: waist band, check: chest shields... uh oh

Somehow I had misplaced one of them, which for me is REALLY out of the ordinary. I keep everything bagged together and labelled.

Now I knew I wouldn't have thrown it out but if you have seen my cupboard you will know why I was despairing. I have about 12 boxes full of toys, accessories, cardbacks, etc. A search on Ebay did not show any shields that matched the one I had left (the stickers on it are in great shape), so I was facing the unenviable task of turning my cupboard upside down looking for a 5cm-wide piece.

I started this morning; removed the upper layer of figures, moved a few boxes and started digging. Second box I opened had a heap of figures and accessories. I took out one handful, thought 'it won't be in here', went to put it back... and thought 'no I better check'. Took out another handful and guess what I found.

The missing shield.


However, like I said, all I got from my wife was a "huh?"... so I shared the story with our kids (who were much more excited)... and you.

Yes I know a pic would be nice... maybe when I get home.

Anyone else got any lost and found stories to share?