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Thread: Lost... and then found

  1. #11
    Join Date
    30th Dec 2007
    Japanicus Minimus


    I have a lost, lost and found story or three.

    When was a young-un I had my newly acquired and lovable Rippersnapper that I took many many places, unfortunatley, I took his gun with me out to go some where and promptly managed to drop in the back yard. In the sand. Which was grey. And very soft. Like the tiny tiny gun I just dropped. Much seraching ensued....

    My Rippersnapper is still gunless...

    Also when I was a young-un I had a dream I had Bumblebee and in the dream it pushed a really big box up a hill (no, the scale of the toy had not changed, it was still the normal size). The dream felt so real (for some reason) I could have sworn that I had a Bumblebee and spent the entire day looking for it. Sadly I didn't have a Bumblebee at all...

    Finally, A friend of mine and his bro had heaps of TFs. I got along well with his little bro and we'd play tf battlez together like good neighbours in the same suburb. ONe day I had trouble finding Ratbat. Funnily enough his little bro had just been around...

    "Hmm," I thought, "surely not, he wouldn't, its gotta be somewhere."

    Much searching (again) ensued, to no avail. So I thought I would just check. A quick bike ride to my mates place, whaddya know, his bro had just (and mean JUST) acquired Ratbat.... Cowinkydink? No, little bugger admitted to taking it. He got a bagging from his mum and I left with my Ratbat no worse for wear. Still got RB (and his ears)

    At least one of my stories have a good ending.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008
    La Face Cachée de la Lune


    When I was a kid, I found a Trailbreaker outside my local newsagent. I was familiar with the toy, since one of my best friends (who lived a few doors down from me) owned one. I thought - hmm... that's a lucky find - and headed back home. On my way back, I instinctively decided to stop off at my friend's house and - lo and behold - he'd just been down to the shops, where - it turned out - he'd accidentally left behind his Trailbreaker! So that was a happy ending and just fortunate for him that I'd found it and not anyone else.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    27th Mar 2020


    Found Ruination Arctic camo... in a shoe box of all places!

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