Played about 24 hours of Cyberpunk so barely scratched the surface as its mostly side missions and I haven?t even met Keanu Reeves yet.

Agree with Delta on all his points. My experience has been actually relatively decent in comparison to many. I put this down to:
1. Playing on a okay PC (1070ti)
2. Having fairly tepid expectations. I never played the Witcher games and admittedly found myself in the counter-circlejerk group who DIDN?T put the developers (CD Projekt Red) on a god-level pedestal. From what it sounds like CDPR promised fans a lot of features but didn?t deliver. As I wasn?t following much of the game development, I wasn?t getting onboard the hype train.

I read an interesting comment on Reddit where people were expecting a Fallout / Elder Scrolls / GTA5 experience in a cyberpunk setting. All they got was a Farcry game.