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Thread: Melbourne Missionaries

  1. #1
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast

    Default Melbourne Missionaries

    I'm bringing this over from the old board as I think it was/is quite successful:


    Hey Melbournites,

    If you're anything like me, you enjoy a healthy dose of the hunt as much as you enjoy the results. I even get my satisfaction if I find something that I know is needed by a friend or fellow hunter. I know many of us on the board have experienced this type of pack-hunt-and-share methodology.

    Now, when I'm on the hunt, I usually have my phone logged into email and OzFormers for any up-to-the-minute sightings and also so I can post back my own sightings in real time. I've even encouraged others to PM me quickly an I can make the purchase on their behalf while I'm still at the shop.

    So, here's my idea. I know there are more hunters in Melbourne besides myself, STL and Iceburn. So, I was thinking we'd use a thread here to actively maintain our current want lists... retail stuff only... stuff we're likely to find in the shops. And, if one of us sees something on another's list, we grab it and notify them.

    Now, of course, I don't expect everyone to be online while hunting, so just come here and have a peak at this one thread before you go out hunting.

    To work successfully, I think we'd need to understand a few things.

    1. No one expects anyone to have the extra money to buy someone else's desires. If you do, great. If you don't, don't feel bad. I've got good enough cash flow that I can do this. I don't expect anyone else to. No guilt allowed.

    2. You've got to come back here and update your list when you get something via other means, because the last thing I want to do is come home with three Rescue Ratchets only to find out that you've gotten them elsewhere. Keep your list up to date or remove it.

    3. Make sure that if you do purchase anything on anyone else's behalf, make sure it's refundable, in case rule 2 was applied to late or for any other reasons. And don't be upset if this happens. Personally, I know I'll be back in any of those shops soon so returning it really isn't a hassle. Be prepared for and forgiving of mistakes.

    So, what do you think? Is anyone interested. Any further suggestions to polish the concept?

    EDIT: December 6th:

    OK, we've been doing this for a bit now and I think it's quite successful. Here are some additonal enhancements and suggestions which have organically arisen since this idea's inception:

    4. Please post the maximum you're willing to pay for an item.

    5. Let's try to keep this topic focused and efficient. If you enter into a discussion in this topic and it gets resolved, let's delete out those old posts. In theory, each of us should only have one post in here, so when it comes time to shop, it's relatively painless and easy to see what everyone wants. So, chat if you must, but when done... clean up your act

    Added By Griffin 10th December 2008:

    Quote Originally Posted by griffin View Post
    I notice that most of you already do this to an extent, and to try to avoid future issues of people missing new stuff because they weren't able to be informed - include all the items in your want lists, of stuff that hasn't yet been released.
    Maybe in your posted listing, have 3 sections - one section of old items (pre-the-current-year), one section with current items (the current year), and one section with the unreleased stuff we know about. You can get the list of future stuff from here:
    I will try to keep it up-to-date more often to help out, but if you see something that is to be released in the next few months that you definitely know you will be getting, have it on your list. With the recent Animated 2-pack situation, some people were at home when they left for them, so they could have easily just seen here who wanted them.

    Just keep the sections split up or even colour coded, to make it easier for others to browse through easily.
    And try to keep your listings as cleaned up as possible, so that the items you want aren't missed amongst heaps of crossed out items.

    One of our community's best assets is the way a lot of us do go to the trouble of getting new or limited stuff for other members, if we can, before the toy scalpers or 'unappreciative' kids/parents. I don't want to see this cooperative concept be shelved or go underground, just because of one or two bad outcomes.
    Added: July 2, 2009

    6. Addendum to point 5. A lot of us strike-through already acquired items along with a tip of the hat to whomever helped as acquire it. I think this is a nice gesture, but let's keep these within reason. We don't need to stay aware of what someone got for you months ago. We can browse acquisitions for that.
    Last edited by jaydisc; 2nd July 2009 at 11:03 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    27th Dec 2007


    updated with universe legends i havent picked up, if someone sees them please grab for me


    Battle Damaged Prime Bust

    POSSIBLE FUTURE GROUP ORDERING (though the poo $AU means it may be a while...)

    Henkei Galvatron
    Henkei Powerglide
    Henkei Onslaught
    Henkei Silverbolt
    Henkei Sunstreaker
    Henkei Sideswipe
    Henkei Prowl
    Henkei Ironhide
    Henkei Octane
    Henkei Streak


    MyClones - STL
    Hound - Jay

    Last edited by Borgeman; 11th December 2008 at 04:49 PM.
    "Sometimes, the wrong thing feels so right"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    3rd Nov 2008

    Smile Wheel-J's friendly requests for buying/sightings/group orders/layby request/swap

    Classics Kup, Scourge, Grapple, Wheeljack, Reflector, Warpath

    Alternity Bumblebee (red) aka Cliffjumper
    Animated Electrostatic Soundwave
    Animated Thundercracker
    TF Movie Fracture (Walmart Exclusive) - new/loose, complete in mint condition

    Botcon 2011 Animated Stunticons Set!!!
    Last edited by Wheel-J; 29th March 2011 at 10:07 PM.
    Latest Acquisitions: Metroplex
    Incoming: ROTF Buster Optimus Prime; FP Defender, Insecticons
    Needs List: Alternity Cliffjumper; TF Prime Bulkhead, Skyquake, Vehicons; Classics Sky Shadow, Junkheap

  4. #4
    Join Date
    28th Jul 2008


    currently looking for pcc 5 packs stakeout and crankcase if anyone has seen them could they point me in the right direction
    Last edited by swoop; 4th March 2011 at 03:49 PM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    4th Jul 2008


    - TFA Deluxe Electrostatic Soundwave (with Ratbat)
    - TFA Deluxe Freeway Jazz
    - HFTD "Sideways Sneak Attack" (Legends Arcee, Elita-1 & Chromia + Deluxe Sideways)
    - TF DotM Deluxe Soundwave
    - TF DotM Human Alliance Soundwave
    - TF DotM Human Alliance Leadfoot
    - TF DotM Human Alliance Roadbuster

    Last edited by Stompy; 20th February 2012 at 07:07 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    27th Jan 2008


    After a good bit of cleanup...


    Universe 2.0/Classics
    Botcon Clear Mirage max 110AUD

    Japanese Grand Maximus

    Classics Devastator Maximus (the g1-esque colourscheme) max 110AUD
    25th Anni Legends
    Last edited by lcz128; 16th August 2010 at 07:24 PM.

    Current Wants:
    Shadow Scyther

  7. #7
    Join Date
    2nd Jan 2008


    Deleted previous post, here's the new list:

    RTS Deluxes:
    - Jazz
    - Tracks
    - Mindset

    RTS Voyagers:
    - Strafe
    - Lugnut
    - Solar Storm Grapple

    - Grimstone w/ Dinobots

    Done-zo Nick!

    Victory DVD Set if anyone has spares to sell..

    I know the set of 3: Headmasters / Masterforce / Victory for $94 at JB HiFi is much more worth it, but I already have the first two so don't see any point in getting that full set unless I can get that lazy ass to sell off the first two.

    Picked those up ages ago!

    I'm looking for the Transforming Bumblebee DVD Set.

    Robot Heroes Megatron/Chromia
    Robot Heroes Mixmaster/Ironhide

    can be found at Kmart 24/7 the one I usually frequent. Still about 2-3 of each and if I pop by again 2moro to check for the DVD again, I'll pick them up for you.

    Also have already found that ages ago!
    Last edited by JuzMel; 12th April 2011 at 10:37 AM.
    ~ JuzMel ~
    My son is taking over all my TFs!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    2nd Jul 2008
    Prahran, Melbourne


    I'd love a unicron at a good price
    I keep missing them when they come up

    Takara transformers collection #6 (that's subtle right ;p)
    Takara transformers collection #9 Starscream - loose prefered
    Takara transformers collection Stepper - loose prefered

    and as always, my dream litho at any price (almost)
    i saw a repro on eBay on once but never to be found again
    Last edited by Linthart; 18th August 2009 at 02:32 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    28th Dec 2007

    Default Sifun's wants

    Universe 2.0


    Series 3 - Trypticon, Jazz, thrust <-will trade for Tryp and Jazz for Galv and Rodimus my clones

    Galaxy Force Noizemaze Mass production
    Superlink Shadowhawk Marine Type
    Galaxy Force Starscream, Sonicbomber
    Last edited by sifun; 30th June 2010 at 09:37 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    23rd Apr 2009


    can anyone help out a bro with an $8 Windcharger from Melbourne if they see one? If anyone is able to, a PM would be great.
    Thanks gang!

    edit - FOUND, thanks to the kindness board members.
    Last edited by Blink90210; 3rd March 2011 at 05:58 PM.

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