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Thread: Government to censor the Internet

  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Japanicus Minimus


    Quote Originally Posted by Lord_Zed View Post
    thse days it seems like for our two main political parties we have centre right, and right of centre right. Talk about variety.
    Rofl that sums it up too well!
    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    The problem is that neither Labour nor the Coalition are parties which I can trully get behind and support. Ever since I have been able to vote, I have never wholeheartedly given my vote to either side thinking 'I support what this party stands for' its been mostly about 'Which of these is the lesser evil'.

    I am sure that I am not alone when it comes to this.
    Certainly not. They look so similar now I wonder what the point is sometimes. Old Johnny Howard was a clever dicky though, depsite the Liberals not being in power, Labor has had to follow their trends in many repects.

  2. #42
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  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
    The problem is that neither Labour nor the Coalition are parties which I can trully get behind and support. Ever since I have been able to vote, I have never wholeheartedly given my vote to either side thinking 'I support what this party stands for' its been mostly about 'Which of these is the lesser evil'.

    I am sure that I am not alone when it comes to this.
    You are definately not alone on this. Me and most people I know vote from the ground up, with the one we least want in power and voting upwards. By the time I get to the last 2, it's so hard to decide which of those 2 are worse.

  4. #44
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    The more I read on this on the web, the more my blood boils. I really don't like where the government is heading with this.

    This country is supposed to be all about freedom, but with this being introduced, we lack alot of freedom to view what we choose on the internet.

  5. #45
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    The political mentality seems to be that the trick to a successful modern democracy is to keep the population ignorant. That way you can manipulate public opinion to whatever you want with just 'Jeebus supports me!' or 'Will someone think of the children! (because we don't!) policy spins.
    Last edited by kup; 17th December 2009 at 12:32 PM.

  6. #46
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    SAGE-AU warns ISP filtering tests fail fast Internet

    Also, blog post from ALP's Kate Lundy:

    My thoughts on the Filter

    Lundy has been anti-censorship in the past but has backflipped just to keep her spot in the ALP, making her a hyprocrite.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by SGB View Post
    Lundy has been anti-censorship in the past but has backflipped just to keep her spot in the ALP, making her a hyprocrite.
    My god, a politician that is a hypocrite? That is so unheard of
    Hypocrites the lot of them I say.

    Still funny to watch, in a sad sorta way.

  8. #48
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    at first i thought the whole filter and black list issue was an idea of the labor far right christians, and the family first party, and other charming politicians who would run this country in the name of Jesus Christ. (for the record, im a christian, but i dont believe any form of religion should be incorporated into general politics) But its clear to me now that this has become the agenda to more than just the far right christian factions. I wonder if theres anything the big ISPs could say or do to the government to basically say "we're not doing it" ugh!

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dkaris View Post
    at first i thought the whole filter and black list issue was an idea of the labor far right christians, and the family first party, and other charming politicians who would run this country in the name of Jesus Christ. (for the record, im a christian, but i dont believe any form of religion should be incorporated into general politics) But its clear to me now that this has become the agenda to more than just the far right christian factions. I wonder if theres anything the big ISPs could say or do to the government to basically say "we're not doing it" ugh!
    Depsite the law requiring sepearation of religion and the state, the fact that many politicians are religious ( and catholic a lot of the time) makes it hard for them to be un-biased about things. Thats why I object to Tony Abott. he has let his views on abortion and euthanasia go against the wishes of the his electorate as he follows his own.

    This is also the reason I dislike conscience votes.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dkaris View Post
    at first i thought the whole filter and black list issue was an idea of the labor far right christians, and the family first party, and other charming politicians who would run this country in the name of Jesus Christ. (for the record, im a christian, but i dont believe any form of religion should be incorporated into general politics) But its clear to me now that this has become the agenda to more than just the far right christian factions. I wonder if theres anything the big ISPs could say or do to the government to basically say "we're not doing it" ugh!
    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    Depsite the law requiring sepearation of religion and the state, the fact that many politicians are religious ( and catholic a lot of the time) makes it hard for them to be un-biased about things. Thats why I object to Tony Abott. he has let his views on abortion and euthanasia go against the wishes of the his electorate as he follows his own.

    This is also the reason I dislike conscience votes.
    See this is why religion and politics should not mix.

    Now I am all for people believing in whatever religion they choose, but it pi@@es me right off when they try to force their views onto me. As this filter is doing.

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