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Thread: Government to censor the Internet

  1. #71
    Join Date
    6th Oct 2009


    The government totally has an ulterior motive and doesn't do a very good job of hiding it . They claim that this will make the internet safer for children but its total bulls$%#. Only the extreme material is blocked; they cannot do so with 'legal' porn i.e. made with consenting adults. If anything, this filter will do more harm than good as families are fooled into a false sense of security.

    Apparently its also very easy to circumvent the filter lol. Just google "australian internet filter bypass"

    Knights of my untidy study

  2. #72
    Join Date
    16th Jul 2008


    Quote Originally Posted by SGB View Post
    Attacking Govt websites is foolish though as it damages anti-filtering/anti-censorship campaigning.
    Though I'll never be able to prove it, it is of my opinion that these were orchestrated.

  3. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by OrionPax View Post
    Apparently its also very easy to circumvent the filter lol. Just google "australian internet filter bypass"
    It's dead easy.

    One such easy example: add a question mark at the end of a banned URL and hey presto, the site's accessible.

    I'm hearing a rumor that thanks to today's attacks, the censorship legislation is being fast-tracked and could be tabled next week.

    EDIT: If the censorship legislation is passed, I don't see myself doing anymore online transactions due to censorship systems being security vulnerabilities.

  4. #74
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    I think it will be a sad day when/if they pass this legislation, just goes to show how crappy australia is becoming really.

    Parents need to put in the effort to monitor their kids activites, not just leave it to someone else. How many years have I been using the net now and I haven't come across any kiddy porn...

    They are appealing to conservative morons and tkaing the easy way out. Typical

    I will be interested to see if someone comes across something banned if they will be able to sue the govt for providing a faulty product?

  5. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tetsuwan Convoy View Post
    Parents need to put in the effort to monitor their kids activites, not just leave it to someone else.
    Spot on there. It should be up to the parent to monitor it. There are simple things out there like net nanny and such that will block porn sites from kids. All they are doing, is imposing their own religious views upon everyone else IMO.

    If they do fast track this, alot of people are going to be really pissed off. I know I will be. I do alot of my bills, banking and such, on the internet. SGB, if what you say is true, I won't want to use the net for anything to do with my money anymore either. Now I don't want to start a political debate or anything (but I know alot of you will probably agree with me on this) but I really think that the Government is screwing the country up by enforcing this.

  6. #76
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    Looks like the rumor I mentioned was false. The Senate isn't even sitting next week.

  7. #77
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    Sure, the members of /b/ sitting there ddossing government sites and servers isnt good, but at least they DID something. All these anti censorship groups havent really done much of anything to oppose this ban and hey at the end of the day, if the filters going to be put in place then ddossing a few servers isnt that big a deal, unless your the government, then it kind of is, because your site sjust got taken offline by a group of early to mid twenty year olds. Someone deserves the sack over that one.

    I duno about you guys, but im stocking up my porn collection, only a matter of time before its ALL banned.

  8. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dkaris View Post
    Sure, the members of /b/ sitting there ddossing government sites and servers isnt good, but at least they DID something.
    Problem is, DDoSing is illegal, and the incident(s) puts the anti-censorship campaign in a bad light.

    It also makes it harder for the Liberals to oppose the censorship policy as well.

  9. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by SGB View Post
    Problem is, DDoSing is illegal, and the incident(s) puts the anti-censorship campaign in a bad light.

    It also makes it harder for the Liberals to oppose the censorship policy as well.
    As i stated in my last post, DDoSing isnt good. i never said it was good or the right thing to do. However without turning this into an all out political thread, i think it needs to be said that the liberal party most likely wouldnt oppose this policy, infact, i think theyd give their backing (but of course they couldnt make it seem that way, that defeats the purpose of politics.) I believe the liberals would be even more right wing if this policy was something they were implementing. As for being against the whole filter, its not like the Australian people have had a choice we were basically told "this is being bought in to prevent child porn, its non negotiable and itll be bought in in 2010."

  10. #80
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    I know we're quick to blame Rudd for this, but Howard was already looking into internet censoring before he lost government. Rudd just picked up the ball and ran with it.

    So yes, Labour or Liberal would be irrelevant, both parties want to push this through for the betterment of the children.

    To back up what SGB said, those attacks did the anti-censorship groups no favours. While they may not have been responsibile for them, they want what the attackers want and that's no censorship. The government's not going to give a toss that they're two seperate groups, they're just going to look at them both in the same light, that they're cyber-terrorists attacking a government policy.

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