From fellow Ozformers - Many, many thanks guys!!

Actionmasters - Over-run with attack copter, Sprocket with Attack Cruiser, Jackpot with Sights, Inferno's Backpack, starscream missle - thanks Skyshadow
Alternity Bumblebee and Cliffjumper thanks to Kup
G1 Goldbug and Beachcomber thanks to 5FDP
G1 Vroom pretender shell thanks to 1Azrael1

From the fair itself - very slim pickings for me, as Im only after parts anyways

G1 groove's handgun - sweet as, its so freaking rare to find this piece!
1985 TF catalogue from Jamie's/1Azrael1's table, cheers!

Also got 2 non TF items
DCU Green Lantern and Hawkman - these are awesome I might start colle... uh oh

Ill um post pics later, Im having a post traumatic stress headache I guess....