Quote Originally Posted by canofwhoopass_87 View Post
I'm not sure if this has been discussed...but what about giving a yellowed G1 Slugslinger a H202 bath? There are so many loose, sun damaged ones floating on ebay. Is H202 only recommended for whitening figures that are originally white to begin with?
I had a really badly yellowed junker we wanted to test on. I got Kup to give it a go to see how it went.

Here is a before.

Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
I have 1Azrael1's yellowed '87 Targetmaster toys which I will attempt to clear up with H2O2.

Slugslinger will be the first and as you can see, he is very yellowed. I will try the twin cockpit first and the rest of the body can serve as a control so that we can check the level of improvement.

This test will likely take a few weeks or more as I use a very low concentration of H2O2 but I will post every couple of weeks to check on improvement.
And at the end of treatment.

Quote Originally Posted by kup View Post
The Slugslinger dual cockpit has finally finished restoring much of it's color. Unfortunately it is far from perfect.

The color isn't exactly like the original as it has a bleached sort of look. On top of that much of the surface has been damaged with odd powdery looking spots - This seems to be a common plastic surface reaction to the H2O2 with 1987 toys. Oddly enough, the unyellowed surface area under the plastic is unspoiled.

On the bright side, this will certainly display much better than a yellowed figure as you can see by the picture but it will still have a worn and damaged look on the surface of the plastic. Due to this, I would not classify the result as a fix.

Unfortunately the surface defects don't come out in photos but are very visible in person. I have also linked a high-res picture which shows a bit of the surface defects at the tip of the nosecones but it still not representative of the actual damage.

High-Res photo:


Sadly, I wouldn't suggest you buy one in the hope of fixing it with H2O2.