Make no mistake, "Transformers 3" is coming. It might not have been the best film of 2009, but "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" was a HUGE box office success and moviegoers are always game to see what director Michael Bay will blow up next and how big the explosion is.

Bay appeared on Starz' "In the House" last night and he spent a little time talking about the next installment of Paramount's toy-cartoon-comic book (and now movie) franchise. There had been rumblings around the industry that the filmmaker had plans to direct something before the next "Transformers," and he addressed that first.

"The true story is we went to Vegas to celebrate ['Revenge of the Fallen'] crossing the $400 million mark domestic. I said I'm excited to do my small little movie. They said, well we're here to talk about that. I've become friends with these guys that run Paramount and they [told me,] 'We're going to get fired if we don't have a 2011 franchise,' so I'm like you can't let these guys down."

"The economy's been so rough, it's kind of important. When you say yes to movie like this you automatically give 3000 people jobs. 1000 for the toys. 2000 for the filmmaking. I'm going to put [the small film] on hold and do it right after ['Transformers 3']."

So for now, Bay is focused on bringing us more of that Autobots vs. Decepticons conflict. When giant robots fight, Earth is the only guaranteed loser. But we audiences get to see tons of s--t explode, so it's cool. Bay's plans to keep things fresh include one simple idea: more.

"You can't just rehash the old," he explained. "We're adding a lot of new elements. We're adding new characters. We're adding a lot of twists." Characters? Twists? "Transformers" fans-- let your speculation begin!

Of course, it wouldn't be a chat about an upcoming effects-heavy blockbuster without some discussion of 3-D. Anyone who doesn't think "Avatar" changed the game needs to pay more attention: everyone's been talking about it, considering it, putting plans into action, Bay included.

"It's a process we're testing with some 'Transformers' scenes," he said. "How successful it is with my movie in terms of a lot of real stuff coming out of the frame, real dirt, real complicated little particles coming towards the lens, because hopefully that process will work. I've seen some tests that look great on other movies. I just want to see how it looks on my footage."

What franchise elements do you want to see in the third "Transformers" movie? Should it be in 3-D?