A new game - Transformers are trying to infiltrate the Earth by making contact with high-profile humans. If they can do it in six steps or fewer then they will be successful.

The rules:

It's played like Six Degrees Of Kevin Bacon. The winner of the previous round picks a character from Transformers, and a celebrity. They must have an idea of how to get from one to the other in six steps, so if you picked - say Lord Zarak and Lady Gaga then in your head you'd have to have an idea of how to do it in six steps. Then Ozformers post their own method, like so:


Lord Zarak to Lady Gaga.

1. Lord Zarak was a major character in the Transformers comics.
2. Transformers comics were published in the United Kingdom by Marvel UK.
3. At Marvel UK, one of the editors was Neil Tennant.
4. Neil Tennant is also the singer from Pet Shop Boys.
5. Pet Shop Boys sang a medley of their songs at the Brit Awards last year with guest vocals from Lady Gaga.

Lady Gaga: infiltrated in five degrees.


If they do it successfully (as above) they get to post the next Transformer and celebrity. So they might post "Arcee to Ben Lee." Then another Ozformer might post a method that they've come up with, like this:


Arcee to Ben Lee.

1. Arcee was in Transformers: the Movie with Galvatron.
2. Galvatron was voiced by Leonard Nimoy.
3. Leonard Nimoy was in Star Trek with William Shatner.
4. William Shatner's album Has Been was produced by Ben Folds.
5. Ben Folds was in The Bens with Ben Lee.

Ben Lee: infiltrated in five degrees.


As long as they structure it that way (the end of one step is the beginning of the next) and they can do it in six steps or fewer then they 'win' and get to post the next infiltrating Transformer and celebrity. I hope that makes sense.

So a (relatively) easy one for people to try to start with:

Hot Rod to L Ron Hubbard.