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Thread: Transformers Cybertron: the Top 10

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    Default Transformers Cybertron: the Top 10

    Since posting this line wide review last November. I've gone and acquired a few more Deluxes I had been missing in my collection. As such, I've had the difficult but fun task of going back and determining who makes the top 10.

    __________________________________________________ ______________

    I firstly admit, quite guiltily, that Cybertron was my 1st real modern toy-line. Prior to that, I had returned to collecting specifically for G1 and Binaltech/MPs. It was supposed to stop there. It didn’t. It harmlessly started off with wanting something to buy from retail after being so steadfastly opposed to “this new crap” for one and half years. Then my nephew got Cybertron Defence Red Alert. I then saw the rest of the Cybertron defence team. I figured, these bots are one funky group. I’ll make an exception. The rest, as they say, is history.

    The allure of these figures is their poseability and playability coupled with their unique moulds that range from primal beasts to sophisticated starships. My enjoyment of them cumulatively increased as I acquired figure after figure. I’ve been meaning to have a yarn on these guys. They really are quite good. So in the fashion of top10 threads that I hope to do more of, let us begin…

    The Top 10

    1.) Supreme Primus

    This figure is incredible. Unlike Armada Unicron, this thing turns into a round planet with extensive detailing. While Unicron may look hindered in certain poses and his face lacks that detail, Primus does not. Primus is a 2-3 centimetres shorter than Unicron which is unfortunately quite noticeable. That is his only failing though. He is a wonderful figure and I pride him amongst the joys of my collection. He is an infinitely elegant and powerful figure, one who appears imposing but benevolent.

    2.) Leader Optimus Prime
    "G1" version:
    "Galaxy Force" version:

    Of the modern Primes, this one is the closest we get to G1 Prime. He is a firetruck unfortunately but everything about him resonates G1. The face-plate. The colours, The transformation. He even has a matrix. I prefer my Cybertron Prime without the backpack and the super robot legs folded down. This gives him a far more G1 look. In terms of play value, lots of things one can do with him. And that’s without cool extra figures like Wing Saber or Leobreaker to fit on.

    3.) Leader Galvatron
    I passed on this figure at retail figuring I could wait for the next sale. Then he disappeared and I chased him for months on eBay. He was in high demand, commanding prices of up to $100 USD which might be par now. But what makes him so appealing? His alt mode is a awesome raging sports car that can plow through any Autobot line of defence. His silver chrome really gives him that sense of majesty and quality. My gripe with this figure is that he should have been named Megatron. It would have made far more sense.

    I hope to custom him at some point by finding a cool large gun I can mount on his left arm as a fusion blaster just to give him that G1 feel.

    4.) Voyager Evac
    Best. Helicopter. Ever. His range colours mesh together perfectly, giving him that rescue vehicle aura. He is indisputably an excellent figure because of his play value, poseability and, quite frankly, good looks. I have not seen a more perfect looking bot. His weapons aren’t big bulky guns but blades and they work really well and do not obstruct the posing process. In fact, unlike with say TFM Voyager Blackout, Evac’s weapons open up a whole new range of poses. This is one incredible figure. My only disappointment is when his TFM namesake rocks up and does this mould a disservice. If I want to see a figure repainted into Classics, it would be Evac into G1 Blades. Whatever someone at Hasbro does, they need to find a few more repaints of this mould. I could use three.

    5.) Voyager Cybertron Defence Scattershot
    One of my first Cybertron figures. He turns into a military figure armed to the teeth. At first, I expected that the guns on the arms would really weight him down. Wrong. In fact, what they do is, like with Evac, enhance the range of poses one has available when toying around with him. He has a great head mould and that chest is really awesome.

    6.) Voyager Vector Prime
    I know there’s a bit of disenchantment with this figure when compared to his Takara self but I still rate him. His detailing is really good b/c it gives the vibe of a bot who has been around for many vorns and should henceforth be deserving our of reverence amongst the Autobots. He is for all intents and purposes a robot knight with that sword of his; something no other bot can claim in my humble opinion.

    7.) Ultra Scourge
    This figure has one wicked beast mode. It’s huge. Massive when one compares it to certain BWs figures. His orange fiery colours bode not well for any Autobot foolish enough to cross his path. His 3 heads each hungrily glare at you; reminding you that you’ll be mince meat if you don’t make haste and split. His tail becomes his awesome sized axe which adds that necessary dimension of power and violence to the toy. His sounds are probably the best of the Cybertron toys too; with appropriate roars.
    His failing though is his limited articulation in his shoulders. If that were remedied, this figure could’ve climbed the list. No toy is perfect though and this figure remains a favourite of mine.

    8.) Deluxe Cybertron Defence Hot Shot
    This one is perhaps sentimental. I know others like the normal Deluxe better but this one is my preference. His alt mode as armored carrier is really quite awesome and unique as he is one of the few bots in history to adopt that form without have massive missiles on top of him. He is a good looking bot but what others may find disappointing in him is his lack of articulation. He is rather brickly. Further, that sword doesn’t have a very good storage space, making it easy to lose. Nevertheless, he is armed to the teeth and in the vein of the Defence Team, that is his allure.

    9.) Voyager Quickmix
    If anyone recalls G1 Quickmix, he was a pretty crabby toy. This update is awesome He has essentially what is a Targetmaster buddy which nicely reminds us of his binary-bonded past. Voyager Quickmix has a perhaps not so sturdy alt mode b/c the mixing barrel can be easily dislodged. However, this is a minor point. Once you transform him and behold the plates, detailing of his figure, the uniqueness of his head sculpt, this figure screams “awesome” at you. And having the mixing barrel as a gun as well as a Targetmaster, certainly only entrenches this figure into the top 10.

    10.) Crosswise/Smokescreen
    The new entrant to the top 10. I had to squeeze him in. He almost took Voyager Quickmix's spot but I do like larger vehicles and the Targetmaster G1 vibe gives Quickmix that slight edge. But we're not here to talk about Quickmix. We're here to talk about why Crosswise makes the top 10 at the expense of Armorhide who is essentially one of the most brilliant scouts to date. Crosswise is a wonderful little toy. He has a wonderful little shield, a great gun that is his spoiler, and those two extended bars at his back all give him a don't mess with me vibe. He is a warrior. Make no mistake about it. His alt mode imo looks best without the spoiler. It gives it that edgy, speedy, futuristic feel. His articulation is vast, opening up many poses and many hours of fun. A favourite of mine, I'm glad to see him being reused for this years Botcon set Jazz. I actually think it's somewhat close to the War Within feel.

    Honourable Mentions: (in no particular order w/ exception of poor ol' Armorhide who has been displaced from the top 10)

    11.) Scout Armorhide

    Originally in the top 10, he has since been unfortunately nudged out by the Crosswise/Smokescreen mold.

    I will be honest and concede that I have never been a lover of small figures. That’s the reason why I passed on so many Deluxe figures in Cybertron. I love big figures. Period. I have almost all of the large Cybertron figures but have many missing when it comes to Scouts and Deluxes. (I don’t count Mini-Cons). But to my surprise, the few Scouts or Deluxes that have slipped into my possession have been really good. Skyblast is a favourite of mine but he pales in comparison to Armorhide

    Armorhide is foremost among them because his articulation is immense. He virtually can do every pose bar have his arms cross one another. He has a large gun and a front panel that reveals an awesome array of rockets. As simple as the figure is, he has immense play value and looks excellent. Botcon 2007 released him as Huffer, TFM as part of their scout line. He does not disappoint. I generally was against getting recolours, but where the base mould is so good, one can’t help but pick it up!

    I have in fact moved him out of my Cybertron line and into my Classics box. Since Pipes was essentially a repaint of Huffer, I figured that I could at the least rename my Armorhide as G1 Pipes. Fortunately, he adds to my now undermanned Autobots.

    a.) Sky Shadow:
    he really is quite a good figure but what lets him down is the major cavity between his front chest and his back. It looks awkward from side on. Ultimately he is a repaint of Jetfire. I just can’t get past a Jetfire being so devoid of white so my preference has always been to enlargen my Decepticon ranks.
    REF: Jetfire:

    b.) Voyager Soundwave:
    An immensely good figure and perhaps he should not have missed out. He comes with Laserbeak who transforms into a bomb of all things. This figure has a sweet transformation and is an awesome update on an old favourite that preserves all the things we loved about the character. His failing is he finds it difficult to stand upright and his cannons don’t always slide easily into place.

    c.) Ultra Red Alert:
    A lot of fun can be had with him but he works best in conjunction with the rest of the Cybertron Defence Team. Together as a unit, I pity the Decepticon foolish enough to confront them. What disappoints about this figure is the rocket. It really screws up with the weight distribution of the figure. It should have been removable at the least in the vein that Stalker/Machine Wars Soundwave worked. And a little feature about him I find cool is how his head actually is below a “collar” if you will. It gives the sense he’s got a large back and more of a big gun that rolls in and turns the tide.

    d.) Deluxe Override
    I really regret not holding onto this figure. A very cool futuristic sports car and the colour scheme conveys an elegance I can’t describe. Very sleek, love the curves. The problem is this is another figure that may be hard to stand.

    e.) Ultra Menasor
    This guy is a lot of fun but for some reason he doesn’t make my list. I can’t quite place it. He has a unique futuristic drilling machine alt mode, has a cool looking head sculpt, great gimmicks and unique colours. I think perhaps it has to do with the fact that when he is in alt mode, you pick him up and realize, he isn’t at all that hard to transform and so one derives little utility from scarfing him up.

    f.) Wing Saber
    Takara version:
    Alright. I used to frequent boards a lot as a lurker before finally joining fandom and the vibe I always got was that this was a much adored and treasured figure amongst Cybertron toys. I like him, yes but he has noticeable flaws. Of any figure, he is the worst to pose b/c he is back heavy. The front cockpit folds back and it’s a big chunk, I assure you. It makes him very difficult to stabilise. Secondly, he suffers from the worst sin. There are –no- hands. Bot Hands to me are essential. It really makes it more of a drone if it has not hands. The only exception that surfaces itself in my mind is BW Megatron. His swords slot into two holes on the side of his fore arms rather than in his hands. It looks downright weird.
    That said, he is still a must get in the line. His combining with Optimus is quite good!

    g.) Leobreaker/Nemesis Breaker
    For me, it reminds me of Lio Convoy. Mind you, Lio Convoy has exceptionally better articulation and that’s why this toy fails. It had the potential. All that was required were a few extra joints. That failure means this figure is an above average figure but not a must get. I previously only had the Nemesis Breaker mould and regretted not getting Leobreaker. I have since gone back and located one and am very glad that I have

    h.) Downshift
    This toy is really cool. The alt mode is scintillatingly designed. The colour choices are great. It could easily have been made G1 Wheeljack as many say but in all honesty I'm not that fussed. What's excellent about this figure is the way the guns can assume so many attack positions. They can be placed on his shoulders, in his hands or in alt mode. My quibble with this figure is the lack of storage of his weapons in vehicle mode. I'm also particularly impressed by the transformation of Downshift. The way the gimmick still works even though the back section becomes bent in robot form. The few problem that this has are its knees which will buckle easily one day with age and the spring that is necessary for the head. Hopefully those days are distant.

    Concluding remarks

    Of the modern mass market/non-collector-specific lines, I do not believe there is a line as good as this. Classics is too small a line in my humble opinion to yet include. Maybe in 1 or 2 more waves. It just lacks the larger figures and the range of alt modes. Armada has woeful articulation and designs though some nice looking bots. Energon’s powerlink gimmick sacrificed too much of a figure’s playability at times. Cybertron got it right. If there’s any compliant, it’s arguably the absence of combiners that made a return during Energon. That though fades quickly from the forefront of one’s mind when we behold the range of vehicles, style of robots that this line graced us with.

    I never watched the cartoon but I believe that the whole idea of planet keys gave the toymakers great flexibility with alt modes. This in large part is why the line works. Of course, we should not forget the designers at Hasrbo & Takara. They finally develop a gimmick that did not infringe on the visual integrity and playability of the figure.

    The last thing I’d say about Cybertron as a line is that even the worst figures (Mudflap, Blurr) were decent. This is something that can’t be said about other lines like TFM, RiD, Armada or Energon. In those cases, where the figures were crap, they really were crap. And that’s what makes this line so strong. I hope that in time, I’ll be able to say the same of Classics.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    31st Dec 2007
    Western Sydney


    That's a fairly solid list. Agree 100% with Evac, possibly my favourite Voyager figure ever.

    IMO it is missing only 2 figures, 1 of which should only be included in the Honourable mentions category.

    The 2 other figures I would add are:
    Cybertron Deluxe Red Alert; this guy has a unique transformation that greatly differs from most deluxe post 2000 cars, excellent pose ability nice additional weapons and is more or less show accurate.

    Honourable Mention: Scout Scattorshot; clever use of alt mode in robot mode, armed to the teeth for a deluxe and a quirky and different looking figure, that would have easily made a damn fine Voyager or Ultra Class figure.

    Personally I'd switch Crosswise/Smokescreen with Downshift, and insert Red Alert over Quickmix or CD Scattorshot. Jetfire and Armourhide really are close to making my top 10 too, but there are just not enough places for them. Then again I love Backstop, so my opinion is mud to many people!
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Sydney NSW


    10) Primus - just because it's freakin' Primus/Cybertron!

    9) Cybertron Defence Hot Shot - these names are too long and unimaginative - again I prefer the GF name (Exygeiser)

    8) Evac

    7) Vector Prime - really nice voyager and a neat tribute to "The Last Autobot", but the Hasbro colours aren't as nice as Takara's

    6) Cybertron Defence Red Alert (First Gunner)

    5) Red Alert (First Aid)

    4) Downshift - finally he's not trying so hard to be freakin' Wheeljack and yet the Wheeljack-style head still lets you know that he's an evolution of the contentious Energon Downshift, which as most of you will remember I bitched about endlessly in 2004. Ggrrr!

    3) Galaxy Force Starscream (Voyager) - a better War Within Starscream toy than Ti Series WWI Starscream!! The Voyager size looks nicer and makes it more interactive with other GF/CYB TFs and also better value for money IMO. I'm very reluctant to buy anymore oversized TFs ever since I was burnt by Supreme Cheetor. :/

    2) Armourhide - such an incredibly awesome Scout Class figure!

    1) Optimus Prime - A really neat toy. I don't hold the fact that he's a fire engine against him because he's NOT meant to be G1 Optimus Prime! Having said that, it's also neat how some of the toy elements echo War Within Optimus Prime. Unlike Super Fire Convoy, he's quite sturdy in his super mode, but not a brick like Armada Optimus Prime. And he's certainly better engineered than "Power Rangers Mega Zord Fatimus Prime" (Grand Convoy). One of the better Optimus Prime figures that we've seen in a long time.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by i_amtrunks View Post
    Honourable Mention: Scout Scattorshot; clever use of alt mode in robot mode, armed to the teeth for a deluxe and a quirky and different looking figure, that would have easily made a damn fine Voyager or Ultra Class figure.
    I am really intrigued by the mold. I'm trying to get it as the GF version atm but other things keep getting in the way. It will be mine one day and it might breach the top 10.

    Personally I'd switch Crosswise/Smokescreen with Downshift, and insert Red Alert over Quickmix or CD Scattorshot. Jetfire and Armourhide really are close to making my top 10 too, but there are just not enough places for them.
    Too true. It makes me feel guilty leaving out some in the honourable mentions but 10 is awfully hard.

    Then again I love Backstop, so my opinion is mud to many people!
    I don't mind him. I don't think he's stellar but for a scout he definitely is neat.

    I can't wait for Animated. I think it'll offer us a very awesome line in the same vein that Cybertron did. There's the wonderful scale and so many of the toys, even the average ones look appealing. Can't wait.

  5. #5
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    My favorite is hotshot. I love that mould the best. The transformation has to be the best out of the lot too, no fiddling around, very g1 like to me in its straight forwardness, which is how a transformer should be.
    Last edited by MV75; 11th March 2011 at 08:57 AM.

  6. #6
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    The nice thing about a lot of Cybertron figures is that the transformations are concise but the toys are still reasonably well articulated and have detailed sculpts and paint apps (although the paint apps are better on some Galaxy Force versions).

    The thing that brings it down a bit is that the vehicle modes have more limiting appeal because some of them look more like "fantasy" vehicles rather than realistic vehicles. And that's why I think Cybertron Armourhide and Downshift are such awesome figures - Armourhide is clearly a truck and Downshift is clearly a kind of muscle car. Optimus Prime doesn't really look like an actual fire engine, let's face it. It's really the ladder that gives it away. Fire Convoy (RiD OP) on the other hand you can tell straight away that it's a fire engine (a Hino Brandbilar to be precise).

    Car Robot (RiD) sold phenomenally well because a lot of them were based on licensed vehicles such as Lamborghini Diablo, Dodge Viper, Mercedes ML30 (although the RiD version was stuffed up), Nozomi 500, Hikari Railstar 700 et al.

    Leobreaker and Scourge's articulation is disappointing by post G2 standards.

    But overall Cybertron was the best of the 'Unicron Trilogy' series (Armada, Energon, Cybertron).

  7. #7
    goro is offline Rank 1 - New or Inactive
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    mmm so many good figures, heres my list... i now own every single one of their moulds made in the cybertron line (including repaints from other lines) except galaxy force starscream (he is impossible to find)

    1. Prime - his awesomeness is just awesome.. lol

    2. Primus - turns into a planet and i finally have a nemesis to display alongside unicron

    3. Scourge / Flame convoy - 3 headed dragon.. i mean cmon...

    4. Vector prime - my first cybertron toy.. loved him every since.. especially the galaxy force version

    5. Menasor - awesome bot mode and a unique alt mode. love the head sculpt

    6. Metroplex - hes got 2 bot modes t make up for the crappy alt mode

    7. Supreme starscream - larger than primus himself and he has the coronation crown!

    8. Soundwave - perfect homage! wouldnt have been able to better the toy

    9. CD red alert - apart from the phallic looking missile, he was armed to the teeth! what an upgrade from a scout toy!

    10. wing saber - simply because he could merge with prime to create a 'ninjitsumus prime' (love the swords)

  8. #8
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    If we are listing our favourites in order, then mine goes:
    1: Leader Prime
    2: Supreme Primus
    3: Voyager Evac
    4: Voyager Vector Prime
    5: Deluxe Red Alert
    6: Leader Galvatron
    7: Deluxe Downshift
    8: Scout Armourhide
    9: Deluxe CD Hotshot
    10: Ultra Jetfire

    With honourable mentions to: Scout Scattorshot, Voyager CD Scattorshot, Ultra Scourge, Ultra CD red Alert, Voyager Dark Crumplezone, Ultra Menasor, Deluxe Snarl, Deluxe Unicron and Scout Scrapmetal.
    Looking For: Wreckers Saga TPB Collection (with Requiem)

  9. #9
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    1. Leader Prime
    2. Leader Galvatron
    3. NoizeMaze
    4. Unicron deluxe
    5. Shortround
    6. Defence RedAlert
    7. Defence Scattorshot
    8. nemesis breaker
    9. Voyager Soundwave
    10. Skyshadow

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    I don't care for Cybertron and are selling most of my Energon toys, but my purpose on this thread is not to vent my dislike for Energon but rather to ask about Evac.

    Evac struck me as rather unimpressive when I saw him in the box so I passed, but he seems to have a lot of fans on every Energon thread. Can someone bring an Evac to the next Sydney fan meet? Seeing as how he's being repainted for Universe I'd like to see him, perhaps I was wrong to write him of.

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